Robert Chapman

Robert Chapman

  • Professor, Brain and Cognitive Sciences

PhD, Brown University, 1960

243 Meliora Hall
(585) 275-8676

Office Hours: By appointment


Research Overview

Information for potential research subjects

I work on visual information processing in humans and am concerned particularly with the question of how psychological processes depend upon underlying physiological mechanisms. The major research tool is the analysis of brain-evoked potentials and magnetic signals recorded from human subjects while they are performing specified tasks. Extensive use is made of computers to collect and analyze data. By using multivariate statistical analyses, relationships have been established between certain components of the brain's electrical and magnetic responses and characteristics of information processing operations such as stimulus relevance, expectancy, memory storage, and semantic meaning. We are currently studying these in aging and Alzheimer's disease.

Selected Publications

Research Support

For more than 25 years, my work has been supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, and others.