Complex System Dynamics |W. Udo Schröder



Course Syllabus
Class Venue/Times


Course Syllabus
Class Venue/Times

Links on this page:

Math Preparation


Exam I

Exam II

CHM 252/442: Assignments

This course aims to provide theoretical context and practice applications for students interested in deepening their understanding of complex phenomena underlying laboratory physical chemistry, technology, and environmental processes.
Additional pages are accessible via the navigation bar on top, including reference to a graduate course on statitsical theory .

Math Preparation

Prerequisites for following the material discussed in class lectures and workshops requires familiarity with calculus and certain aspects of statistical data analysis analysis. These materials are covered in the book by McQuarrie & Simon Math Chapters MC B, C, D, and E. They should be reviewed during the first 3 weeks of the semester. Calculations use the utility MS Excel.

Reading and Workshop Assignments

Reading for Weeks of January 26, February 2
           Lecture Notes Section I,II.1-II.6:Complex dynamics, chemical kinetics,                                 cellular automata
           McQuarrie & Simon Math Chapters MC B, C, D,
           Kondepudi Ch.19
           Additional Material
           Tutorials: Probability & distributions ( pdf),Taylor expansion ( pdf)
           J.L. Schiff: Cellular Automata (Excerpts), Ch.1, 3.1-3.6


Workshop Exercises  for the week of

           Jan 26 download (Exc1)


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