Joshua Dubler

Joshua Dubler

  • Associate Professor of Religion
  • Director, Rochester Education Justice Initiative

PhD, Princeton, 2008

Research Active

Office Location
428A Rush Rhees Library
(585) 275-4756
(585) 276-1230

Office Hours: By appointment

Curriculum Vitae

Joshua Dubler is an associate professor of religion at UR, where he directs the Rochester Education Justice Initiative and a founding member of the Rochester Decarceration Research Initiative. He is the author of Down in the Chapel: Religious Life in an American Prison (FSG, 2013), co-author of Break Every Yoke: Religion, Justice, and the Abolition of Prisons (Oxford, 2019), and co-editor of Religion, Law, USA (NYU, 2019). He is currently writing a cultural history of the concept of guilt in the United States.


C-SPAN, Afterwards with Josh Dubler
WNYC, Religious Life in an American Prison
Jeff Schechtman's "Specific Gravity", Religion and mass incarceration
Marginalia, Joshua Dubler talks to MRB’s Joseph Williams

Book Reviews for "Down in the Chapel"

Los Angeles Review of Books
Wall Street Journal
The Christian Science Monitor
The Daily Beast
Publisher's Weekly

Research Overview

Research Interests

  • Religion in America