Faculty Honors
Govind P. Agrawal
Editorial Board Member, Advances in Optics and Photonics 2009-Present
Editorial Board Member, Book series, Progress in Optics, 2001-Present
Associate Editor, Optics Express, Optical Society of America, 2001-Present
Editorial Board Member, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 1998-Present
University's Dean's Award for Meritorious Service in PhD Defenses 2010
Chair of Publication Council and Member of the Board of Directors, Optical Society of America 2009-2010
Life Fellow, Optical Society of India (since 2006)
Marie Curie Fellowship 2005
Editor, Academic Press Book Series on {Optics and Photonics}, 1998-2002
Distinguished Alumni Award, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi 2000
Honorary Professor, South China Normal University, China 1999
Editorial Board Member, Journal of European Optical Society, Part B 1994-1997
Topical Editor, Journal of Optical Society of America, Part B, 1993-1998
Fellow, Institution of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1996
Exceptional Contribution Award. AT&T Bell Laboratories 1987
Fellow, Optical Society of America 1986
Gold Medal, University of Lucknow, India 1970
Fellow, IEEE
Antonio Badolato
NSF CAREER Award 2014
Riccardo Betti
Edward Teller Medal for Fusion Research 2009
Editor Journal of Fusion Energy 2004
Fellow American Physcial Society 2001
T. J. Thompson Fellowship, MIT, 1990
Ansaldo Fellowship, Ansaldo S.p.A., Genova, Italy 1988
Fulbright Fellowship 1986
Nicholas P. Bigelow
Lee A. DuBridge Chair 2000-Present
Topical Editor for Optics Letters (OSA)- Present
Chair, Department of Physics and Astronomy 2007-2013
Fellow Optical Society of America (OSA) 2007
Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester 1998, 2006
Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS) 2004
University Dean's Award for Meritorious Service in Ph.D. Defenses in 2003
NSF Young Investigator Award 1994-99
David and Lucile Packard Fellow 1994-99
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellow 1993-95
Clark Distinguished Teaching Award, Cornell University 1983
Elizabeth Major Nevius Award for Distinguished Scholarship, Lehigh University 1980
Tau Beta Pi Honorary Engineering Society, Lehigh University 1980
Eric G. Blackman
Fellow in Theoretical Physics, Simons Foundation 2014-2015
Fellow of American Physical Society 2005
DOE Junior Faculty Development Award 2000-2003
Hewett Fund Prize, Harvard University (for highest graduate GPA) 1993-94
Trinity College Bursary Award, Cambridge University 1990-91
American Nuclear Society Full Tuition Fellowship, MIT 1989-90 (declined)
Harvard Book Award, Bausch and Lomb Science Prize, Sisson Mathematics Award, Language Scholar Award, Harley School, Rochester, NY 1985-86
Ralph S. McKee Trophy (Top Male Athlete) and Wooden Award (Sportsmanship), Harley School, Rochester, NY 1985-86
Editor, Cross Sections, UR Dept. of Physics & Astronomy
Mark Bocko
University of Rochester Student Association Senate “Professor of the Year” 2002
University of Rochester School of Engineering and Applied Sciences “Undergraduate Teaching Award” 2002
Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award: College of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Rochester 1991
Arie Bodek
ISI Highly-Cited Researcher, for particularly high citation rates over the past decade. In 2014 he published 135 refereed papers and garnered 7295 citations in ADS.
George E. Pake Professor of Physics 2005-Present
Physics Journal C 1988-Present
Distinguished Service Award, Department of Physics and Astronomy 2007
Chair, Department of Physics and Astronomy 1998-2007
Spokesperson FNAL Experiment E595 University of Rochester Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching 2004
American Physical Society W. K. Panofsky Prize in Experimental Particle Physics 2004
Included in the list of Most highly Cited Researchers in Physics in the past 2 decades in 2004 http://www.isihighlycited.com/
Associate Chair, Department of Physics and Astronomy 1995-1998
Goergen Award for Distinguished Contribution to Undergraduate Learning shared with P. Auchincloss, L. Orr, and C. Jones),WISE Program 1998 Editorial Board, European
NSF-JSPS Fellowship 1986
Fellow, American Physical Society 1985
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellow 1979-81
Robert E. Millikan Fellow, Caltech 1974-77
CDF Executive Board Institutional Representative
CMS HCAL Executive Board Institutional Representative
Co-Spokesperson SLAC Experiment E140
Co-Spokesperson Jefferson Lab Experiment E04-001 (JUPITER)
Editorial Board Z. Phys. C (Particle and Fields) - previously
Robert W. Boyd
M. Parker Givens Professor of Optics (and Physics) 2002-Present
Editorial board Phys. Rev. Letters 2003-Present
Editorial board, Journal of Modern Optics (North American Editor)-Present
Fellow, Optical Society of America
Fellow, American Physical Society
Visiting Scientist, University of Paris, 1992
Co-editor Contemporary Nonlinear Optics 1992
Editorial Board International Journal of Non Linear Optics
Theodore G. Castner
NSF, Outstanding Performance Award 1991
Fellow, APS 1971
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellow 1969-1970
Texas Instrument Fellow, University of Illinois 1956-1957
Gulf Research and Development Fellow, University of Illinois 1955-1956
Douglas Cline
York City Major Scholarship 1954-1957
United Kingdom State Scholarship 1954-1957
University of Manchester Samuel Bright Memorial Prize 1957
D.S.I.R. Research Scholarship 1957-1960
D.S.I.R. Senior Research Fellowship 1960-1963
Visiting Professor at Laval University 1965
Visiting Professor at Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen 1973
Visiting Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory 1975-76
Visiting Professor at Australian National University 1978
Visiting Professor at University of Uppsala 1981
DOE/NSF Nuclear Science Advisory Committee 1983-89
Associate Director of the Nuclear Structure Research Laboratory 1977-88
Director of the Nuclear Structure Research Laboratory 1988-1999
Associate Editor, Phys. Rev. C, 1988-1992
Gammasphere Steering Committee 1987-1991, Chair 1989-91
Gammasphere Scientific Advisory Committee 1991-1999
GRETA Steering Committee 1998 – 2013
Fellow of the American Physics Society 1981
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Gammasphere Dedication Award, 1995
Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, Physics and Astronomy, 2007, 2009
Marian Smoluchowski Medal from the Polish Physical Society, 2013
Ashok Das
Fulbright Fellowship, US Department of State 2006
William H. Ricker Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching, University of Rochester 2006
Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, Dept of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester 2006
Fellow American Physical Society (APS) named in 2002
Fulbright Fellow 1997-1998
Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester 1987, 1990, 1997
Edward Peck Curtis Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching 1991
DOE Outstanding Junior Investigator 1983-1989
University Grants Commission Scholar, India 1972-1974
National Merit Scholar, India 1968-1972
Editor, Cross Sections, UR Dept. of Physics & Astronomy
Regina Demina
DOE Outstanding Junior Investigator Award 2001
Charlie Duke
Medard W. Welch Award in Vacuum Science and Technology - 1977
President of the American Vacuum Society in 1979
Board of Directors American Vacuum Society for seven years
Trustee American Vacuum Society 2003-2005
ISI 1000 internationally most cited scientists 1981
Founding editor-in-chief of the Journal of Materials Research 1985-1986
Editor-in-chief of Surface Science and Surface Science Letters 1992-2001
Council of the Materials Research Society for seven years
Council of the Materials Research Society Treasurer 1991-2.
Elected to the National Academy of Engineering 1993
Elected to National Academy of Sciences 2001
Council and Executive Board of the American Physical Society 1995-1999
General chairman of the Physical Electronics Conference 1997-2000
Governing Board of the American Institute of Physics for eleven years
AIP Corporate Associates Advisory Committee for nearly twenty.
Chair of a National Research Council study of Network Science.
Fellow and an Honorary Member of the American Vacuum Society
Fellow of the American Physical Society
Fellow of the IEEE
Materials Research Society member
Life member of Sigma Xi.
In 2006, Duke was awarded the American Physical Society Pake Prize: "For groundbreaking theoretical contributions to the understanding of tunneling in solids, and inelastic scattering of low-energy electrons in solids, and for his outstanding contributions to Xerox Corporate Research both as an intellectual and research manager."
David H. Douglass
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellow
Fellow, American Physical Society
U of R Bridging Fellowship to Eastman 2004
Joseph H. Eberly
Paper of the Year Award, Chinese Laser Press 2014
President, OSA 2007
Fellow, APS
Fellow, OSA
Journal of Physics B Special Lecturer, Jasowiec, Poland 2002
Foreign Member, Academy of Science of Poland 2001
Goergen Award for Distinguished Achievement and Artistry in
Undergraduate Teaching (2000)
Distinguished Alumnus Award, Penn State College of Science 1998
Charles Hard Townes Award, OSA 1994
La Caixa Special Fulbright Award, Autonomous Univ. of Barcelona, Spain 1988
Auckland Foundation Visiting Professorship, Auckland Univ., New Zealand 1987
Smoluchowski Medal, Physical Society of Poland 1987
Humboldt Preis, A. von Humboldt Foundation of West Germany 1984
Gilford Lecturer, Oberlin College 1982
JILA Senior Visiting Fellow, Univ. of Colorado and NIST 1978-79
Andrew Carnegie Professor of Physics (Rochester)
Visiting Professorships
Visiting Professor, University of Texas-Austin
Visiting Professor, Universityät Ulm, Ulm, Germany
Visiting Professor, Univ. Catholique de Louvain, Belgium,
Auckland Foundation Visiting Lecturer, Auckland University, New Zealand
University Visiting Professor of Physics, University of Queensland, Australia
SERC Visiting Fellow, Department of Physics, Imperial College, London
Chair of Board of Editors, OSA 2002-06
Editorial Board of Laser Physics 1991 - Present
Founding Editor, Cross Sections, UR Dept. of Physics & Astronomy 1984
Founding Editor, Optics Express 1996-01
Physical Review A, Editorial Board, 1979-81, 1982-84
Associate Editor, Optics Letters 1980-83
Journal of the Optical Society of America B,
Topical Editor for Quantum Optics 1984-89
Senior Editor, Multiphoton Bibliographies 1976-85
Thomas Ferbel
Manager of U.S. LHC Research Program in Geneva, CH 2004-2008
Visiting Professorships: University of Freiburg, summer 2002, University of Mainz (summers 2001 and 2002), University of Paris Sud, summer 1995; Visiting Scientist: MPI, Werner Heisenberg Inst, Munich, 1995-6, Guest Scientist at Central Design Group of the SSC , 1988-9, Scientific Associate at CERN 1980-1
PPARC Senior Fellowship, Imperial College, London 2002-2003
Director of NATO Schools 1980-2000 and Editor, NATO Summer School Conference Series
Alexander Von Humboldt Prize 1995-96
Judge Charles Colden Award. Queens College
Fellow, APS (1982)
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellow 1971-72
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellow 1970
Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester 1979, 2002Editorial Board Modern Physics Letters A-current
Editorial Board International Journal of Modern Physics A-current
Previous Editor, NATO Summer School Conference Series
Editorial Board, Z. Phys. C. -previously
Editorial Board, Phys Rev B -previously
Editor, Cross Sections, UR Dept. of Physics & Astronomy
Thomas H. Foster
Fellow, APS 2001
Shu-Ren Lin Award for Excellence in Radiology Resident Teaching, Department of Radiology, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry 1991
Honorable Mention Citation as an Excellent Teaching Assistant, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester 1987
Associate Editor, Photochemistry and Photobiology
Adam Frank
National Science Foundation Early Career Development Award 1997-2002
Hubble Space Telescope Fellowship 1995-98 declined last two years
NSF Fellowship, Program for Research at Foreign Centers of Excellence
Graduate Merit Fellowship, Department of Physics, University of Washington 1986-87
Isabelle Tour Scholarship in Physics, University of Colorado 1983
American Astronomical Society Solar Physics Division: Popular Science Writing Award for a Scientist 1999
Editorial Board - Astronomy Magazine - Present
Contributing Editor, Astronomy Magazine - Present
Contributing Editor, Discover Magazine -Present
Yongli Gao
Bridging Fellowship Biomedical Engineering 2007
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellow 1989-91
CUSPEA Selectee, China-United States 1984-86
David Ross Fellowship, Purdue University 1984-86
Lark-Horovitz Prize, Purdue University 1986
Distinguished Student, Central-South Institute of Mining and Metallurgy 1980
Aran Garcia Bellido
DOE Career Award 2011
C. Richard Hagen
Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester 1996, 1999
H. Lawrence Helfer
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellow 1965-66
Research Fellow Radio Astronomy, Carnegie Institute 1953-54
John Howell
Fellow of the Optical Society of America 2014
Adolph Lomb Medal from the Optical Society of America 2006
Presidential PECASE Award 2005
Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) Award 2004
Research Innovation Award- Research Corporation 2004
Junior Research Fellow, Wolfson College, Oxford University
Duncan Fellowship, Penn State University
Athletic Track and Field Scholarship, Utah State University
Co-Physics Teaching Assistant of the Year, Penn State University1999-2000
Andrew N. Jordan
2010 Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award
Wayne H. Knox
Fellow OSA
Fellow APS
1990 Initiatives in Research Award from the National Academy of Sciences
1999 America Association of Physics Teachers Richtmyer Award.
Georgen Award Univ. of Rochester
Robert S. Knox
Prize in Biological Physics, APS 1994
Fellow, APS
Member and Chair Physics Programs Policy Committee, AIP 1989-94
Royal Society Guest Research Fellow and UK Fulbright Scholar, Department of Biochemistry, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London 1993
Chair, APS Division of Biological Physics 1981-82
Chair NYSS, APS 1971-77
NSF Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Leiden, Biophysical Laboratory 1967-68
NSF Predoctoral Fellowship, University of Rochester 1955-5
Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester 1978, 1989
Editorial board- AIP Springer Series in Basic and Applied Biological Physics - 1994-now
Associate Editor, Biophysical Journal 1984-89
Editorial Board - Journal of Luminescence 1984-2002
Daniel S. Koltun
Divisional Associate Editor of Physical Review Letters 1999-2001
Lady Davis Foundation Visiting Professor, Jerusalem 1985
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellow 1976-77
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellow 1969-71
NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, 1961-2
Fellow American Physical Society
Divisional Associate Editor of Physical Review Letters 1999-2001
Associate Editor, Physical Review C, 1978-80
Associate Editor, Physical Review Letters, 1979-81
Editorial Committee - Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 1989
Steven L. Manly
Fellow of the American Associate of Physics Teachers 2014
American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) Award in Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching 2007
Carnegie's Foundation NY State Professor of the Year 2003
Mercer Brugler Distinguished Teaching Professor 2002-2005
PHOBOS Collaboration Council
SLD Collaboration Council
SLD Spokesman’s Advisory group
Eric E. Mamajek
2012 Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award
Robert L. McCrory
Fusion Power Associates Leadership Award 1996
Edward Teller Medal 1994
Fellow, APS 1985
Atomic Energy Commission Special Fellow-National Fellowship 1968-73
Alfred P. Sloan National Scholar, MIT 1964-68
Associate Editor, Physics of Plasmas
Former member of the Editorial Board, Nuclear Fusion
Former Associate Editor, Laser and Particle Beam
Kevin S. McFarland
Suwa Prize 2014
Spokesperson of the MINERvA Fermilab Neutrino Collaboration 2003
Cottrell Scholars Award, Research Corporation 2001
Outstanding Junior Investigator (DOE) 1999
NSF Career Award
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellow 1998
Lederman Fellowship-Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory 1994-1998
McCormick Fellow, University of Chicago 1989
Nathan Sugarman Award for Outstanding Graduate Research, Enrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago 1992
NSF Graduate Fellow 1989-92
Fannie and John Hertz Foundation Fellowship (declined) 1989
Editor, Cross Sections, UR Dept. of Physics & Astronomy
Adrian C. Melissinos
Fellow, APS
Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Rochester (1981, 1986)
David D. Meyerhofer
Fellow American Physical Society (APS) named in 2002
University Dean's Award for Meritorious Service in Ph.D. Defenses in 2003
Editorial board Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
Divisional Editor - Phys. Rev. Letters (Jan 2004-)
Susumu Okubo
Wigner Medal 2006
APS Sakurai Prize 2005
Nishina Foundation Award of Physics 1976
Fellow, APS
Ford Foundation Distinguished Professor Fellow 1969
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellow 1966
NSF Fellow 1960-61
Editorial Board - Hadronic Journal 1970-1972
Editorial Board - Algebras, Groups and Geometries 1985-1987
Lynne H. Orr
Fellow, APS 2006
NSF Career Access Award 1996-2000
DOE Outstanding Junior Investigator Grant 1996-1999
U.K. Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council Visiting Fellowship 1996
University of California President's Postdoctoral Fellowship 1991, declined: 1992-93
SSC Postdoctoral Fellowship 1991-92
Meyers Teaching Award, University of Maryland 1986
Iskraut Graduate Fellowship, University of Maryland 1985-86
NASA Group Achievement Award 1985
William Spicer Undergraduate Physics Award 1982
National Merit Scholarship 1978-82
Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester 2000, 2004 and 2014
Curtis Award for Nontenured Faculty Teaching Excellence 1999
Goergen Award for Distinguished Contribution to Undergraduate Learning shared with P. Auchincloss, A. Bodek and C. Jones),WISE Program 1998
Judith L. Pipher
Inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame 2007
Chair SOFIA Science Council 1996-2003
Member NRC Committee on Astronomy and Astrophysics 2006
Susan B. Anthony Lifetime Achievement Award for Contribution to Teaching an Research 2002
Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester 2001
Scientific Editor, Astrophysical Journal 2002-present
Alice C. Quillen
2010 Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award
Columbus Postdoctoral Fellowship, Ohio State (1993-1996)
Sarada G. Rajeev
Abdus Salam ICTP Visiting Scholar India 2003
TOKTEN Fellowship of the United Nations 1998
Graduate School Doctoral Prize, Syracuse University 1984
Governor's Gold Medal, University of Kerala 1979
National Science Talent Scholar, India 1976-79
Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester 1993
Chuang Ren
2006 Faculty Development Award in Plasma Physics from the Department of Energy
Lewis Rothberg
1977 Phi Beta Kappa
1995 AT&T Bell Labs Global Mfg. & Eng. Teaming Excellence Award
1996 Fellow of American Physical Society
Malcolm P. Savedoff
NSF Senior Fellow 1964-65
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellow 1956-60
Yonathan Shapir
Fulbright Fellow
Bourse Joliot-Curie Fellow
Visiting Compton Fellow, Technion Israel
Albert Simon
Fellow, APS
U.K. Science Research Council, Senior Visiting Fellow, Oxford 1975
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellow 1964-65
Paul F. Slattery
Fellow, APS
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellow 1992-93
Dean's Fellow, University of Rochester 1984-85
AEC Postdoctoral Fellow 1967-69
Sterling Fellow, Yale University 1966-67
NASA Traineeship, Yale University 1963-66
1963 Leigh Page memorial Prize, Yale University 1963
Raycroft Walsh Scholarship, United Aircraft Corporation 1958-62
Spokesperson FNAL Experiment E706
Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester 1983
Goergen Award for Distinguished Contributions to Undergraduate Learning (as Chair of the College Curriculum Committee) 1977
Roman Sobolewski
State Professorship Award- President of Poland 2006
R&D100 Award for the Development of Superconducting Single Photon
Detectors R&D Magazine 2003
Polish Academy of Science Scientific Award 1979, 1989.
Carlos R. Stroud
Sigma Xi, and Sigma Xi Sigma
National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow 1963-68
Fellow, OSA
Fellow, APS University Mentor of the University of Rochester 1987-88
U of R SEAS Lifetime Achievement Award 2003
Stephen L. Teitel
Fellow, APS
Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society
Feinberg Graduate Fellowship 1985-86
Bantrell Postdoctoral Fellowship 1983-85
Ohio State University Graduate Fellowship 1981-82
University of Rochester Bridging Fellowship to BCS Department 2003
Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester 2000
Ching W. Tang
Eastman Kodak Distinguished Inventor 1994
Fellow of the American Physical Society 1998
Eastman Kodak Team Achievement Award 1999
Eastman Kodak Innovation Award 2000
Jack Rajchman Prize of the Society of Information Display 2001
Carothers Award of the American Chemical Society 2001
Northeast Regional Innovation Award of the American Chemical Society 2001
Rochester Law Association Inventor of the Year Award 200
Fellow of the Society for Information Display 2002
American Chemical Society Award for Team Innovation 2003
Humboldt Research Award 2005
Elected to the National Academy of Engineering 2006 for "the invention of the organic light-emitting device and organic bilayer solar cell, the bases of modern organic electronics”
Honorary degrees from Shaghai University, and South China Technology University
John Tarduno
Fellow of American Geophysical Union 2007
Guggenheim Fellowship in 2006
American Geophysical Union/Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetic Section Bullard Lecturer 2004
Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science 2003
JOI Distinguished Lecturer in 2000/2001
University of Rochester's Goergen Award for Distinguished Achievement and Artistry in Undergraduate Teaching 2001
Editorial board of Geology 2001-2003
Guest editor of Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 2004-2005
Editor of Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, G-cubed (current)
John H. Thomas
Senior fellow of the Isacc Newton Institute of Mathematical Science, Cambridge, England Fall 2004
Chair Solar Physics Division of the American Astronomical Society 1995-97
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellow 1993-94
University of Rochester-Worcester College, Oxford, Exchange Fellow 1987-88
Chair American Society for Engineering Education, Graduate Studies Division 986-87
NATO Postdoctoral Fellow 1966-67
Fellow APS 2001-
Scientific Editor, Astrophysical Journal 1993-2003
Edward H. Thorndike
Spokesperson CLEO Collaboration
W.K.H. Panofsky Prize 1999
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellow 1987-88
Fellow, APS (1968)
NSF Senior Postdoctoral Fellow 1970
Visiting Fellow Cornell University 1967-present
NSF Predoctoral Fellow 1956-60
Hugh M. Van Horn
Fellow, AAAS
Visiting Fellow, JILA 1973-74
Tau Beta Pi 1960
Dan M. Watson
Goergen Award 2006
NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award
NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award 1989-94
Robert Andrews Millikan Fellowship, Caltech 1985-87
Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester 1992, 1994 ,2003, 2004, 2005
Teaching Award University of California, Berkeley 1977
Emil Wolf
Distinguished Visiting Professor, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, Fall Semester 2002, 2003
President of the Optical Society of America
Frederic Ives Medal OSA
Albert A. Michelson Medal, Franklin Institute
Max Born Award, OSA
Marconi Medal (Italian National Research Council)
Gold Medal of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences
Medal of the Union of Czechoslovak Mathematicians and Physicists
Gold Medal of Palacky University, Olomouc, Czechoslovakia
Fellow, APS
Fellow, OSA
Fellow, British Institute of Physics
Fellow, Franklin Institute
Fellow, Electromagnetic Academy
Fellow, John Simon Fubbenheim Foundation 1966-67
HONORARY DEGREES: Universite de Franche-Comte-Besancon, France; Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark; University of Groningen, The Netherlands; University of edinburgh, Scotland; Palacky University Olomouc, Czechoslovakia; University of Bristol, England; Laval University, Quebec, Canada
Esther Hoffman Beller Award, Optical Society of America, 2002
Tribute to Emil Wolf Special Session: Optics SPIE Conference Aug,6, 2003; Tribute to Emil Wolf Special Session: Engineering and Legacy of Physical Optics.
Emil Wolf: Special Session Symposium on Coherence in Physical Optics: 50 years of the Wolf Equations OSA Annual Meeting, Rochester NY Oct. 2004
University of Rochester Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching (2000)
Journal of Modern Optics (Editorial board)
Optics Communications (Advisory Editorial board)
Progress in Optics (Editor)
Frank L. H. Wolfs
2012 and 2011 Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award
Goergen Award for Distinguished Achievement and Artistry in Undergraduate Teaching (1997)
Curtis Award for Nontenured Faculty Teaching Excellence 1995
Jianhui Zhong
Guest Professor, Department of Physics, Xiamen University, China, 2001-2004
Awardee of Wang Kanchen Research Prize, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1999
Research Scientist, Yale University School of Medicine, 1998-2000
CUSPEA (China US Physics Examination and Application) Scholarship, Brown University (1982-87)
NIH Training grant, Yale University, Biomedical NMR (1987-89)
The Dean's Award for Research, Yale University School of Medicine (1996)
President of Overseas Chinese Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, (Editor-in-chief: John Gore of Vanderbilt University), 2001-present