2 examples
Tłį Chǫ (Dogrib), Behchokǫ̀ - Phoneme: g [g] - IPA: Velar plosive, voiced
1 Word: gomǫ̀ǫ [gomũ̀:] "aunt" - Speaker: SP2
A strongly voiced velar plosive g [g] in initial position in a word. Contrast this token with the second example below.
2 Word: gogǫ̀ǫ̀ [gugõ̀:] "arm" - Speaker: SP2
This word contains two examples of the velar plosive g [g]. In this token, the g sound is not voiced in initial position (as it is in the first example on this page). However, the intervocalic g is strongly voiced. In all three examples of the g sound on this page, the release burst is clearly visible as a spike in the spectrogram. The release bursts of velar fricatives often contain a double burst spike that is especially clear in the intervocalic example.