4 examples: i ı̀ į ı̨̀
1 Tłį Chǫ (Dogrib), Behchokǫ̀ - Phoneme: i [i] - IPA: High front vowel, low tone.
Word: sechi [sɛtʃʰi] "younger brother" - Speaker: SP2
Notce the difference in the duration of the vowel in the first and second syllables. The last syllable in the word has a tendency to be quite prominent, likely related its association with the position of stems in the verb. BOth of these vowels are H tone vowels.
2 Tłį Chǫ (Dogrib), Behchokǫ - Phoneme: ı̀ [ı̀] - IPA: High front vowel, low tone
Word: k’ech’ì [k'etʃ'ı̀] "crawling" - Speaker: SP4
3 Tłį Chǫ (Dogrib), Behchokǫ̀ - Phoneme: į [ı̃] - IPA: High front nasalized vowel, high tone
Word: tłįcho [tɬʰĩtʃʰo] "horse" - Speaker: SP2
4 Tłį Chǫ (Dogrib), Behchokǫ̀ - Phoneme: ı̨̀ [ı̃̀] - IPA: High front nasalized vowel, low tone
Word: gotsį̀ht'a [gusɪt'ɑ] "back" - Speaker: SP2
This token as a falling contour on the medial L toned syllable.