Manly Wins Professor of the Year Award

May 30, 2010

Prof. ManlyThe University of Rochester Students' Association has selected Professor Steven L. Manly of the Department of Physics as the 2009-2010 Professor of the Year in Natural Sciences. All undergraduate students are eligible to vote for this annual award, which honors professors who demonstrate outstanding teaching skills. Professor Manly received the award during the 2010 Undergraduate Research Exposition, which he has managed for numerous years.

This award is the latest in a long string of teaching accolades for Professor Manly. In 2003, he was named the NY State Professor of the Year by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. In 2007, he was honored with the American Association of Physics Teachers Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Physics Teaching. In 2008, he was named Director of Undergraduate Research in the College at the University of Rochester.

Professor Manly received his BA in Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics (1982) from Pfeiffer College in North Carolina, then earned his PhD in experimental high energy physics from Columbia University in 1989. After a short postdoc at Yale University, he joined the Yale faculty as an Assistant Professor in 1990 and was promoted to Associate Professor in 1996. He's been at the University of Rochester since 1998.

The Students' Association selects one professor in each academic division for the honor of Professor of the Year. Along with Professor Manly, the other 2009-2010 winners are:

  • Social Sciences: Professor Michael Rizzo
  • Engineering: Professor Diane Dalecki
  • Humanities: Professor Matthew BaileyShea