Affiliated Faculty

Alio, Paula A.
Associate Professor of Public Health Sciences and Community Health and Prevention
- Telephone
- (585) 275-0482
- Web Address
- Website
Interests: Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Women's Health; Maternal Child Health; Perinatal outcomes; Program Evaluation; Global Health; Community Based Participatory Research

Block, Rebecca
Senior Health Educator, University Health Services
- Telephone
- (585) 273-5772

Brown, Theodore M.
Professor Emeritus of History; Professor Emeritus of Public Health Sciences
Interests: Dr. Brown's research falls into several areas, including the history of American psychiatry and psychosomatic medicine; the influence of organized philanthropy on medical research, health policy, and medical education; the American health left and its role in both domestic and international health policy; and the history of American and global public health.

Chin, Nancy
Professor, Undergraduate Public Health-Related Programs
- Office Location
- 206 Morey Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-9780
Interests: Dr. Chin is interested in social class gradients in health, and women's position in society and its impact on their health and the health of their children. Dr. Chins teaching responsibilities include: PHLT 101 Introduction to Public Health I; PHLT 215 Public Health Anthropology; PHLT 265 Global Health; and PHLT 397W Community Engagement Internship. Dr. Chin is the primary advisor for students majoring in Health, Behavior, and Society.

Dees, Richard
Professor of Philosophy and Bioethics
- Telephone
- (585) 275-8110
- Web Address
- Website
Interests: Dr. Dees works on issues at the intersection of neuroscience and ethics in neuroethics and at the intersection of political philosophy and health care in public health ethics. He has a particular interest in the ethical issues in newborn screening, in the moral permissibility of enhancement technologies, and in the nature and meaning of death.

Jusko, Todd A.
Associate Professor of Public Health Services and Environmental Medicine
- Telephone
- (585) 273-2849
- Web Address
- Website
Interests: Dr. Jusko's research interests concern the environmental causes of human disease.

Korfmacher, Katrina Smith
Associate Professor of Environmental Medicine, Public Health Sciences, Community Health and Prevention
- Telephone
- (585) 273-4304
- Web Address
- Website
Interests: Community Engagement Core

McNulty, Molly
Assistant Professor of Public Health Law and Policy, Multidisciplinary Studies Center
- Office Location
- 206 Morey Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 276-5305
Interests: The role of law and the policymaking process in health policy; Health equity for the poor and underserved; Community-engaged pedagogy

Raz, Mical
Charles E. and Dale L. Phelps Professor of Public Health and Policy
- Telephone
- (585) 756-4425
- Web Address
- Website
Interests: Dr. Raz works on the intersection of race, public health and policy interventions. She is currently completing a book on the history of child abuse policy making. Other interests include maternal health, child welfare, and poverty intervention from a public health perspective. Dr. Raz's teaching responsibilities include: HIST 167M Meliora Seminar: Unequal, Unjust: 100 Years of Racism in American Public Health, HIST 373W American Health Policy and Politics, and PHLT 116 Introduction to the U.S. Health System. Mical Raz is the primary advisor for students majoring in health policy.

Rich, David
Associate Professor of Public Health Sciences, Environmental Medicine, and Pulmonary Diseases and Critical Care
- Telephone
- (585) 276-4119
- Web Address
- Website
Interests: Dr. Rich's research focuses on the cardiovascular, respiratory, and perinatal/reproductive health effects of exposures to environmental agents including ambient air pollution.

Seplaki, Christopher
Associate Professor of Public Health Sciences and Psychiatry
- Telephone
- (585) 273-1549
- Web Address
- Website
Interests: Dr. Seplaki's overarching goals are to understand how challenges in the social and physical environment interact with the biological processes of aging, and how to translate that understanding into effective interventions that reduce disability and mortality among older adults.

VanWijngaarden, Edwin
Professor of Public Health Sciences, Environmental Medicine, Pediatrics, Dentistry, and Community Health
- Telephone
- (585) 275-1985
- Web Address
- Website
Interests: Dr. van Wijngaarden's primary research efforts have focused on the influence of environmental exposures on cognitive outcomes in children and adults. He leads the Seychelles Child Development Study (SCDS) which for over 30 years has investigated the impact of pre- and postnatal methylmercury exposure on child development. He also has significant collaborative research experience in clinical and population health research. Dr. van Wijngaarden's teaching responsibilities include: PHLT 201W Environmental Health and PM 413 Field Epidemiology. He is the primary advisor for students majoring in Epidemiology and for students majoring in Environmental Health.

White, Ann Marie
Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Community Health and Prevention, Psychology, and Public Health Sciences
- Telephone
- (585) 275-3571
- Web Address
- Website