Recent Awards and Media

December, 2024 Congratulations to Vanessa Cao for being awarded the Alfred Baldwin Award! This award is given to a graduate student for important contributions in a program of research while enrolled as a graduate student in the Department of Clinical and Social Sciences in Psychology at the University of Rochester.
December, 2024 Congratulations to Dr. Jo Pearson for successfully defending her dissertation!

December, 2024 Leena Twal successfully defended her two-year thesis! Awesome job, Leena!
August, 2024 Congratulations to Dr. Hannah Swerbenski for successfully defending her dissertation! We are so excited that you will be continuing your research under Dr. Noll at the Mt. Hope Family Center!
May, 2024 Congratulations to Dr. Cory Platts for successfully defending his dissertation! University of Missouri is lucky to have you as a postdoctoral fellow!
January, 2024 Congratulations to Vanessa Cao for her notification of award for her F31 Fellowship Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral National Research Service Award (NSRA) from the National Institute of Metal Health (NIMH) for her work entitled, ““Identifying Risk Mechanisms Underpinning the Association Between Callous-Unemotional Traits and Externalizing Behavior”!
December, 2023 Congratulations to Cory Platts for being awarded the Alfred Baldwin Award! This award is given to a graduate student for important contributions in a program of research while enrolled as a graduate student in the Department of Clinical and Social Sciences in Psychology at the University of Rochester.
December, 2023 Congratulations to Leena Twal for being awarded the Lisa Flanagan Grossman Memorial Award! This award honors a student’s commitment to the work at the Mt. Hope Family Center, the families served, and to development of knowledge in the field of child abuse and its prevention.
September, 2023 Vanessa Cao successfully defended her two-year thesis entitled “Disentangling the Relationship Between
Callous-Unemotional Traits and Unsupportive Parenting Through a Developmental Lens“!
March, 2023 Huge congratulations to Dr. Patrick Davies for being awarded the prestigious Bowlby-Ainsworth Award! We are so proud of you!
2023 Congratulations to Hannah Swerbenski for her acceptance into the National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect (NDACAN) Summer Research Institute!
December, 2022 Congratulations to Hannah Swerbenski for being awarded the Alfred Baldwin Award! This award is given to a graduate student for important contributions in a program of research while enrolled as a graduate student in the Department of Clinical and Social Sciences in Psychology at the University of Rochester.
August, 2022 Congratulations to Hannah Swerbenski for her notification of award for her F31 Fellowship Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral National Research Service Award (NSRA) from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) for her work entitled, “Intergenerational Vestiges of Childhood Maltreatment: Physiological Mediating Mechanisms of Parenting”!
August, 2022 Congratulations to Dr. Deb Jacques for successfully defending her dissertation! The University of Washington is lucky to have her as an incoming Assistant Professor!
April, 2022 Congratulations to Dr. Morgan for successfully defending her dissertation! Auburn University is lucky to have you as a postdoctoral fellow!
May, 2022 Congratulations to Vanessa Cao for being awarded a Best Blitz Talk Award with her presentation entitled, “Disentangling the Relationship Between Callous-Unemotional Traits and Unsupportive Parenting Through a Developmental Lens” at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy (SSSP)!
May, 2022 Congratulations to Hannah Swerbenski for being awarded the Donald M. and Janet C. Barnard Fellowship!
April, 2022 Congratulations to Dr. Morgan Thompson for successfully defending her dissertation! Auburn University is lucky to have her as an incoming Post-Doctoral Researcher!
August, 2021 Congratulations to Dr. Patrick Davies and Dr. Melissa Sturge-Apple on their recently awarded R01 from the NICHD to study the pandemic’s implications for American families and parenting!
July, 2021 Congratulations to Deb Jacques and Hannah Swerbenski for being awarded the Lisa Flanagan Grossman Memorial Award! This award recognizes outstanding students committed to the Mount Hope Family Center and prevention of Child Abuse.
December, 2020 Congratulations to Hannah Jones-Gordils for being awarded the Helen and Vincent Nowlis Award! This award is given to a graduate student for having demonstrated commitment to, and excellence in teaching and mentoring.
December, 2020 Congratulations to Morgan Thompson for being awarded the Alfred Baldwin Award! This award is given to a graduate student for important contributions in a program of research while enrolled as a graduate student in the Department of Clinical and Social Sciences in Psychology at the University of Rochester.
December, 2020 Congratulations to Lucia Parry for being awarded the Emory Cowan Award! This award is given to a graduate student who has first-authored the best article in a Psychology journal in a given year.
December, 2020 Joanna Pearson successfully defended her two-year thesis entitled “The moderating role of adrenocortical reactivity in associations among interparental conflict, emotional reactivity, and school adjustment.” Congrats, Jo!
October, 2020 Congratulations to two of our undergraduate RAs, Grace Messina & Yensy Sanchez, for each being awarded Meliora Research Fellowships for their record of scientific achievement, quality of research, and potential in the field of psychological science!
September, 2020 Congratulations to Hannah Swerbenski for being awarded the Junior Scientist Fellowship from Psi Chi/APAGS!
July, 2020 Congratulations to Dr. Patrick Davies for being awarded the prestigious Mary Ainsworth Award for Excellence in Developmental Science (2021)! The Ainsworth award is to recognize excellence in scholarship and contributions to developmental science, including contributions in research, student training, and other scholarly endeavors. Evaluations are based on the scientific merit of the individual’s work, the importance of this work for opening up new empirical or theoretical areas of development psychology, and the importance of the individual’s work in linking developmental psychology with other disciplines.
May, 2020 Congratulations to Deb Jacques for receiving an Honorable Mention for the RISE Research Award with her poster entitled “Blunted Emotional Reactivity in Young Children of Alcohol-Dependent Mothers: The Mediating Role of Maternal Insensitivity to Children’s Emotional Distress”!
March, 2020 Dr. Patrick Davies was invited to speak at the Distinguished Lecture Series at the University of Missouri this month with his presentation “How Do Children Cope with and Adjust to Conflict and Discord Between Parents?”
December, 2019 Congratulations to Deb Jacques for being awarded this year’s Department of Psychology’s Emory Cowen Award for the Best First-Authored Publication by a Graduate Student!
September, 2019 The 5-year R01 grant entitled, “Parent Self-Regulation, Parent-Child Coregulation, and Harsh Discipline,.” of which Dr. Melissa Sturge-Apple is a Co-I, was awarded $3.1 million dollars from 2019-2024.
August, 2019 Congratulations to Hannah Swerbenski for being awarded the Robert L. and Mary L. Sproull University Fellowship!
March, 2019 Deb Jacques’s poster entitled “Maternal Alcohol Dependence and Harsh Parenting: Differential Susceptibility to Child Temperament Across Childrearing Contexts” was nominated for the 2019 SRCD Student & Early Career Committee Poster Award
July, 2019 Congratulations to Dr. Melissa Sturge-Apple for being awarded the Reuben Hill Research and Theory Award– National Council on Family Relations!
June, 2019 Congratulations to Dr. Melissa Sturge-Apple for being named Vice Provost and University Dean of Graduate Education
June, 2019 Congratulations to Dr. Jennifer Suor for beginning her new position as a F-32 Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Illinois, Chicago’s College of Medicine!
May, 2019 Jennifer Suor successfully defended her dissertation entitled “The interplay between parenting and child temperament in associations with children’s executive functions in early childhood.” Congrats Dr. Suor!
January, 2019 Congratulations to Dr. Patrick Davies for being elected as an American Psychological Association (APA) Fellow (Division 7- Developmental Psychology)!
2019 Hannah Swerbenski was appointed to the Internal Advisory Board from TRANSFORM (Translational Research that Adapts New Science for Maltreatment) through Mt. Hope!
2019 Congratulations to Dr. Melissa Sturge-Apple for her promotion to Professor!
2019 Congratulations to Dr. Patrick Davies for being named one of the Top Researchers in the World in Family Conflict, Family Relations, and Parent-Child Relations by Expertscape!
2019 Congratulations to Morgan Thompson for earning a Student Travel Award by the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD)!
2019 Congratulations to Willemijn van Eldik (Erasmus University, Rotterdam) for being awarded a Fulbright Visiting Scholar Award to work in our lab!
July, 2018 Dr. Patrick Davies awarded a $2.9 million dollar 5-year R01 grant from,the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. Title: “Constructive Interparental Conflict Resolution and Child Adjustment” (THRIVE)
June, 2018 Congratulations to Dr. Jesse Coe for beginning her new position as a T-32 National Institute of Mental Health Postdoctoral Fellow at Alpert Medical School of Brown University!
May, 2018 Jesse Coe successfully defended her dissertation entitled “The interplay among environmental unpredictability, harshness, children’s physiological reactivity to stress, and risky behavior in early childhood.” Congrats Dr. Coe!
August, 2017 Congratulations to Morgan Thompson for being awarded the Robert L. and Mary L. Sproull University Fellowship!
2018 Congratulations to Aylin Koçak (Hacettepe University) for being awarded a fellowship from Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey to study in our lab!