News & Events

Folger Institute

November 1, 2013

Folger InstituteThe University of Rochester is a member of the Folger Institute Consortium; our faculty and students receive preference in admissions, and are eligible to receive grants-in-aid to support their travel and lodging while attending Folger Institute events. The Institute’s interdisciplinary programming immerses participants in the Folger Library’s holdings, most famous for their Shakespeare-related materials but which include hundreds of thousands of books, manuscripts, and visual objects pertaining to early modern Western culture most broadly conceived (British, Continental, American, and Transatlantic).

September 3 is the deadline for the Institute’s fall 2013 seminar “Entangled Trajectories: Integrating European and Native American Histories,” directed by Marcy Norton.

The application forms are brief and very straightforward. If you are interested in applying for Institute programs, please consult with Professor Katherine Mannheimer (, who is our university’s Folger Institute representative and whose signature is required on all applications. Details about Folger programs and the application process are available online at the Folger Institute website.

Recent graduate student recipients of Folger Institute grants-in-aid include Lisa Vandenbossche (attending the seminar “Law as Politics in England and the Empire, ca. 1600-1830,” in spring 2013), Nicholas Knopf (attending the seminar “Thinking the Revolution: American Political Thought, 1763-1789,” in spring 2012), Joseph Lamperez (attending the Folger conference “Early Modern Cites in Comparative Perspective,” in fall 2012), and Sarah Bunker (attending the year-long dissertation seminar “Researching the Archive,” throughout the 2012-13 academic year).