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Alfaro, Raquel
Visiting Assistant Professor of Spanish
- Office Location
- 419 Lattimore Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-4251
Beljanski, Tanja
Lecturer in German
- Office Location
- 539 Lattimore Hall
Berk, Philip R.
Retired Professor of French Literature
Bernardi, Joanne
Professor of Japanese and Visual and Cultural Studies
Head, Japanese Program
Project Director, Re-Envisioning Japan: Japan as Destination in 20th C. Visual and Material Culture
- Office Location
- 409 Lattimore Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-4251
- Web Address
- Website
Interests: Japanese cinema and culture, especially popular culture; film and media studies; visual and material culture; moving image archiving and preservation; travel and tourism studies; nuclear culture; digital humanities; ephemera studies; object-based learning
Brett, Audrey
Program Assistant
- Office Location
- 403 Lattimore Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-4251
Bridges, William H., IV
Arthur Satz Professor of the Humanities
Associate Professor of Modern Languages and Cultures
- Office Location
- 407 Lattimore Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-2235
Interests: Modern Japanese language, literature, and culture; Race and ethnicity in modern Japanese literature and culture; Contemporary Japanese popular culture, especially anime; 20th-century African American media and culture; Literary theory, especially African American literary theory and the theory of the novel; Translation (theory and practice); Creative Nonfiction; Digital Humanities; Reparations and Intergenerational Justice
Brown, Michelle Young
Associate Professor of Instruction in Spanish
- Office Location
- 432A Lattimore Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-4251
Bykov, Dmitry
Visiting Assistant Professor in Russian
- Office Location
- 428 Lattimore Hall
Interests: Soviet period of Russian history; American true crime fiction; Poetics; Morphology of thriller and suspense
Cerami, Lisa
Visiting Assistant Professor of German
- Office Location
- 426 Lattimore Hall
Cho, Myounghee
Assistant Professor of Instruction in Korean
Language Coordinator, Korean
- Office Location
- 430 Lattimore Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-4251
Interests: Language pedagogy; language acquisition; Korean linguistics; socio-pragmatics; curriculum design; development of learning and teaching methodologies and materials
Crisóstomo Tejada, Vialcary
Assistant Professor of Spanish and Comparative Literature
Majors, clusters, study abroad credit for majors and clusters
- Office Location
- 412 Lattimore Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-4251
Interests: Twentieth and twentieth-first century Caribbean Literature and Cultures; Latin American and Latinx Studies; Decolonial Feminism and Praxis; Black Feminism; Race, Ethnicity, and Politics; Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies; Afro-Caribbean Studies; Africana Philosophy; Literary Theory and Criticism
Dawson, Martin
Visiting Assistant Professor of German
- Office Location
- 425 Lattimore Hall
Doran, Robert
Professor of French and Comparative Literature
Affiliate Faculty in Music Theory (Eastman School of Music)
Head, French Program
Head, Comparative Literature Program
Undergraduate Advisor, French
Undergraduate Advisor, Comparative Literature
- Office Location
- 414 Lattimore Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-4251
- Web Address
- Website
Interests: Nineteenth- and twentieth-century French literature and culture; the novel; continental philosophy; literary theory; aesthetics; intellectual history; European cinema; existentialism
Douchin, Andrée
Retired Senior Lecturer in French
Fu, Yangyang
Adjunct Instructor of Chinese
- Office Location
- 432A Lattimore Hall
Fumino, Shino
Senior Lecturer in Japanese
Gambato, Carlotta
Department Manager
- Office Location
- 408 Lattimore Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-4253
Givens, Laura
Professor of Instruction in Russian
Language Coordinator, Russian
- Office Location
- 423 Lattimore Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-4251
Interests: Russian language; translation
Givens, John
Professor of Russian
Head, Russian Program
- Office Location
- 423 Lattimore Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-4251
Interests: Russian language and literature; Russian film; translation
Gustafson, Susan E.
Karl F. and Bertha A. Fuchs Professor of German Studies
Professor of Modern Languages and Cultures
- Office Location
- 425 Lattimore Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-4251
- Web Address
- Website
Interests: German literature of the eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth centuries; feminism and gender studies; psychoanalysis
Hardy, Shizuka
Associate Professor of Instruction in Japanese
- Office Location
- 407A Lattimore Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-4251
Herminghouse, Patricia A.
Karl F. and Bertha A. Fuchs Professor Emerita of German Studies
- pahe64@gmail.com
Holloway, David
Assistant Professor of Japanese
Hwang, June J.
Associate Professor of German
Director, Susan B. Anthony Institute for Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies
- Office Location
- 538 Lattimore Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-4251
Interests: Twentieth-century film; literature and critical theory
Jörgensen, Beth E.
Professor Emerita of Spanish
Kemedjio, Cilas
Professor of Black Studies
Professor of Francophone and French Studies
- Office Location
- 406 Lattimore
- Telephone
- (585) 275--425
Interests: Francophone Caribbean and African literary and cultural studies; postcolonial theory; transnational black studies; humanitarianism
Klass, Anna-Lena
Graduate Student
Teaching GRMN 101-3: Elementary German I (Fall 2024)
- Office Location
- 539 Lattimore Hall
Komocki, Kirt
Associate Professor of Instruction in Spanish
Language placement, Fulbright assessments
- Office Location
- 427 Lattimore Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-4251
Korn, Andrew
Lecturer in Italian
- Office Location
- 430 Lattimore Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-4251
- Web Address
- Website
Interests: Modern culture and critical theories, particularly twentieth-century Italian literature and cinema, and issues of revolution and of bonds between men
Lacher-Feldman, Jessica
Humanities Librarian for Languages, Cultures, and Religions
- Telephone
- (585) 275-9338
- Web Address
- Website
LeFebvre, Jesse
Assistant Professor of Japanese
- Office Location
- 411 Lattimore Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-4251
Interests: Premodern Japanese literature and culture; East Asian Buddhism; Shinto; Christianity in Japan; Japanese Illustrated Narrative Scrolls; Translation (theory and practice); Myth and Legend; Ritual and Religious Practice; Secularity and Modernity
Logan, Donna
Director, Anne Moore and Arnold Lisio Italian Studies Programs in Arezzo and Procida, Italy
- Telephone
- (585) 275-4251
Lutkus, Anne
Retired Language Coordinator and Lecturer in French
Maslennikov, Nikita
Retired Adjunct Instructor of Russian
Maslennikova, Anna
Professor of Instruction in Russian
- Office Location
- 424 Lattimore Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-4251
Murano, Teresa
Associate Professor of Instruction in Italian
- Office Location
- 432A Lattimore Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-8208
Nasra, Carole
Associate Professor of Instruction in French
Language Placement Coordinator, French
- Office Location
- 424 Lattimore Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-7112
Nishioka, Keiko
Adjunct Instructor in Japanese
- Office Location
- 421 Lattimore
O'Keefe, Luisa
Retired Senior Lecturer in Italian
Ollivier, Nicolas
Graduate Student
Teaching FREN 155: French Conversation and Composition
- Office Location
- 539 Lattimore Hall
Papaioannou, Julie
Professor of Instruction in French
Language Pedagogy Coordinator, French
Study Abroad Advisor, French
- Office Location
- 427 Lattimore Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-4251
Interests: French language and culture; French and Francophone literature and film (twentieth and twenty-first centuries); French literary translation; French criticism, literary and postcolonial theory
Parthé, Kathleen
Professor Emerita of Russian
Pian, Ping
Associate Professor of Instruction in Chinese
- Office Location
- 404 Lattimore Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-4251
Pollack, David
Retired Professor of Japanese
Prendergast, Ryan
Associate Professor of Spanish
Chair, Modern Languages and Cultures
- Office Location
- 408A Lattimore Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-4113
Interests: Representations of identity and difference in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Spain and Spanish America
Rodríguez-Hernández, Raúl
Associate Professor of Spanish
Program Head, Advisors to Minors, Placement Petitions, Take-Five
- Office Location
- 420 Lattimore Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-4257
Interests: Twentieth- and twenty-first-century Hispanic literatures and cultures; literary theory; Frankfurt School; European philosophical traditions in Latin America; Latin American cinema; the visual arts; the Baroque and Neo-Baroque; the Gothic tradition
Rojas-Rimachi, Luisa-Maria
Professor of Instruction in Spanish and Language Education
- Office Location
- 421 Lattimore Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-7112
Interests: Language ideology in higher education; foreign language learning; aesthetic judgment in cultures in contact; contemporary Latin American literature and cultural studies; cultural discourse analysis
Rosensweig, Anna
Associate Professor of French and Visual and Cultural Studies
Director, Graduate Program in Visual and Cultural Studies
- Office Location
- 508 Morey Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-9249
Interests: Early modern French literature and culture; Theater and performance studies; Political theory
Safariants, Rita
Assistant Professor of Russian
- Office Location
- 422 Lattimore Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-4251
Interests: Soviet and Post-Soviet cinema; Soviet and Russian official and unofficial popular music; Russian literature, adaptation studies, gender studies, media and performance culture
Schaefer, Claudia
Rush Rhees Professor
Professor of Modern Languages and Cultures
Professor of Film and Media Studies
Program head fall 2024, minors, transfers, and study abroad credit for minors, Take Five
- Office Location
- 418 Lattimore Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-4251
Interests: Nineteenth-, twentieth- and twenty-first-century Hispanic literatures and cultures; Spanish cinema; critical theory; popular culture; the visual arts; Spanish modernity; the culture of science in Spain; surrealism in Spain; digital humanities
Siniscalco, Federico
Adjunct Instructor of Italian (Arezzo)
- Office Location
- 405 Lattimore Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-5723
Spence, Yasuko
Retired Adjunct Instructor in Japanese
Stahn, Moritz
Graduate Student
Teaching GRMN 101-5/101-6: Elementary German I REC (Fall 2024)
- Office Location
- 539 Lattimore Hall
Stocchi-Perucchio, Donatella
Arnold Lisio ’56, ‘61M (MD) and Anne Moore Lisio, MD Endowed Distinguished Professor in Italian Language and Culture
Associate Professor of Modern Languages and Cultures
Head, Italian Program
Director, Literary Translation Studies (MALTS)
- Office Location
- 405 Lattimore Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-4251
Interests: Dante; Nineteenth-century poetry and prose; Fascism
Taguchi, Yuki
Assistant Professor of Instruction in Japanese
- Office Location
- 404 Lattimore Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-4251
Tamate, Mariko
Professor of Instruction in Japanese
Language Coordinator, Japanese
- Office Location
- 428 Lattimore Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-9247
ter Horst, Robert
Retired Professor of Spanish and Comparative Literature
Tian, Guoming
Associate Professor of Instruction in Chinese
- Office Location
- 432A Lattimore Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-8208
Interests: Chinese language and culture; contemporary Chinese popular culture; Chinese in STEM and business; language teaching and learning pedagogy; curriculum design; language assessment; online teaching and learning
Valdez, Maria Teresa
Director of the Language Center
Head, Portuguese Program
- Office Location
- 305E Douglass Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-5156
Interests: Portuguese language instruction; foreign-language pedagogy; second- and foreign-language acquisition and development; heritage-language acquisition and development; teaching and learning methodologies for foreign, second, and heritage languages; second- and heritage-language learning materials; online language instruction
Walsh, Lin Meng
Visiting Instructor of Japanese
- Office Location
- 404 Lattimore Hall
Interests: 20th century Japanese literature and cinema; Manchukuo literature and cinema; Fragmented essay (Ch: suibi; J: zuihitsu); Women’s cultural production; Empire, colonial, and postcolonial studies; Comparative East Asian literature and cultures
Weber, Liz Evans
Assistant Professor of Instruction in Chinese
Research Assistant Professor
- Office Location
- 402 Lattimore Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-4251
Interests: Translation and translation studies; Modern and late Qing Chinese literature; Late Qing nationalism and history ; Issues of migration, race, and labor; Asian American studies
Wojciechowska, Malgorzata
Visiting Instructor of Polish
- Office Location
- 101 Harkness Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 276-1952