Dmitry Bykov speaks before an audience in an auditorium.
March 5, 2024

Bykov comments about Navalny

During any public events - marches, processions, debates - I always tried to stand next to Navalny and get into the same frame with him. The reason was not vanity, although vanity for a writer is like the spotlight for an actor. “Lyosha, Lyosha, I’m trying to stick to the authorities, just in case,” I repeated. “Like in the thirties, when the secret police in black leather coats would show up at revolutionary protests. Let them at least see a photo of the two of us together and be taken aback for a moment.”

Headshot of Dmitry Bykov standing outside and smiling at the camera.
January 22, 2024

The Department of Modern Languages and Cultures Welcomes Dmitry Bykov

The Department of Modern Languages and Cultures (MLC) is proud to welcome Russian poet, journalist, professor, media personality and satirist Dmitry Bykov, one of the most prominent writers and public intellectuals in the anti-Putin opposition. He is currently the inaugural Scholar in Exile in the Humanities Center and will be teaching courses in MLC on Russian culture, current events and world literature through the 2024-25 academic year.

Image of the book cover, from a painting
February 4, 2022

MLC Professor Publishes on Rights of Resistance in Early Modern French Culture

Assistant Professor of French Anna Rosensweig's new book has just been published. Subjects of Affection: Rights of Resistance on the Early Modern French Stage offers an alternative to the modern model of human rights in an unexpected archive: the monarchist tragedies that shaped Louis XIV’s absolutist France. Pairing political theory with performance studies, Anna Rosensweig argues that the right of resistance, largely thought to have disappeared from French political thought in the aftermath of the religious wars of the sixteenth century, actually endured throughout the seventeenth century as a conceptual framework embedded and embodied in tragic drama.

The movie poster.
November 5, 2021

Film Premiere: Voyage to Procida

EduLeisure with Mooney Marketing and Varesco Produzioni present Voyage to Procida a film by Frederico Siniscalco which has its American premiere in Hollywood, California at the Cinelounge Independent film festival November 11-14, 2021.

October 29, 2021

Gift establishes professorship in Italian studies

A $2 million endowed gift from Arnold Lisio ’56, ’61M (MD), and his wife, Anne Moore Lisio, establishes the Arnold Lisio ’56, ’61M (MD) and Anne Moore Lisio, MD Endowed Distinguished Professorship in Italian Language & Culture. The Lisios’ generosity ensures that exemplary Italian instruction and scholarship will continue at Rochester forever. Donatella Stocchi-Perucchio—a Dante expert and faculty member within the University’s Department of Modern Languages and Cultures for the last 30 years—has been awarded the named professorship, which represents one of the highest honors a professor can earn.

Professor David Holloway.
July 19, 2021

David Holloway, 1981-2021

It is with great sadness that the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures (MLC) announces the sudden passing of David Holloway, Assistant Professor of Japanese on June 25, 2021.

Prof. Komocki in front of the lectern on the Day of the MLC Diploma Ceremony
May 21, 2021

Faculty Presentation by Kirt Komocki

With all the change and uncertainty present in society today, it’s important that we gather as a department to reflect on the fine work and to celebrate the accomplishments of our graduating students. And while we haven’t completely returned to our traditional ceremony, it is comforting to have some semblance of normality.

The cover of the book.
January 14, 2021

MLC Professor Publishes Collection of Essays on Franz Liszt and Virtuosity

In the annals of music history, few figures have dominated the discussion of virtuosity as much as Franz Liszt. A flamboyant performer whose hair-raising technical feats at the piano created a sense of awe-inspiring excitement and an icon whose star power radiated far beyond the realm of music, Liszt was, along with his early model, Paganini, among the first major performer-composers to define himself principally by virtuosity.

September 30, 2020

Digital ideas found here

No one was 100 percent ready for the pandemic. Everyone went into this at different levels of preparedness for different aspects of their lives. Professionally, educators are among those who have had to adjust the most. Unless an instructor was already solely teaching online, COVID-19 has required a lot of rethinking, extra work, and in many cases, creativity.

July 27, 2020

Mama mia! Rochester has a new major in Italian!

MLC's new major in Italian has been officially approved by the College and the New York State Board of Education. See the Italian program page for a listing of the core, elective, and foundation courses as well as links to semester and summer abroad options in Tuscany and on the island of Procida.

July 22, 2020

Asian Studies and Black Lives Matter

"Asian Studies and Black Lives Matter” addresses issues of diversity and equity in the field of Asian studies through an online discussion with four distinguished Asian studies scholars, including Professor Will Bridges of the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures.

Sadae Kasaoka giving a speech.
September 26, 2019

Hiroshima survivor testifies in Interfaith Chapel

On September 20, 2019, Sadae Kasaoka turned 87. The next day, she gave a testimony on the bomb that killed her parents. When Kasaoka was 12, a plane dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, killing tens of thousands.

September 18, 2019

Three professors to receive Goergen Awards for teaching excellence

Matthew BaileyShea, in the College’s Department of Music and the Eastman School of Music; Ryan Prendergast, in the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures; and Katherine Schaefer, in the Writing, Speaking, and Argument Program are this year’s teaching honorees.

May 7, 2019

Professor Ryan Prendergast Wins Professor of the Year in Humanities

To begin, I’d like to say that Dr. Prendergast is the most enthusiastic lecturer I’ve had the chance to take a class from here at UR. His passion in the field of Spanish, and the unique classes that he offers are second to none. These courses range from Medieval Spanish literature to debates in societal issues we face today. I’ll be the first to say, it takes a special person to get a group of young adults excited to read and study 16th century Spanish literature. You could compare it to reading Shakespeare, but in another language.

March 24, 2019

Why You Should Tilt at Windmills (and Other Quixotic Reflections) (excerpt)

Let me start with a brief meditation on the phrase to “tilt at windmills” from my title. This idea, of course, is based on the famous episode where Don Quixote perceives the windmills in front of him to be giants and tilts at—or attacks them.  As you might imagine, if you didn’t know already, he is not the victor in this battle. The text describes him as “broken and beaten” (I, 2).  “Tilting at windmills” in contemporary parlance is typically understood as “attacking imaginary enemies or evils.” The expression and the iconic windmills are often seen in a variety of political cartoons and contexts.

March 5, 2019

Congratulations to Carrie Heusinkveld

a young woman in a royal blue shirt presenting at a podiumCongratulations to French major Carrie Heusinkveld who has received an Undergraduate Research Initiative Award as well as a Barth-Crapsey Undergraduate Research Award for her Honors Thesis, "Vivons, si vers la vie on peut me ramener”: The Afterlife of Tragedy in Racine’s Phèdre and Garnier’s Hippolyte." Heusinkveld will present her research at the MLC Undergraduate Conference on March 22. She has also been selected to present at the National Conference of Undergraduate Research at Kennesaw State University in April.

December 5, 2018

What is belief in a secular age?

six portraits of the authors Fyodor Dostoevsky, Edgar Allen Poe, Mikhail Bulgakov, Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, and Leo TolstoyJohn Givens and John Michael are Rochester scholars whose work explores how sweeping cultural and technological changes influenced the works of iconic writers. And while their latest books focus separately on the giants of Russian and American literature—Fyodor Dostoevsky, Edgar Allen Poe, Mikhail Bulgakov, Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, and Leo Tolstoy—they both ask what religious belief might look like in an age of science and secularism.

November 8, 2018

French photo contest and exhibit Rennes-Rochester: 60 ans d'amitié franco-américaine / 60 years of French-American friendship

The French photo contest and exhibit Rennes-Rochester: 60 ans d'amitié franco-américaine, organized by the French Program of the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures and co-sponsored by Education Abroad, the Language Center, and the River Campus Libraries will open on Thursday, November 8, 4-6pm at the Humanities Center Exhibit Hall and Lounge. The French student photo exhibit will run until December 15, 2018 in celebration of 60 years of friendship, collaboration, and exchange between the two sister cities, Rochester, NY and Rennes, Britany, France. Along with an archival exhibit sponsored by the River Campus libraries and Rare Books, and Special Collections and Preservation, it will highlight the long-standing academic exchange between Rennes and the University of Rochester, as well as experiences of students in French as learners of the French language and culture and participants in the Rennes Summer Study Abroad program.

For more information, please click here.

November 7, 2018

From Russia, with love: MLC grad discusses his love of languages and working abroad

robert parent standing in front of a colorful onion-domed building lit-up at nightAn essay by Robert Parent (Russian 2017)
(To read this in Russian, click here.)

My freshman year of high school I began taking Spanish to satisfy the US language requirement for applying to college. By the end of my sophomore year of high school I was spending up to 3 hours each day studying Spanish, as I had developed a love for the language and was addicted to the thrill of being able to translate a text from Spanish to English or have a conversation with one of our Spanish exchange students in Spanish. I also found the grammar itself, being distinctly different from English with gender and various new tenses, to be completely fascinating.

September 25, 2018

Professor David Holloway also teaching at Five Points Correctional Facility

This semester, Professor David Holloway is teaching at Five Points Correctional Facility a course on modern Japanese literature in translation. This course – “Fictions of Interiority: Modern Japanese Literature in Translation” – offers a chronological look at modern Japanese literature, beginning with the late 19th century and proceeding to present day. The course is a combination of lecture and discussion, and explores not only literary texts, but also issues of gender, race, psychology, morality, and history as they relate to the Japanese literary corpus. Class is held on Friday afternoons.

September 18, 2018

Goethe was really an outlier in stressing that love was important

When Johann Wolfgang von Goethe rewrote his 1776 play, Stella: A Play for Lovers, most scholars contented that the only major change was to the original’s polygamous ending. Now, in a new English translation—the first time the original has been translated in its entirety—Susan Gustafson, the Karl F. and Bertha A. Fuchs Professor of German Studies, and Kristina Becker Malett, an assistant professor of instruction in German, reveal there were greater differences in gender relations throughout the text.

September 4, 2018

Faculty Spotlight

project screenshotThe Digital Scholarship Lab recently collaborated with Modern Languages and Cultures Professor Joanne Bernardi, The George Eastman Museum, and the Toy Film Museum (Kyoto, Japan) to create a Digital Cinema Package (DCP) of a partially lost 1929 film by Japanese legend Yasujiro Ozu titled Tokkan Kozo (A Straightforward Boy). DCP has become the standard for film distribution since the industry has moved away from 35mm film projection. The DSL worked to create subtitles for the film’s Japanese intertitles (translated by Bernardi), improve image stability and sharpness, and author / format the Digital Cinema Package (DCP). 

August 31, 2018

Faculty Spotlight

movie posterProfessor Joanne Bernardi (Professor of Japanese and Film and Media Studies, and Head of the Japanese Program in MLC) joined a panel discussion of the hit comedy Crazy Rich Asians on WXXI Connections with Evan Dawson. Also participating in the panel was Eleanor Lenoe, a UR sophomore.

August 17, 2018

Faculty Spotlight

book coverCongratulations to Susan Gustafson, Karl F. and Bertha A. Fuchs Professor of German Studies, and Kristina Becker, Assistant Professor of Instruction in German, for their newly published translation of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's controversial play, Stella: A Play for Lovers (1776), which caused so much turmoil in Germany that it was retracted from the stage.

August 15, 2018

Congratulations to Khamai Simpson

photo of student, Khamai SimpsonCongratulations to Khamai Simpson (German major, Class of 2017), who was just accepted into the prestigious Masters of Science Public Health Program at Charite Medical University in Berlin to study for her Masters degree.

June 23, 2018

Russian Studies Major Gabrielle Cornish on Russian Monuments

Gabby Cornish standing in the Red Square (Russia)Gabrielle Cornish (Russian Studies, 2013; currently finishing a Ph.D. in musicology at Eastman School of Music focusing on the Soviet period) was interviewed by NBC Nightly News for this June 23, 2018 segment on how Russia is dealing with its controversial past monuments. 

May 11, 2018

A local polyglot prepares to globe-trot

student photoRochester native Cherish Blackman has always had a knack for languages. “I wanted to study languages that weren’t very close to English,” she recalls. The double major in Russian and East Asian studies is heading to China next year, but is bringing her Spanish books with her.

December 20, 2017

Newscenter: New book explores 'ethical turn' of critical theory

Professor Robert Doran focuses on iconic 20th-century philosophers like Michel Foucault, Hayden White, Gayatri Spivak, and Richard Rorty, and explores critical theory’s pivot away from a narrowly focused investigation of meaning and text.

May 16, 2017

Newscenter: John Givens Named Professor of the Year in the Humanities

John Givens, associate professor of Russian and chair of the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures, won the Students’ Association Government’s Professor of the Year in the Humanities field. He received his doctoral degree from the University of Washington in 1993 and joined the Rochester faculty the same year. The Baker City, Oregon native focuses on Russian literature and cinema and recently completed a book titled The Image of Christ in Russian Literature.

April 18, 2017

Four MLC Majors Win Fulbright Grants

Two French majors, two German majors, and one Spanish minor are among the twelve University of Rochester students and recent alumni who have been offered 2017–18 grants in the prestigious Fulbright US Student Grant program, allowing them to pursue advanced studies, conduct research, and teach English language and U.S. culture abroad. Rochester's candidate pool consisted of 40 applicants, 19 of whom became semifinalists. The Fulbright US program awards approximately 900 grants for research and study, and 1,200 English teaching assistantship grants each year. Applicants are nominated by their college or university's Fulbright evaluation committee, which may also endorse alumni candidates.

December 8, 2016

Faculty in the News: Joanne Bernardi on WXXI's Connections

Joanne BernardiYesterday, Joanne Bernardi, associate professor of Japanese in the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures, appeared on WXXI's Connections with Evan Dawson to discuss the on-campus photography exhibit, "Internment: The Japanese-American Experience in World War II," as well as recent calls to establish a Muslim registry modeled on the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II. Mr. Dawson and Professor Bernardi were also joined by Margaret Miyake and Notch Miyake (whose photographs and text, respectively, are featured in the exhibit) and Ken Warner (a descendent of an American who was interned).

December 7, 2016

Faculty in the News: "UR Exhibit Shows Lessons of Japanese-American Internment Camps"

"The exhibit ['Internment: The Japanese-American Experience in World War II'] was organized by Joanne Bernardi, associate professor of Japanese and film and media studies.... Included in the exhibit are postcards and button pins from World War II that are part of Bernardi's collection, such as the ones using words and phrases that are examples of the insensitive mindset of the time.... Bernardi was prompted to put together such an exhibit a year ago after hearing the then-mayor of Roanoke, Virginia, David Bowers, cite the use of internment camps for Japanese-Americans during World War II to justify suspending the relocation of Syrian refugees in his city. 'I was shocked because he didn't know his history of internment and what it signified. It was a knee-jerk reaction to an atmosphere of fear, xenophobia and racism, prompted by Pearl Harbor,' said Bernardi."

November 18, 2016

Newscenter: Spanish Major Angela Remus '16 Reaches Final Round for Rhodes Scholarship

Angela RemusAngela Remus ’16, who graduated with a bachelor of arts with majors in international relations and Spanish, will interview this weekend in Chicago in the final selection round for the prestigious Rhodes Scholarship. A Renaissance & Global Scholar who graduated summa cum laude, Remus was elected to Phi Beta Kappa as a junior. She studied abroad in Spain and Malawi and currently is an immigration worker with the International Rescue Committee in Abilene, Texas. Her career interests involve research and policy regarding refugees and asylum seekers, and she hopes to pursue two master’s degrees at Oxford: refugee and forced migration studies followed by Latin American studies. The Des Plaines, Illinois native hopes to be among the 32 American candidates chosen for the international postgraduate award. Rhodes Scholarships provide all expenses for two or three years of study at the University of Oxford in England.

November 17, 2016

Faculty Publication: Robert Doran's "The Ethics of Theory"

Bloomsbury has just published The Ethics of Theory: Philosophy, History, Literature, the newest volume by Robert Doran, associate professor of French and comparative literature in the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures!

November 10, 2016

Newscenter: "Events Pay Homage to Cervantes on 400th Anniversary of His Death"

In honor of the 400th anniversary of Cervantes's death, students and librarians are hosting an exhibit and a presentation examining how Cervantes and Don Quixote have inspired interpretations and representations across the centuries. The exhibit, "Beyond Windmills: Commemorating Cervantes, Representing Don Quixote," features images from the library's rare book holdings. The exhibit will be on view November 2 through December 11 in Rare Books, Special Collections and Preservation at Rush Rhees Library. Students in the course "Don Quixote: The Book, the Myth, the Image"—taught by associate professor of Spanish Ryan Prendergast—will make presentations alongside faculty about the images and the influence of Don Quixote. The event will be held in the Humanities Center, on the second floor of Rush Rhees Library, on November 16 at 10:25 a.m.

October 19, 2016

Newscenter: "Looking Like the Enemy" Examines WWII Internment, Current Debates

"Looking Like the Enemy: The WWII Japanese American Experience," is a Humanities Project exhibit and lecture organized by Joanne Bernardi, associate professor of Japanese, which will examine the experiences of interned Japanese-Americans – and the relevance of their experiences to current debates about terrorism, the refugee crisis, and illegal immigration.

October 3, 2016

Newscenter: Beth Jörgensen Receives Goergen Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching

Beth Jörgensen, professor of Spanish in the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures
, is among the 2016 recipients of the Goergen Awards for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching! Professor Jörgensen has taught Spanish at Rochester for 30 years and in 2011 was named a professor in MLC. The Goergen Awards recognize the distinctive teaching accomplishments of faculty in Arts, Science, and Engineering. They were established in 1997 and are named for and sponsored by University Trustee and Board Chairman Emeritus Robert Goergen ’60 and his wife, Pamela. Professor Jörgensen and the other recipients will 
be honored Wednesday, October 5, in a 4 p.m. ceremony in the Hawkins Carlson Room in Rush Rhees Library.

September 7, 2016

New Faces in MLC

Anna Rosensweig Elizabeth Weber
We are excited to introduce Anna Rosensweig (L) and Elizabeth E. Weber (R), the newest members of the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures!

July 22, 2016

Research Connections: In Goethe's Novel Families, Love Is All That Matters

What forms can families take? Can a family be effective only if it consists of a biological pairing of a man and a woman who produce their own offspring? Or can other combinations—two women or two men raising children, or couples with adopted children—be just as loving and supportive? In his early 19th-century literary works, Johann Goethe pointedly raises such questions—still debated today—and concludes that what really matters is not the gender of spouses and partners, or the lineage of their children, writes Susan Gustafson, the Karl F. and Bertha A. Fuchs Professor of German Studies, in her recently published book, Goethe's Families of the Heart (Bloomsbury Academic).

June 3, 2016

Newscenter: Donatella Stocchi-Perucchio Receives Honorary Professorship

This spring, the University of the Pacific (UP) in Lima, Peru, conferred an honorary professorship on Donatella Stocchi-Perucchio, associate professor of Italian in the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures. The designation recognizes her scholarly contributions to the field of Italian studies and comparative literature as well as her efforts in fostering a dialogue among Italianists worldwide. Stocchi-Perucchio’s relationship with scholars of world and Italian literature at the University of the Pacific began in 2010 and grew around issues of mutual interest. These include the study of the Italian poet Dante Alighieri, his minor works and his epic poem, the Divine Comedy, both in a comparative context and in relation to political philosophy, economics, and the arts.

May 2, 2016

Newscenter: Kirt Komocki Named Professor of the Year in the Humanities

Kirt Komocki, senior lecturer in Spanish in the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures, won the Students’ Association Government’s Professor of the Year in the Humanities field. He joined Rochester in 2013 as a visiting assistant professor and was appointed a senior lecturer in 2014. Komocki earned his Ph.D from The Ohio State University. He will be leading the Modern Language and Cultures’ education abroad program this summer in Granada, Spain.

February 26, 2016

Research Connections: Disability Studies Help Professor Illustrate Virtues of Inclusion

In 2009, Beth Jörgensen, a professor of Spanish in the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures, was preparing to teach a class on "coming of age" stories in Spanish America. She wanted to include a collaborative autobiography of Gabriela Brimmer, a Mexican woman who was profoundly disabled since birth with cerebral palsy, yet learned to communicate by manipulating an alphabet board with the toe of her left foot. Eventually Brimmer became a leading activist for the rights of disabled people in that nation. "I did not know that much about disability studies," Jörgensen confides. "So, in order to teach this in an informed way, I got busy reading as much background as I could about disability life writing." It was a revelation for her.

August 20, 2015

Alysha Alani '15 Wins Best Student Presenter Award

Award presentationIn June, Alysha Alani ('15) received the "Best Student Presenter" award at the Second International Conference on Advances in Women's Studies at Ryerson University, Toronto. Entitled "Exploring Collegiate Perceptions of Feminism through Bem's Gender Schema Theory" and based on research conducted through UR's Susan B. Anthony Center, the paper was co-authored by Angela Clark-Taylor, MS; Adriana Rogachefsky, LMFT; and Catherine Cerulli, JD, PhD.

August 11, 2015

Faculty in the News: Joanne Bernardi on WXXI's Connections

Joanne BernardiYesterday, Joanne Bernardi, associate professor of Japanese in the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures, appeared on WXXI's Connections with Evan Dawson to discuss the seventieth anniversary of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as well as ongoing questions of nuclear ethics. Mr. Dawson and Professor Bernardi were also joined by Richard Dees (associate professor of Philosophy; associate professor of Bioethics; director of program in Bioethics at the University of Rochester) and Eric Wheeler (Counseling Center and Veteran Services at Monroe Community College).

March 13, 2015

Research Connections: French Film Festival "Through a Global Lens with a Political Filter"

Six French films on campus this month will provide University students and Rochester cinéphiles "a great basis to engage with, and research, contemporary French film," says Julie Papaioannou, senior lecturer in French and Francophone studies in the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures. The theme of the Tournées Film Festival, to be held March 18-20 and 25-27, is "French and Francophone Cinema, Global Perspectives." The selections "highlight French film production in connection with the cinematic world at large," Papaioannou explains. "Their main themes of personal inner struggles, familial ties and disruptions, and political life are brought to focus through a global lens with a political filter."

December 12, 2014

Newscenter: Digital Humanities Project Turns a Lens on Prewar Japan

Joanne Bernardi, associate professor of Japanese in the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures, has assembled hundreds of early 20th-century postcards, films, brochures, advertisements and other objects now on display at an interactive online archive and research project developed with the help of the Digital Humanities Center. "Re-envisioning Japan: Japan as Destination in 20th Century Visual and Material Culture" uses travel, education, and the production and exchange of images and objects as a "lens to investigate changing representations of Japan and its place in the world in the first half of the 20th Century."

October 17, 2014

Research Connections: An "Intellectual Labor of Love" at the Intersection of Art and Science

In her latest book, Lens, Laboratory, Landscape: Observing Modern Spain, Claudia Schaefer (Rush Rhees chair and professor of Spanish and comparative literature and of film and media studies) explores the uses of observation for the acquisition of knowledge about the world in nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Spain, set within the context of the country's problematic road to modernization and its participation in the European scientific community. For Schaefer, the book represents "an intellectual labor of love and a personal challenge to find a language of intersecting interests between the humanities and sciences."

September 12, 2014

Newscenter: Robert Doran Explores the Concept of "the Sublime"

Robert Doran, associate professor of French and comparative literature in the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures, explores how and why the distinction between "beauty" and "the sublime" became important in his forthcoming book The Theory of the Sublime from Longinus to Kant (Cambridge University Press, 2015). "The concept of the sublime allows us to conceive of a certain kind of experience that normally would only be accessible using theological concepts," Doran explained in an interview. "It's a secularized version of religious experience. It's the experience of transcendence, but transcendence in the arts or in the aesthetic appreciation of nature."

October 15, 2013

Faculty in the News: Kathleen Parthé in the "Times Literary Supplement"

A Herzen ReaderThe current issue of the esteemed Times Literary Supplement includes a glowing review of A Herzen Reader, edited and "admirably translated" by Kathleen Parthé, director of the Russian Studies Program. Featuring one hundred essays and editorials previously unavailable in English, A Herzen Reader reflects the diverse and complex positions articulated by the Russian radical thinker Alexander Herzen (1812–1870).

August 22, 2012

Newscenter: Beth Jörgensen Wins Latin American Studies Association Book Award

Beth Jörgensen, professor of Spanish-American literature in the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures, has won the 2011 book award in the humanities from the Mexico section of the Latin American Studies Association for her book Documents in Crisis: Nonfiction Literatures in Twentieth Century Mexico (SUNY Press). According to a citation from the association's selection committee, the book redefines scholarly understanding of modern Mexican literature by focusing on "nonfiction writing as a fundamental part of the landscape that has long been too heavily focused on poetry and fiction." The award is presented annually to a narrative or work of art published or produced between May 1 and December 31 of the previous year that reflects outstanding originality in its treatment of any aspect of Mexico.

November 1, 2010

Rochester Review: Joanne Bernardi on "History, in Celluloid"

Professor Bernardi with her own collection of monster movie memorabilia
There are many iconic images of the nuclear age, but among those spawned by pop culture, perhaps none is more familiar than a certain enormous lizard. "Atomic Creatures: Godzilla," a film and media studies course taught this fall by Joanne Bernardi, an associate professor of Japanese and a member of the film and media studies program faculty, takes a look at the phenomenon that generated and helped define the Japanese kaiju eiga, or monster film. "I think it's the most important course I teach—it's a matter of life and death," says Bernardi, who says the films bring together cultural and historical responses to nuclear issues.

March 30, 2009

Currents: Joanne Bernardi on "The 'Thingness' of Film"

Professor Joanne BernardiInspired by her experience at the Selznick program, Joanne Bernardi developed a new course offered this semester to River Campus students called "Film As Object," parented by the Department of Modern Languages and Culture and cross listed under the Film and Media Studies Program. "What Joanne Bernardi gained from her experience at the Selznick School was the technical knowledge of how film as an artifact and object work, while most film scholars rarely handle the object of their studies," says Jeff Stoiber, assistant curator at the Selznick School. "Combining her newfound knowledge from Selznick experts with her broad background of film history for her course, she is now a double threat!"