Resources for current students

Welcome to the new resources hub for current graduate students. We hope this will serve as a helpful toolbox for you throughout your linguistics program at the University of Rochester.

Use the links below to find resources specific to your program. This page will also serve as a way to post announcements, so check back regularly for updates.

Resources for PhD students
Resources for Master's students


  • The faculty voted to remove the requirement for an external committee member on QP committees. If you already have an external committee member and would like to continue to work with them that's fine. But you are not required to find an external member if you do not have one.
  • New versions of five graduate forms are being used as of November 2024. Please use the hub's links to forms for the most recent versions. Don't use forms you've saved to your computer.
  • An update has been made to the PhD placeholder course policy. LING 997 is no longer being used, and LING 999 will be the only placeholder course for PhD students. More info on how this impacts you can be found on the PhD placeholder course policy page.
  • Omnibus sign-ups are live for the Spring 2025 semester. It's the department's expectation that all graduate students will present at least once per academic year at the omnibus lab meetings. Sign-up here.

What you'll find here

  • Important policies (both university-wide and departmental)
  • Guidance and timelines for program-specific processes (QPs, dissertations, MA theses, program requirements, detailed sample schedules, etc.)
  • Forms and internal tasks (add/drop forms, advisor change requests, QP extensions, annual graduate student self-evaluations, etc.)
  • FAQs (compiled from questions you and your peers have asked over the last year)
  • Course information, offering history, credit policies, etc.
  • And so much more!