Overview of the MLC Community
Welcome to Modern Languages and Cultures!
In the video below, John Givens (professor of Russian and former chair of MLC), Kirt Komocki (associate professor of Spanish) and Mariko Tamate (professor of Japanese) share information about studying in MLC. Topics discussed include clusters, minors, majors, and studying abroad.
Are you eager to learn more than one language? How much do you know about other cultures? In the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures (MLC), we encourage the broadening of current linguistic skills in foreign languages, as well as the acquisition of new languages, from elementary to advanced levels of study.
We teach Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish. We also offer an undergraduate degree in comparative literature.
In our departmental and interdepartmental programs, faculty and students explore both national traditions and global connections as reflected in languages, literatures, films, digital media, and the arts of cultures around the world.
Addressing international issues and concerns in cultures other than English-speaking ones produces knowledge, argumentation skills, dialogue, and debate; flexible thinking and written argumentation; global rather than local ideas; and an openness to difference.
Are you concerned about making decisions in a global world? How might you be better informed to make decisions? Do you think dialogues across cultures are important today and for the future? Learn to clearly articulate your opinion and support it with evidence.
How can living and learning abroad change your world outlook? MLC students routinely study abroad for a summer, semester, or academic year. Live the change you want to see in the world!
Have you always harbored a passion for writing? Would you like to develop your writing skills? Learn about writers in other cultures and how they started, developed, and used their skills. Talk with other writers about their work.
You never know your own language so well as when you decide to translate. Think about translation as a skill for today's world. The certificate in literary translation studies is anchored in a modern language and culture in addition to refining your writing skills.
Are you fascinated by the potentials of digital media? Would you be interested in creating a portfolio of your work that includes other languages and cultures, literary works, film, and media?
Would you like to be engaged in research in the classroom? Collaborative projects with faculty and other students offer the opportunity to explore literary and cinematic works; compare and contrast different points of view about genres, narrators, themes, tone, and linguistic expressions; identify details unexplored by others; compose critical studies; translate or retranslate fragments of texts; subtitle films for global audiences; and potentially publish original work.