Sample Programs
Below is a sample list of interdepartmental majors that have previously been approved. Please select a title to see details. Please note: creating a major that has been approved in the past does not necessarily mean your program will be approved.
Please consult with Amy Fisher, Assistant Dean of Academic Planning, before submitting a proposal.
- Artistic and mathematical space
- Astrobiology
- Bioinformatics
- Chinese studies
- Contemporary American society
- Critical foundations of political and social thought
- Cultural consumerism
- Cultural identities
- Environmental policy
- Global studies in sustainability
- Holistic health studies
- Integrative neurobiology
- Islam and the modern world
- Latin American studies
- Linguistic anthropology
- Middle Eastern studies
- Music in contemporary society
- Myth and folklore
- Native American society
- Religion and politics of the Middle East
- Socioeconomic anthropology
- Stage and screen culture
- Sustainability, planning and development
- Sustainable development
- Sustainable policy and systems
- Sustainable urban development
- Urban dynamics
- Urban youth studies
Artistic and Mathematical Space
Division: Natural Sciences
Core Courses:
- MATH 265: Functions of a Real Variable
- SART 396: Senior Seminar I
- SART 397: Senior Seminar II
- MATH 215: Fractals and Computer Graphics
- MATH 250: Introduction to Geometry
- MATH 240: Introduction to Topology
- MATH 248: Graph Theory
- SART 222A: Advanced Painting
- SART 391W: Independent Study: Origami Design
- MATH 391W: Independent Study: Mathematical Intuition
Supplementary Courses:
- MATH 200: Proofs and Fundamentals
- MATH 235: Linear Algebra
- MATH 395: Research: Mathematics of Origami
- MATH 393: Honors Thesis/Senior Project
Division: Natural Sciences
Core Courses:
- ASTR 241: Astrophysics I
- ASTR 232: Milky Way Galaxy
- BIOL 263W: Ecology
- BIOL 266: Tree of Life
- CHEM 203: Organic Chemistry I
- EESC 201: Evolution of the Earth
- EESC 218W: Chemistry of Global Change
- EESC 255: Planetary Science
- PHYS 235W: Classic Mechanics
- PHYS 237: Quantum Mechanics of Physics
Supplementary Courses:
- CHEM 207: Organic Chemistry Lab I
- MATH 281: Fourier Analysis with Partial Differential Equations
Division: Natural Sciences
Core Courses:
- BIOL 198: Principles of Genetics
- BIOL 250: Introduction to Biochemistry
- BIOL 253: Computational Biology
- IND 395W: Independent Study
- MATH 201: Introduction to Probability
- MATH 202: Introduction to Stochastic Processes
- MATH 218: Introduction to math Models in the Life Sciences
- CSC 161: Art of Programming
- CSC 172: Science of Data Structure
- CSC 212: Human-Computer Interaction
Supplementary Courses:
- STAT 211: Applied Statistics for the Social Sciences I
- BIOL 395W: Independent Research
- MATH 165: Linear Algebra with Differential Equations
Chinese Studies
Division: Humanities
Core Courses:
- CHIN 102: Elementary Chinese II
- CHIN 202: Advanced Intermediate Chinese I
- CHIN 203: Advanced Intermediate Chinese II
- CHIN 204: Advanced Chinese I (study abroad course)
- CHIN 205: Advanced Chinese II (study abroad course)
- Chinese Philosophy and Modern China (study abroad course)
- CHIN 232: Asian Calligraphy
- CHIN 391: Politics and Science in China
- HIST 183: Modern China
- HIST 283: Political Economics of China
Supplementary Courses:
- CHIN 114: Conversational Chinese
Contemporary American Society
Division: Social Sciences
Core Courses:
- HIST 148: Recent America, 1929-1980
- HIST 268: American Thought: 1865-1990
- HIST 390: Vietnam War Seminar (transfer credit)
- PHIL 223W: Social and Political Theory
- PSCI 220: Social Movements in the U.S.
- PSCI 237: Domestic Social Policy
- PSCI 281: Formal Models in Political Science
- PSYC 161: Social Psychology and Individual Differences
- PSYC 262W: Human Motivation and Emotion
- SOCI 205: Microsociology
Supplementary Courses:
- PSCI 101: Introduction to American Politics (transfer credit)
- MUSC 141D: The Blues
- PSYC 171: Social and Emotional Development
- PSYC 278: Adolescent Psychology
Critical Foundations of Political and Social Thought
Division: Social Sciences
Core Courses:
- PHIL 308: Morality and War
- PSCI 200: Applied Data Analysis
- PSCI 288: Game Theory
- PSCI 391: Independent Study
- Patterns of Power (study abroad course)
- Modern British Political History (study abroad course)
- PSCI 267W: Identity, Ethnicity and Nationalism
- PSCI 272: Theories of International Relations
- CLTR 281B: Psychoanalysis and Literature
- ANTH 227: Local and Global Market Research
Cultural Consumerism
Division: Social Sciences
Core Courses:
- ANTH 227: Local and Global Market Research
- ANTH 225: Social Uses of Media
- ANTH 245: American Culture
- ANTH 391: Ethnographic Approach to Marketing
- LING 105: Language in Advertising
- PSYC 364W: Independent Study
- Management and Organization Analysis (study abroad course)
- MKT 203: Principles of Marketing
- MKT 213: Marketing Projects
- HIST 252: Cultural History of the U.S.: 1876-Present
- HIST 361: Socioeconomic Development in the Atlantic World
Supplementary Courses:
- STAT 211: Applied Statistics for Social Science
- FMST 205: Introduction to Digital Art
- ECON 207: Intermediate Microeconomics
Cultural Identities
Division: Humanities
Core Courses:
- MUSC 122: History of Jazz
- MUSC 141: The Blues
- ENGL 228: Literature of the Harlem Renaissance
- ENGL 250: Representation of Race
- ENGL 250: Asian American Fiction
- ANTH 191Q: Cultural Anthropology
- RELC 226: Martin and Malcom in America
- AH 274: Cultural History of American Architecture
- JWST 220: Yiddish Literature
- PSCI 282W: Art and Politics
Supplementary Courses:
- IND 391: Independent Study
Environmental Policy
Division: Social Sciences
Core Courses:
- ANTH 226: Culture and Consumption
- ANTH 278W: Birth and Death II: Making Populations Healthy
- ANTH 281K: Solving URs Environmental Footprint
- BIOL 104K: Ecosystem Conservation and Human SOciety
- CHE 150: Green Engineering
- EESC 318W: Environmental Decisions
- PHIL 230: Environmental Justice
- PSCI 247: Green Markets
- PSCI 243: Environmental Politics
- EDU 391: Independent Study
Supplementary Courses:
- DANC 214: Community, Earth and Body
- AAAS 277: Energy Resources and Utilization
- EESC 103: Introduction to Environmental Science
Global Studies in Sustainability
Division: Social Sciences
Core Courses:
- CHE 150: Green Engineering
- ED 332: China's Developmental and Environmental Challenges (study abroad course)
- EESC 219W: Energy and Mineral Resources
- EESC 319W: Energy Decisions
- PSCI 243: Environmental Politics
- PSCI 294: International Political Economy
- ANTH 227: Local and Global Market Research
- ANTH 226: Culture and COnsumption
- ANTH 280K: Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Transportation
- CHE 150: Green Engineering for a Sustainable Environment
- EC 321: Indian Microeconomic Development (study abroad course)
Holistic Health Studies
Division: Natural Sciences
Core Courses:
- BIOL 203: Mammalian Anatomy
- BIOL 204: Mammalian Physiology
- BIOL 110: Principles of Biology I
- BIOL 111: Principles of Biology II
- BCSC 151: Perception and Action
- PSYC 262W: Human Motivation and Emotion
- PSYC 283: Behavioral Medicine
- DANC 211: T'Aichi: Explorations in Qi
- STAT 211: Applied Statistics for the Social Sciences I
- HIST 208W: Health, Medicine and Social Reform
Integrative Neurobiology
Division: Natural Sciences
Core Courses:
- BIOL 198 Principles of Genetics
- BIOL 203 Mammalian Anatomy
- BIOL 205 Evolution
- BIOL 247 Environmental Animal Physiology
- BIOL 260 Animal Behavior
- BIOL 263 Ecology
- BCSC 172 Development of Mind and Brain
- BCSC 183 Animal Minds
- BCSC/NSCI 244 Neuroethology
- BCSC/NSCI 249 Developmental Neurobiology
Supplementary Courses:
- CSSP 391 Independent Study: Biological Effects of Color on Attraction
- BCSC 240/NSCI 201 Basic Neurobiology
Islam and the Modern World
Division: Humanities
Core Courses:
- ANTH 264: Islam and Global Politics
- ARBC 102: Elementary Arabic II
- ARBC 103: Intermediate Arabic I
- ARBC 104: Intermediate Arabic II
- ARBC 149: Contemporary Fiction from the Arab World
- HIST 273W: Making of the Modern Middle East
- RELC 240W: Muhammad and the Qur'an
- RELC 247W: Islam and the Third World
- RELC 391: Islam and Pluralism
- RELC 391: Islam and America
Latin-American Studies
Division: Humanities
Core Course:
- SPAN 200W: Advanced Spanish Composition
- SPAN 204: Spanish-American Literature
- SPAN 206: Spanish-American Cultures and Civilization
- SPAN 257: Spanish-American Theater and Poetry
- SPAN 287: Latin-American Film
- RELC 234: Cry Freedom
- RELC 235: Religion and Society in Latin America
- HIST 203: Economy and Society in Latin America
- ANTH 239: Colonial Encounters and Anthropology
- PSCI 261W: Latin American Politics
- ISPR 3000: Catholic Renewal (study abroad course)
Supplementary Courses:
- QUEC 1000: Intensive Language Study: Quechua (study abroad course)
- LACB 3000: Indigenous Peoples and Globalization (study abroad course)
Linguistic Anthropology
Division: Social Sciences
Core Courses:
- ANTH 101: Cultural Anthropology
- ANTH 204W: Ethnographic Themes
- ANTH 110: Introduction to Linguistic Analysis
- LING 102: Language and Social Identity
- LING 225: Lexical Semantics
- LING 226: Morphology
- ASL 200W: Signed Language Structures
- FMST/ANTH 340: Media and Society (study abroad course)
- ANTH 201: Theory and Method in Anthropology
- ASL 250: Sociology of Deaf Community
Middle Eastern Studies
Division: Humanities
Core Courses:
- ANTH 264: Islam and Global Politics
- ARBC 103: Intermediate Arabic
- ARBC 203: Arabic Prose
- HBRW 204: Hebrew Through Conversation
- HIST 244W: Islam and the Third World
- JWST 203: History of Judaism
- PSCI 270W: Mechanisms of International Relations
- HIST 117: History of Islam
- Upper Intermediate Hebrew (study abroad course)
- Lower Intermediate Hebrew (study abroad course)
- Middle East: Rapprochement and Coexistence (study abroad course)
Supplementary Courses:
- ARBC 101: Elementary Arabic I
- ARBC 102: Elementary Arabic II
- HBRW 103: Intermediate Hebrew
Music in Contemporary American
Division: Humanities
Core Courses:
- ANTH 226: Culture and Consumption
- HIST 252: Cultural History of the U.S.: 1876-Present
- MUSC 122: History of Jazz
- MUSC 127: The Blues
- MUSC 211: Theory III
- MUSC 214B: Analysis of Popular Music
- MUSC 394: Internship
- PSYC 267W: Psychology of Gender
- GSWS 129: Women and Music
- MKT 203: Principles of Marketing
Supplementary Courses:
- MUSC 134: Musical Styles and Genre
- MUSC 201: Jazz Theory and Improvisation
- PSYC 278W: Adolescent Development
- MUE 110: Introduction to Music Education
Myth and Folklore
Division: Humanities
Core Courses:
- ANTH 203W: Ritual, Myth and Scripture
- ENGL 201: Beowulf
- AHST 280: Native American Art and Religion
- ENGL 206: Medieval Celtic Literature
- ENGL 112: Classical and Scriptural Backgrounds
- ENGL 254: Arthurian Traditions
- ENGL 244: Myth, Fairytale and the Didactics of Popular Culture
- ENGL 380: Robin Hood: All-American Hero
- RELC 250: Shiva and Shakti
- RELC 252: Heroines and Heroes
Supplementary Courses:
- CLST 135: Classical Mythology
Native American Studies
Division: Social Sciences
Core Courses:
- AHST 277: The Museum and the "Other"
- AHST 280: Native American Art and Religion
- ETH 290: Independent Study
- ANTH 274: Creative Ethnography
- HIST 172: Indians and Other Americans
- HIST 200: Introduction to Archaeology
- HIST 204: History of Federal Indian Law
- HIST 262: Gender and Representation in Native American Art
- ENGL 391: Representatives of Native Americans in Colonial and Post-Colonial Fiction
- ANTH 101: Cultural Anthropology
Religion and Politics of the Middle East
Division: Social Sciences
Core Courses:
- ANTH 264: Islam and Global Politics
- INTR 226: America's 21st Century Wars
- JWST 214: Imagining the Jew
- RELC 240W: Muhammad and the Qur'an
- ANTH 203: Ritual Myth and Scripture
- JWST 113: History of Judaism
- RELC 247W: Islam and the Third World
- PSCI 48192: Negotiating Middle East Peace (study abroad course)
- PSCI 48221: History of the Modern State of Israel (study abroad course)
- PSCI 48289: Arab-Israeli Conflict: A Documentary History (study abroad course)
Socioeconomic Anthropology
Division: Social Sciences
Core Courses:
- ANTH 227: Local and Global Market Research
- ANTH 202: Modern Social Theory: Key Texts and Issues
- ANTH 291: Research Practicum: Doing Anthropology
- ANTH 226: Culture and Consumption
- SOCI 310K: Social Network Theory and Entrepreneurship
- ANTH 280K: Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Transportation
- PSCI 239K: Nature of Entrepreneurship
- PSCI 262: Globalization Past and present
- PSYC 264: Industrial and Organizational Psychology
- ECON 207: Intermediate Microeconomics
- PSCI 200: Applied Data Analysis
Supplementary Courses:
- ANTH 101: Cultural Anthropology
- ECON 108: Principles of Economics
Stage and Screen Culture
Division: Humanities
Core Courses:
- ANTH 202: Modern Social Theory
- ANTH 203: Ritual, Myth and Scripture
- ENGL 123: Playwriting
- ENGL 235: 20th Century Drama
- ENGL 252: Theatre in England
- ENGL 240: Literacy Cultural Theory
- FMST 246: Bright Lights, Big City
- FMST 288: Cinema and Revolution
- FMST 356: Classical Film Theory
- SCAN 7503: Icelandic Folklore (study abroad course)
Supplementary Courses:
- ENGL 203: Early English Drama
- ENGL 244: Myth and Fairy Tale
- ENGL 177: Acting Techniques
- ECLS 6004: Context and Comparison (study abroad course)
Sustainability Planning and Development
Division: Social Sciences
Core Courses:
- ANTH 224: Culture, Economy and Global Sustainability
- ANTH 226: Culture and Consumption
- ANTH 227: Local and GLobal Market Research
- BIOL 104: Ecosystem Conservation and Human Society
- CHE 281K: Solving URs Environmental Footprint
- EESC 218W: The Chemistry of Global Change
- EESC 318W: Environmental Decisions
- HIST 371W: Environmental History
- PSCI 243: Seminar on Environmental Politics
Supplementary Courses:
- PHIL 230: Environmental Justice
Sustainable Development
Division: Social Sciences
Core Courses:
- ANTH 223: Nature, Landscape, Environment
- ANTH 224: Anthropology and Development
- ANTH 226: Culture and Consumption
- CHE 281K: Solving URs Environmental Footprint
- EESC 103: Introduction to Environmental Science
- EESC 318W: Environmental Decisions
- ECON 238: Environmental Economics
- PHIL 230: Environmental Justice
- PSCI 243W: Seminar of Environmental Politics
- Sustainable Development: Environmental, Political and Social Issues (study abroad course)
Sustainable Policy and Systems
Division: Social Sciences
Core Courses:
- EESC 219: Energy and Mineral Resources
- EESC 318W: Environmental Decisions
- ANTH 281K: Solving URs Environmental Footprint
- ANTH 227: Local and Global Market Research
- PHIL 230: Environmental Justices
- PSCI 209: Interest Groups in America
- ECON 238: Environmental Economics
- PSCI 262: Globalization Past and Present
- CHE 391: Independent Study
- CHE 393: Senior Project
Supplementary Courses:
- STAT 211: Statistics for the Social Sciences
- ECON 108: Principles of Economics
Sustainable Urban Development
Division: Social Sciences
Core Courses:
- AHST 398: Modern Architecture and Urbanism: The LA Modern
- ANTH 281K: Solving URs Environmental Footprint
- ANTH 202: Modern Social Theory
- ANTH 227: Local and Global Market Research
- ECON 108: Introduction to Economics
- ECON 224: Economics of Sports and Entertainment
- Metropolitan Development: Urban Studies (study abroad course)
- The Transformed and Recycled City (study abroad course)
- HIST 169: The Transatlantic Twenties
- HIST 373W: Sex and Gender in the American City
Supplementary Courses:
- PSCI 106: Introduction to International Relations
- PSCI 243: Seminar on Environmental Politics
- SART 151: Introductory Digital Art
- SART 252A: Advanced Digital Art
Urban Dynamics
Division: Social Sciences
Core Courses:
- AHST 274: Cultural History of American Architecture
- AHST 114: Creating Architecture
- AH 3001: Art and Architecture of Prague (study abroad course)
- AHST 394: Urban Studies Internship
- ANTH 2204: Anthropology of Development
- ANTH 280K: Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Transportation
- PSCI 220: Social Movements in the United States
- PSCI 243: Environmental Politics
- ECON 224: Economics of SPorts and Entertainment
- ECON 251W: Industrial Organization
- ECON 207: Intermediate Microeconomics
Supplementary Courses:
- ECON 209: Intermediate Macroeconomics
Urban Youth Studies
Division: Social Sciences
Core Courses:
- ECON 207: Microeconomics
- ECON 209: Macroeconomics
- ECON 253W: Economics and Social Conditions of African Americans
- ANTH 201: Theory and Method in Anthropology
- ANTH 391W: Supporting Incarcerated Youth
- PSYC 278: Adolescent Development
- PSYC 171: Social and Emotional Development
- ENT 227: Entrepreneurship in Not-for-Profit Environment
- ED 425: Minority Youth Development in Urban Contexts
Supplementary Courses:
- ANTH 101: Cultural Anthropology
- ECON 108: Principles of Economics