Dobro Slovo: The National Slavic Honor Society
Academic Excellence in Slavic Studies: Language, Literature, History, Culture
A Brief History of Dobro Slovo
Dobro Slovo was originally founded as a local Slavic Honorary Society on the campus of the University of California at Berkeley on October 29, 1926.
In 1963, with the help and encouragement of the American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European languages - AATSEEL, Dobro Slovo became the National Slavic Honor Society. There are now over 130 local chapters with a total membership of 6,200.
Dobro Slovo servers as a means for the recognition of academic excellence in the study of Slavic languages, literature, history, and culture. The Society serves as an incentive for scholarly interest in Slavic life and culture.
The National Slavic Honor Society has been patterned after other existing honorary organizations. The Key of the Society is as representative of academic excellence in Slavic Studies as the Phi Beta Kappa is for academic studies as a whole.
To qualify...
There are three classes of membership: student, faculty, and honorary. Members may be chosen from both undergraduate and graduate students and from the faculty of the local institution.
Qualifications for student membership are:
- The student must have completed two years (or equivalent) of study of Slavic languages, literature, culture or related subjects with a minimum average grade of 85% (B) or its letter or point equivalent.
- The minimum overall academic average must be 80% (B) or its letter or point equivalent.
- The student must indicate an active and continuing interest in Slavic languages, literature, culture or related fields of Slavic studies.
The Chapter Faculty Advisor is responsible for determining the eligibility of all candidates.
Members receive...
- national recognition for academic excellence
- personalized Membership Card
- 8 1/2 x 11 Membership Certificate (suitable for framing)
- A Society Pin
Epsilon Delta Chapter
Faculty Adviser: Prof. Laura Givens
Faculty Dobro Slovo Members
Prof. John Givens
Prof. Laura Givens
Honorary Dobro Slovo Members
Dr. Ralph Józefowicz
Dr. Frederic Skalny
Dobro Slovo officers
President: Boguang Yang
Secretary: Siobhán Seigne
President: Boguang Yang
Secretary: Siobhán Seigne
President: Tanveer Karim
Co-President: Katelyn Murphy
President: Angelika Kropiowski
Secretary: Christina Amaral
President: Alexander Glebov
Secretary: Natalia Godyla
President: Olga Nikolayeva
Secretary: Leyla Akhverdiyeva
Dobro Slovo Initiates
Thabani Dube
Maria Hackett
Ryan Kohn
Jamia Leonard
Eilis Regan
Mariel Sackman
Elise Vincent
Eric Franklin
Benjamin Garcy
Forrest Hangen
Kathryn Hanlon-Hall
Graeme McGuire
Alexandra Mesropov
Alexis Wallace
Katharine Baum
Cherish Blackman
Frederik Brekk
Stephen Burgay
Matthew Eisenstein
Benjamin Goehring
Christopher Hodgman
Robert Parent
Siobhán Seigne
Zachary Smith
Boguang Yang
Emily Bozelli
Paige Garlington
Jillian Johannes
Md. Tanveer Karim
Alexander Lamothe
Rebecca Morton
Katelyn Murphy
Di Wang
Emma Alperin
Christina Amaral
Ian Delbridge
Kendall Gildersleeve
Angelika Kropiowski
Hannah Chute
Natalia Godyla
Jordan Shapiro
Daniel Webb
Leyla Akverdiyeva
Gabrielle Cornish
Rachael Daum
Meredith Doubleday
Alexander Glebov
Stephanie Kane
Andrew Kless
Madeleine Klingler
Michael Kloboucher
May Zhee Lim
Olga Nikolayeva
Zachary Palomo
Zachary Pressman
Gregory Sutherland
Alexander Turpin
Yiyang Zhu