Postdoctoral Research Positions

The Department offers a wealth of opportunities for postdoctoral research in the wide range of scientific disciplines represented in the Brain & Cognitive Sciences. The centrality of the department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences among associated programs in Visual Science, Computer Science, Linguistics, and Neuroscience represented in the University makes the department a particularly attractive place for interdisciplinary research. Postdoctoral fellows often work with more than one member of faculty.

Admission and Support

Scientists interested in postdoctoral study should in the first instance contact the faculty member (or members) with whom they might wish to work. Postdoctoral fellows are supported from a variety of sources: some receive support through individual investigator's research grants; some receive stipends from training grants held by members of the Department; some are supported by individual fellowships.

Open Positions

Postdoctoral position in high-resolution retinal imaging and video-eyetracking at the University of Rochester

Added 01/13/2025

The Active Perception Laboratory is looking for a postdoctoral fellow to work with an Adaptive Optics Scanning Light Ophtalmoscope (AOSLO) to measure the structure of the human retina, oculomotor behavior and conduct psychophysics experiments. We are particularly interested in recruiting candidates interested in investigating the roles of eye movements in visual perception, the spatiotemporal dynamics of foveal and extrafoveal processing, the interplay between eye movements, retinal anatomy, and attention.

Research in the laboratory focuses on the interaction between vision and oculomotor behavior. Our work relies on the integration of theoretical and experimental approaches to investigate how visual functions unfold in the presence of normal and abnormal motor activity, how vision guides behavior, and how changes in visual input signals and modulations associated with behavior contribute to perception. The laboratory is equipped with a unique array of tools, many developed in-house, to investigate the synergy between visual, motor, and cognitive processes. Approaches include human psychophysics with precisely controlled retinal stimulation, computational modeling, precise measurements of head and eye movements, high-resolution retinal imaging, and electroencephalography (EEG) during active vision. Full list of our publications.

The ideal candidate would have a strong interest in vision science, a background in related areas, and experience with data analysis and computer programming. Background in vision science and previous experience working with ophthalmoscopy, adaptive optics, image processing, optical design and real-time software are desirable. Ability to work well in a team is essential, as well as the capability to work independently when needed.

The University of Rochester offers a highly collaborative and stimulating research environment with excellent opportunities for interactions and training in vision science and neuroscience. The laboratory is located within the Center for Visual Science and the department of Brain & Cognitive Sciences. Ongoing collaborations at the University of Rochester include the Flaum Eye Institute the Institute of Optics and the department of Neuroscience.

To apply, please send curriculum vitae, a statement of research interests and accomplishments, and the names of two references to Martina Poletti and Michele Rucci.

Visual Science

Please visit the positions available page on the Center for Visual Science website for more information on postdoctoral opportunities in vision science.

Applications from women and members of underrepresented minority groups are especially welcome. The University of Rochester is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

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