2013 Graduate Program News
Travel Funds for PhD Students Presenting at Conferences
PhD students from any department or program who are traveling to conferences may apply to the University Dean of Graduate Studies for reimbursement of airfare and conference registration costs up to $800. Priority will be given to Sproull and Provost Fellows, and to students who are the main or sole author of the work to be presented.
Folger Institute
The University of Rochester is a member of the Folger
Institute Consortium; our faculty and students receive preference in
admissions, and are eligible to receive grants-in-aid to support their
travel and lodging while attending Folger Institute events. The
Institute’s interdisciplinary programming immerses participants in the
Folger Library’s holdings, most famous for their Shakespeare-related
materials but which include hundreds of thousands of books, manuscripts,
and visual objects pertaining to early modern Western culture most
broadly conceived (British, Continental, American, and Transatlantic).
PhD Placement News
Congratulations to our PhD recipients on these recent accomplishments in their careers:
PhD Recipients
We're proud to announce that these students defended their dissertations and were awarded the PhD in English in summer 2013.