Earth and Environmental Science Faculty
Murray, Lee
- Associate Professor
- | (585) 275-2077
- 479 Hutchison Hall
Interests: Application and development of 3-D global models of atmospheric chemistry and climate to examine various couplings between atmospheric chemistry and the climate system in the past, present and future.
Nakajima, Miki
- Assistant Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy
- | (585) 276-6617
- 224D Hutchison Hall
Interests: Dynamics of planetary impacts; Evolution of planetary interiors; Planet formation and evolution; Early Earth, Earth-Moon formation; Modeling Enceladus plumes; Origin of the Martian moons; Exomoon formation; Space missions
Tarduno, John A.
- William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor
Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Professor of Physics and Astronomy - Dean of Research, Arts, Sciences & Engineering
- | (585) 275-5713
- 227 Hutchison Hall
Interests: Paleomagnetism, Geomagnetism and Geodynamics, including rates of plate tectonic, hotspot and polar motion, mantle plume volcanism, long-term history of Earth's magnetic field (paleointensity, paleosecular variation and reversal frequency), origin of the geodynamo, magnetic shielding and planetary habitability, decay of the modern dipole magnetic field and archeomagnetism; Cretaceous climate; environmental magnetism.
Trail, Dustin
- Associate Professor
- | (585) 276-7182
Interests: Experimental geochemistry; early Earth - including understanding the origin(s) of the oldest terrestrial rocks and minerals; planetary geology; astrobiology; lunar geochemistry; "water" in nominally anhydrous minerals; isotope geochemistry and geochronology of accessory minerals; redox chemistry of magmas, fluids, and minerals - including the application of synchrotron-based techniques