Department Directory

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Michela Andreatta

Andreatta, Michela

Associate Professor of Hebrew Language and Literature

Research Active

Office Location
425 Rush Rhees Library
(585) 275-7465

Interests: Literary and intellectual history of Italian Jews from the medieval to the early modern period; Italian Hebrew poetry, particularly devotional and elegiac; Christian Hebraists of Renaissance Italy; Venetian Jewry



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Chao, Shin-yi

Associate Professor of Religion

Research Active

Office Location
424 Rush Rhees Library
(585) 275-4760
Web Address

Interests: Chinese popular religion; Daoism; ritual studies

Cushing, Alex

Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics

Research Active

Office Location
430A Rush Rhees
(585) 275-9370

Interests: Roman social history; Ancient slavery and Roman freedpersons; Roman epigraphy and papyrology


Jack Downey

Downey, Jack

John Henry Newman Professor of Roman Catholic Studies

Associate Professor of Religion

Research Active

Office Location
436 Rush Rhees Library
(585) 275-5224

Interests: Contemporary Justice Movements; Liberation Theologies; North American religious history; Christianity; Buddhism: and Contemplative Traditions

Joshua Dubler

Dubler, Joshua

Associate Professor of Religion

Director, Rochester Education Justice Initiative

Research Active

Office Location
428A Rush Rhees Library
(585) 275-4756

Interests: Religion in America

Dwyer, Justin

Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics

Research Active

Office Location
432 Rush Rhees
(585) 275-9370

Interests: Greek and Roman Comedy; Hellenistic Greece and Republican Rome; Greek and Latin Pedagogy; Ancient Theatre and Material Culture; Stagecraft and Performance; Fragmentary Authors; Manuscript Illumination; Coroplastic Studies; Historicism; Reception


William Green

Green, William Scott

Philip S. Bernstein Professor Emeritus of Judaic Studies

Dean Emeritus of the College

Nicholas Gresens

Gresens, Nicholas

Associate Professor of Instruction, Classics

Office Location
435 Rush Rhees Library
(585) 275-5112

Interests: Latin and Greek Language; Imperial Greek Prose; Ancient Geography, Topography, and Historiograpy


Aaron Hughes

Hughes, Aaron W.

Philip S. Bernstein Professor of Judaic Studies

Dean's Professor of Humanities

Research Active

Office Location
430 Rush Rhees Library
(585) 275-9359

Interests: Jewish Studies; Islam; Method and Theory of Religion


Karabela, Mehmet

Visiting Assistant Professor in Islamic Studies

Research Active

Office Location
418 Rush Rhees
Web Address

Interests: Islam and the Reformation; religion and politics; political theology; comparative religion


Marshall, Cona

Assistant Professor of American Religions

Research Active

Office Location
431 Rush Rhees Library
Office (585) 275-9368

Interests: Womanism; Black feminism; the Black church (as an institution); African American public religious rhetoric

Anne Merideth

Merideth, Anne

Professor of Instruction, Religion

Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Religion and Classics

Office Location
434 Rush Rhees Library
(585) 275-9367

Interests: New Testament; History and Literature of Early Christianity


Nora Rubel

Rubel, Nora

Jane and Alan Batkin Professor in Jewish Studies

Associate Professor of Religion

Chair, Department of Religion and Classics

Research Active

Office Location
438 Rush Rhees Library
(585) 275-7215

Interests: American Religion; Race and Ethnicity; Religion and Foodways