Selective Examples of Recent Presentations

*Graduate students who are/were currently in the lab when presented
**Undergraduate students who are/were currently in the lab when presented
^Post-Bacc RAs who are/were currently in the lab when presented
Members or alumni of the lab are bold in the publication citation


*Baker, A., *Cao, V.T., & Davies, P.T. (May 2025). Child-rearing threat and deprivation dimensions as predictors of children’s recognition of specific emotions. Poster presented at Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development. Minneapolis, MN.

*Cao, V.T., Davies, P.T., *Baker, A., & Thompson, M.J. (May 2025). [Symposium Paper]. The Beneficial Sequelae of Constructive Interparental Conflict: Children’s Effortful Control and Positive Affect as Mechanisms. Presented at Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development. Minneapolis, MN.

*Cao, V.T., Davies, P.T., El-Sheikh, M., & Thompson, M.J. (May 2025). [Symposium Paper]. Psychophysiological Antecedents to the Cascade of Children’s CU Traits and Later Psychological Adjustment. Presented at Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development. Minneapolis, MN.

^Hendrickson, M.V., *Cao, V.T., Davies, P.T., & Thompson, M.J. (May 2025). Lessons Learned from Witnessing Constructive Interparental Conflict and the Beneficial Implications for Children. Poster presented at Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development. Minneapolis, MN.

*Twal, L., Sturge-Apple, M.L., & Davies, P.T. (May 2025). [Chair & Symposium Paper]. Delineating the Impact of Neighborhood Risk on Parental Responses to Distress and Children’s Socioemotional Outcomes. Presented at Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development. Minneapolis, MN.

*Twal, L., Swerbenski, H., Amoah, E., Dorsey, A., Sturge-Apple, M.L., & Davies, P.T. (May 2025). A Cascade Model of Positive Family Functioning and Black Families: Neighborhoods, Constructive conflict, and Parenting. Poster presented at Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development. Minneapolis, MN.

^Wagner, L.E., Platts, C.R., Sturge-Apple, M.L., & Davies, P.T. (May 2025). A Domain Approach to Examining Specificity in Associations Between Parental Sensitivity and Preschool Children’s Development. Poster presented at Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development. Minneapolis, MN.

**Fang, Y., *Twal, L., **Keefe, B., Sturge-Apple, M.L., Davies, P. (March, 2025). How Parental Self-Beliefs Impact Emotion Socialization and Children’s Developmental Outcomes. Poster presented at EPA Annual Convention. New York City, NY.

**Keefe, B., *Twal, L., **Fang, Y., Sturge-Apple, M.L., Davies, P. (March, 2025). Predicting Children’s Emotional Development: Effect of Parental Cognitions and Emotion Socialization Practices. Poster presented at EPA Annual Convention. New York City, NY.


*Twal, L. R., *Swerbenski, H., Sturge-Apple, M.A. (May 2024). Collective Efficacy Serving as a Protective Buffer Against Effects of Neighborhood Risk on Disciplinary Practices. Poster presented at APS Annual Convention. San Francisco, CA.

*Swerbenski, H., *Twal, L., Russotti, J., Sturge-Apple, M., Ebude, A., & Toth, S. (May 2024). Expanding treatment targets: Meta-analysis of attachment-based interventions on caregiver psychopathology outcomes. Presented at the Association for Psychological Science. San Francisco, CA.

*Cao, V.T., Davies, P.T., & Gibb, B. E. (May 2024). Identifying Sources of Heterogeneity in the Associations Between Children’s Affect- Biased Attention and CU Trait Development: The Moderating Role of Emotion Understanding. Presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy. Cypress.

**Zhang, C., *Cao, V. T., & Davies, P. T. (April 2024). Clarifying the Heterogeneous Relationship Between Children’s Callous-Unemotional Traits and Their Externalizing Problems: The Moderating Role of Social Problem Solving. Presented at University of Rochester Undergraduate Research Exposition. Rochester, NY.

**Dorsey, A., Amoah, E., *Swerbenski, H., Sturge-Apple, M., & Davies, P. (February 2024). Understanding individual and dyadic positive conflict behaviors in Black families: The roles of neighborhood educational opportunity and romantic attachment. Presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology.


Wang, S. Swerbenski, H., Davies, P., & Sturge-Apple, M. (October 2023). Development of child prosocial behavior in the family system: Interparental cooperation and coparenting. Presented at the Society for the Study of Human Development Conference. Philadelphia, PA.

**Hendricks, M.V., Davies, P.T., & *Cao, V.T. (April 2023). Cortisol Reactivity and Affective Attention Bias: The Intricacies of Social Problem-Solving in School-Aged Children. Poster presented at University of Rochester Undergraduate Research Exposition. Rochester, NY.

**Kanh, E., *Cao, V.T., & Davies, P.T. (April 2023). Assessing the Success of Observer Rated Ethological Profiles Using a Traditional Child Temperament Task. Poster presented at University of Rochester Undergraduate Research Exposition. Rochester, NY.

*Cao, V.T., Patel, M.D., Davies, P.T., & Sturge-Apple, M.L. (March 2023). Why Does Children’s Temperamental Exuberance Increase their Vulnerability to Externalizing Symptoms?: A Process-Oriented Approach. Poster presented at Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development. Salt Lake City, UT.

*Cao, V.T., Davies, P.T., & Sturge-Apple, M.L. (March 2023). Temperamental Antecedents of Callous-Unemotional Traits and Externalizing Problems. Poster presented at Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development. Salt Lake City, UT.

*Colton, K. C., Davies, P. T., & El-Sheikh, M. M. (March 2023). Interactive risk of sympathovagal balance and interparental conflict for poor emotion understanding in early childhood. Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development. Salt Lake City, UT.

*Swerbenski, H. & Duprey, E. B. (March 2023). [Chaired Symposium]. Innovations in child maltreatment research: Institutional partnerships to investigate intergenerational transmission pathways. Presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.  

*Swerbenski, H., Sturge-Apple, M., Messina, G., Toth, S., Rogosch, F., Cicchetti, D., & Duprey, E. (March 2023). [Symposium Paper]. Resolution of childhood maltreatment trauma: Development of a novel narrative coding scheme and intergenerational implications. Presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. 


Li, Z., *Swerbenski, H., Sturge-Apple, M., & Davies, P. (Nov 2022). [Symposium Paper]. Interparental conflict and power-assertive parenting: Attention biases to child emotion as indirect factors. Presented at the National Council on Family Relations Conference, Minneapolis, MN.  

Swerbenski, H.*Sturge-Apple, M., & Davies, P. (Nov 2022). [Symposium Paper]. Constructive interparental conflict, parental supportive problem-solving, and children’s cognitive development. Presented at the National Council on Family Relations Conference, Minneapolis, MN.

*Cao, V. T., Davies, P. T., & Sturge-Apple, M. L. (May 2022). Disentangling the Relationship Between Callous-Unemotional Traits and Unsupportive Parenting Through a Developmental Lens. Poster presented at the Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy (virtual).

**Hwang, Y., Swerbenski, H., & Sturge-Apple, M. (in press). Interparental conflict, parenting, and children’s moral development. Poster presented at the Society for the Study of Human Development Conference (virtual).

*Du, Y., Swerbenski, H., & Sturge-Apple, M. (in press). Differential effects of maternal and paternal discipline on young children’s ease of excitation: The moderating role of race. Poster presented at the Society for the Study of Human Development Conference (virtual).


**Messina, G., *Swerbenski, H., & Sturge-Apple, M. (May 2021). Cascading effects of early socioeconomic risk on child executive functioning through maternal working memory and inhibitory control. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science Convention (virtual).


*Jacques, D. T., Sturge-Apple, M. L., Davies, P. T., & Cicchetti, D. (May 2020). Blunted Emotional Reactivity in Young Children of Alcohol-Dependent Mothers: The Mediating Role of Maternal Insensitivity to Children’s Emotional Distress. Poster to be presented at the 2020 Annual Convention for the Association for Psychological Science. Chicago, IL. *Poster received Honorable Mention for the RISE Research Award.

Li, Z., Sturge-Apple, M.L., Russell, J.D., Martin, M.J., & Davies, P.T. (March 2020). The role of emotion processing in the association between parental discipline and adolescent socio-emotional development. Poster accepted for presentation at Society of Research on Adolescence Biennial Meeting. San Diego, CA.

Li, Z., Sturge-Apple, M.L., Liu, S., Davies, P.T. (March 2020). Integrating a multilevel approach to examine family conflicts and parent-adolescent physiological synchrony. Paper accepted for presentation at Society of Research on Adolescence Biennial Meeting. San Diego, CA.


*Jacques, D.T., Sturge-Apple, M.L., Davies, P.T., & Cicchetti, D. (March 2019) Maternal Alcohol Dependence and Harsh Parenting: Differential Susceptibility to Child Temperament Across Childrearing Contexts. Poster presented at the 2019 biennial conference for the Society for Research in Child Development. Baltimore, MD. *Poster nominated for the 2019 SRCD Student & Early Career Committee Poster Award.

*Jones-Gordils, H.R., Sturge-Apple, M.L., & Davies, P.T. (March 2019). Delineating how Maternal Executive Functions Impact Discipline Strategies: Implications for Children’s School Readiness. Poster presented at the 2019 biennial conference for the Society for Research in Child Development. Baltimore, MD.

Li, Z., Sturge-Apple, M.L., Martin, M.J., & Davies, P.T. (March 2019). Family predictors and socioemotional outcomes associated with dynamics of adolescent sympathovagal reactivity to discipline contexts. Paper presented at Society of Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Baltimore, MD.

*Parry, L. Q., Davies, P. D., Sturge-Apple, M. L., & Coe., J. L. (March 2019). Coparental Discord and Children’s Behavior Problems: Children’s Negative Representations as an Explanatory Mechanism. Poster presented at the 2019 biennial conference for the Society for Research in Child Development. Baltimore, MD.

*Thompson, M., Davies, P., Coe, J., & Sturge-Apple, M. (March, 2019). Caregiver relationship instability and children’s externalizing symptoms: Identifying child response processes as mediators. Poster presented at the 2019 biennial conference for the Society for Research in Child Development. Baltimore, MD.

*Thompson, M., Davies, P., *Parry, L., & Sturge-Apple, M. (March, 2019). Interparental conflict and children’s externalizing problems: The protective role of effortful control. Poster presented at the 2019 biennial conference for the Society for Research in Child Development. Baltimore, MD.

Jones-Gordils, H.R., Sturge-Apple, M.L., Martin, M., Li, Z., & Davies, P.T. (February 2019). Mother’s and Father’s Self-Regulation Capacity and Hostile Parenting During Early Adolescence: A Process-Oriented Approach.Poster Presented at Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Portland, OR.


*Jacques, D.T., Sturge-Apple, M.L., Davies, P.T., & Cicchetti, D. (March 2018) Alcohol Dependence and Parenting: Examining Associations Between Maternal Alcoholism and Harsh Parenting Across Childrearing Contexts. Poster presented at the 2018 annual convention for the Association for Psychological Science. San Francisco, CA.

*Jones-Gordils, H.R., Sturge-Apple, M.L., & Davies, P.T. (March 2018). The Effect of Interparental Conflict on Maternal Implicit Attitudes About Children and Discipline Strategies. Poster presented at Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Atlanta, GA.


Li, Z., & Belsky, J. (April 2017). Do oxytocin receptor genes moderate the effect of maternal sensitivity on prosocial orientation in childhood and adolescence?. Poster presented at the Society of Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Austin, TX.