Spring Term Schedule
Each term course registration occurs in UR Student, which is also where students and faculty can see the most up to date course information. See also Course Descriptions/Course Schedules (CDCS), which is updated at the end of each day.
Students looking to transfer or repeat a course should see our policies page.
Spring 2025
Number | Title | Instructor | Time |
CHEM 1000-1
Ellen Matson Hicks
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Teaching assistantship in Chemistry.
CHEM 112-1
Alice Hunt
7:00PM - 7:00PM
This one-semester chemistry course is designed for high school graduates who are (re)entering college after a long absence, students with limited mathematics and/or science background who plan to take higher level chemistry courses such as CHEM 131, and students interested in a general exploration of chemical concepts and applied principles. In this course we will learn the ‘language of chemistry,’ visualize and explain natural processes on an atomic and molecular level, and develop problem solving skills and strategies. Our goal is to understand commonly observed phenomena (e.g. removal of grease by soap, why some metals rust and others tarnish, how batteries are drained and recharge).
CHEM 132-01
Ellen Matson Hicks; Kathryn Knowles
TR 11:05AM - 12:20PM
(5 credits) A continuation of Chemical Concepts, Systems and Practices I, emphasizing molecular and macroscopic approaches to chemical systems with a focus on sustainability and environmental issues. Topics covered include: Chemical kinetics, electrochemistry, thermodynamics, properties of atoms, atomic structure, and chemical bonding. You must register for a lab lecture and laboratory (linked) when registering for the main course. Workshops are offered at multiple times during the week and assigned during the first week of classes. Lab fee of $146 will be billed by the Bursar's Office. This course uses the T/TR 8:00 am - 9:30 am common exam time.
CHEM 132-02
Kathryn Knowles; Ellen Matson Hicks
TR 9:40AM - 10:55AM
(5 credits) A continuation of Chemical Concepts, Systems and Practices I, emphasizing molecular and macroscopic approaches to chemical systems with a focus on sustainability and environmental issues. Topics covered include: Chemical kinetics, electrochemistry, thermodynamics, properties of atoms, atomic structure, and chemical bonding. You must register for a lab lecture and laboratory (linked) when registering for the main course. Workshops are offered at multiple times during the week and assigned during the first week of classes. Lab fee of $146 will be billed by the Bursar's Office. This course uses the T/TR 8:00 am - 9:30 am common exam time.
CHEM 172-01
Bradley Nilsson
MWF 10:25AM - 11:15AM
CHM 172 is the 2nd semester of a one year exploration of the basic observations, concepts and practice of organic chemistry, with a focus on the fundamental relationships among molecular structure and chemical reactivity. The exploration will require that students grapple in depth issues: defining questions, evaluating evidence, weighing arguments, reflecting on epistemological issues, constructing new experiments, etc. The study of organic chemistry will be carefully integrated with a review of the key concepts from general chemistry. The CHM171/172 sequence is designed for first year students with good preparation in chemistry (2 yrs of gen chem & AP score of 4 or 5). This sequence fast tracks students to more advanced chemistry courses and the fulfillment of degree requirements in other disciplines. Coregistration required in the accompanying lab - CHM208 or CHM210(W). CHM210W is recommended for CHM majors. Lab fee will be billed. (Spring).
CHEM 204-01
Benjamin Hafensteiner
MWF 11:50AM - 12:40PM
(4 credits) A continuation of a two-semester sequence in the study of organic chemistry. Topics covered include the reactivity of various functional groups, approaches to organic synthesis, reactivity of conjugated systems and molecules of biological significance. Co-registration REQUIRED in the accompanying laboratory course, CHEM 208. (CHEM210W a 2 credit lab is recommended for CHEM majors {not offered in summer}). Lab fee will be billed by the Bursar's Office. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in CHM 203 or equivalent. (Spring)
CHEM 232W-1
Michael Ruggiero
MWF 9:00AM - 9:50AM
A thorough study of the principles and practice of spectroscopic methods of modern physical chemistry. Three lectures and one lab per week. Two exams and five laboratory reports. Course Topics: Overview, Classical view of spectroscopy, Quantum view of spectroscopy, oscillator, Rigid rotor and anharmonic oscillator, Generation and detection of EM radiation, Measurement methodology, noise, error, OCS lab and Stark effect, Electronic spectroscopy, Basic Electronics, Fine points of rovibrational spectra, FTIR experiment, 2 level theory, line broadening, Laser induced fluorescence experiment, Group theory, polyatomics, special topics, Polyatomic spectroscopy/intro to Pyrene, Pyrene lab instrumentation and analysis, Theory of ESR spectroscopy, ESR lab and instrumentation. Lab fee of $146 will be billed by the Bursar's Office. Prerequisites: CHEM 251 or equivalent.
CHEM 234-1
William Jones
TR 12:30PM - 1:45PM
(4 credits, Spring) Advanced laboratory techniques of synthesis, characterization, and analysis applied to problems in inorganic and organic chemistry. A laboratory course with two or three 75-minute lectures for each lab. Labs are scheduled either Mon/Wed or Tue/Thurs for approximately two-and-one-half hours each. Graded work includes five lab reports, a midterm, and two problem sets. 234W has an additional writing assignment. CHEM 234W meets one of the two required upper level writing courses for the chemistry major. Lab fee of $146 will be billed by the Bursar's Office. Prerequisites: CHEM 211 recommended.
CHEM 234W-1
William Jones
TR 12:30PM - 1:45PM
(4 credits, Spring) Advanced laboratory techniques of synthesis, characterization, and analysis applied to problems in inorganic and organic chemistry. A laboratory course with two or three 75-minute lectures for each lab. Labs are scheduled either Mon/Wed or Tue/Thurs for approximately two-and-one-half hours each. Graded work includes five lab reports, a midterm, and two problem sets. 234W has an additional writing assignment and meets one of the two required upper level writing courses for the chemistry major. Lab fee of $134 will be billed by the Bursar's Office. Prerequisites: CHEM 211 recommended.
CHEM 252-01
Wolf Schroeder
TR 9:40AM - 10:55AM
(4 credits) This course aims to provide theoretical context and practice applications for science and engineering students interested in deepening their understanding of complex phenomena underlying laboratory physical chemistry, as well as technological methods or environmental processes. Non-linear dynamics (and thermodynamics) are shown as foundations of complex behavior of chemical, biological and environmental processes. The evolution of multi-component systems to ever increasing complexity, modeled in terms of multiple interactions, is guided by local dynamical equilibrium and environmental constraints. Thus, multiple collisions governed by classical deterministic forces are shown to result in a host of thermodynamic phenomena, such as the kinetic gas laws, the three main Laws of Thermodynamics, establishment of equilibrium in chemical reactions and between different material phases, solvation and mixing, as well as transport of energy by mass flow. Since most of the laboratory or natural processes involving transformation of materials and energy rely on some basic quantum mechanical properties of microscopic organization, some quantum statistical principles are also reviewed in the course. This course uses the Tues/Thurs 8:00 - 9:30 am Common Exam time.
CHEM 252-02
Wolf Schroeder
F 12:30PM - 2:30PM
No description
CHEM 252-04
Wolf Schroeder
F 3:00PM - 5:00PM
No description
CHEM 252-05
Wolf Schroeder
R 3:25PM - 5:25PM
No description
CHEM 262-01
Benjamin Partridge
TR 2:00PM - 3:15PM
Description: (4 credits, Spring) An introduction to the chemical processes of life. Topics to be covered include proteins and nucleic acids, recombinant DNA technology, biological catalysis, and energy transduction. Structure and function of biological macromolecules will be emphasized. Crosslisted with CHM 462. Students will not receive credit for BIO 250 AND CHM 262/462. Prerequisites: one semester of Organic Chemistry (CHEM 203 or CHEM 171). Prior or Concurrent enrollment in CHEM 204 (or CHEM 172) is strongly recommended.
CHEM 275-01
Alison Frontier
MW 2:00PM - 3:15PM
In this course, we will explore both the science of poisonous substances and their impact on human history and culture. What is a poison? Where can poisons be found in nature? Who discovered them, and how? Focusing on small molecule poisons, we will study the chemical and biochemical mechanisms underlying their toxicity and discuss how antidotes work. Through case studies, we will examine the wide variety of uses people have found for these compounds, from committing crimes to practicing medicine. Source materials will include historical, literary, and scientific texts, recent essays, and popular culture. Prerequisite: completion of two semesters of organic chemistry.
CHEM 275-02
Alison Frontier
F 1:00PM - 3:00PM
In this course, we will explore both the science of poisonous substances and their impact on human history and culture. What is a poison? Where can poisons be found in nature? Who discovered them, and how? Focusing on small molecule poisons, we will study the chemical and biochemical mechanisms underlying their toxicity and discuss how antidotes work. Through case studies, we will examine the wide variety of uses people have found for these compounds, from committing crimes to practicing medicine. Source materials will include historical, literary, and scientific texts, recent essays, and popular culture. Prerequisite: completion of two semesters of organic chemistry.
CHEM 275-03
Alison Frontier
R 4:50PM - 6:50PM
In this course, we will explore both the science of poisonous substances and their impact on human history and culture. What is a poison? Where can poisons be found in nature? Who discovered them, and how? Focusing on small molecule poisons, we will study the chemical and biochemical mechanisms underlying their toxicity and discuss how antidotes work. Through case studies, we will examine the wide variety of uses people have found for these compounds, from committing crimes to practicing medicine. Source materials will include historical, literary, and scientific texts, recent essays, and popular culture. Prerequisite: completion of two semesters of organic chemistry.
CHEM 275-04
Alison Frontier
W 3:25PM - 5:25PM
(4 credits) In this course, we will explore both the science of poisonous substances and their impact on human history and culture. What is a poison? Where can poisons be found in nature? Who discovered them, and how? Focusing on small molecule poisons, we will study the chemical and biochemical mechanisms underlying their toxicity and discuss how antidotes work. Through case studies, we will examine the wide variety of uses people have found for these compounds, from committing crimes to practicing medicine. Source materials will include historical, literary, and scientific texts, recent essays, and popular culture. Prerequisite: completion of two semesters of organic chemistry.
CHEM 391-01
Astrid Mueller
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Individual study of advanced topics arranged by students. The student and instructor determine what course title is most appropriate. The title, limited to 28 spaces, is listed on the Independent Studies Form. This title will appear on the transcript as the official title of the course. If students do not submit a title, the course title will be determined by the number of the course as listed above. Faculty rules restrict students to one four-credit Independent Studies course per semester. Special application required.
CHEM 393-1
Kara Bren
7:00PM - 7:00PM
(CHM393) Two semesters (8 credits) of senior research are mandatory for BS Chemistry Majors and optional for BA Chemistry Majors. In addition, a written senior thesis and participation in a department poster session in the spring semester is required of BS Chemistry Majors. Senior research is directed by a faculty member and arranged prior to registration. Instructor permission required. (www.sas.rochester.edu/chm/undergraduate/senior-thesis.html)
CHEM 393-10
Ellen Matson Hicks
7:00PM - 7:00PM
(CHM393) Two semesters (8 credits) of senior research are mandatory for BS Chemistry Majors and optional for BA Chemistry Majors. In addition, a written senior thesis and participation in a department poster session in the spring semester is required of BS Chemistry Majors. Senior research is directed by a faculty member and arranged prior to registration. Instructor permission required. (www.sas.rochester.edu/chm/undergraduate/senior-thesis.html)
CHEM 393-11
David McCamant
7:00PM - 7:00PM
(CHM393) Two semesters (8 credits) of senior research are mandatory for BS Chemistry Majors and optional for BA Chemistry Majors. In addition, a written senior thesis and participation in a department poster session in the spring semester is required of BS Chemistry Majors. Senior research is directed by a faculty member and arranged prior to registration. Instructor permission required. (www.sas.rochester.edu/chm/undergraduate/senior-thesis.html)
CHEM 393-13
Bradley Nilsson
7:00PM - 7:00PM
(CHM393) Two semesters (8 credits) of senior research are mandatory for BS Chemistry Majors and optional for BA Chemistry Majors. In addition, a written senior thesis and participation in a department poster session in the spring semester is required of BS Chemistry Majors. Senior research is directed by a faculty member and arranged prior to registration. Instructor permission required. (www.sas.rochester.edu/chm/undergraduate/senior-thesis.html)
CHEM 393-14
Shauna Paradine Tschirhart
7:00PM - 7:00PM
(CHM393) Two semesters (8 credits) of senior research are mandatory for BS Chemistry Majors and optional for BA Chemistry Majors. In addition, a written senior thesis and participation in a department poster session in the spring semester is required of BS Chemistry Majors. Senior research is directed by a faculty member and arranged prior to registration. Instructor permission required. (www.sas.rochester.edu/chm/undergraduate/senior-thesis.html)
CHEM 393-16
Wolf Schroeder
7:00PM - 7:00PM
(CHM393) Two semesters (8 credits) of senior research are mandatory for BS Chemistry Majors and optional for BA Chemistry Majors. In addition, a written senior thesis and participation in a department poster session in the spring semester is required of BS Chemistry Majors. Senior research is directed by a faculty member and arranged prior to registration. Instructor permission required. (www.sas.rochester.edu/chm/undergraduate/senior-thesis.html)
CHEM 393-17
Alison Frontier
7:00PM - 7:00PM
(CHM393) Two semesters (8 credits) of senior research are mandatory for BS Chemistry Majors and optional for BA Chemistry Majors. In addition, a written senior thesis and participation in a department poster session in the spring semester is required of BS Chemistry Majors. Senior research is directed by a faculty member and arranged prior to registration. Instructor permission required. (www.sas.rochester.edu/chm/undergraduate/senior-thesis.html)
CHEM 393-18
Benjamin Partridge
7:00PM - 7:00PM
(CHM393) Senior research is directed by a faculty member and arranged prior to registration. BS Chemistry Majors: two semesters of senior research are required. (8 credits) In addition, a written senior thesis and participation in a department poster session in the spring semester is required of BS Chemistry Majors.
CHEM 393-20
Lewis Rothberg
7:00PM - 7:00PM
(CHM393) Senior research is directed by a faculty member and arranged prior to registration. BS Chemistry Majors: two semesters of senior research are required. (8 credits) In addition, a written senior thesis and participation in a department poster session in the spring semester is required of BS Chemistry Majors.
CHEM 393-25
Vas Petrenko
7:00PM - 7:00PM
(CHM393) Senior research is directed by a faculty member and arranged prior to registration. BS Chemistry Majors: two semesters of senior research are required. (8 credits) In addition, a written senior thesis and participation in a department poster session in the spring semester is required of BS Chemistry Majors.
CHEM 393-27
Brandon Barnett
7:00PM - 7:00PM
(CHM393) Senior research is directed by a faculty member and arranged prior to registration. BS Chemistry Majors: two semesters of senior research are required. (8 credits) In addition, a written senior thesis and participation in a department poster session in the spring semester is required of BS Chemistry Majors.
CHEM 393-3
Ignacio Franco
7:00PM - 7:00PM
(CHM393) Two semesters (8 credits) of senior research are mandatory for BS Chemistry Majors and optional for BA Chemistry Majors. In addition, a written senior thesis and participation in a department poster session in the spring semester is required of BS Chemistry Majors. Senior research is directed by a faculty member and arranged prior to registration. Instructor permission required. (www.sas.rochester.edu/chm/undergraduate/senior-thesis.html)
CHEM 393-30
Yishu Jiang
7:00PM - 7:00PM
(CHM393) Senior research is directed by a faculty member and arranged prior to registration. BS Chemistry Majors: two semesters of senior research are required. (8 credits) In addition, a written senior thesis and participation in a department poster session in the spring semester is required of BS Chemistry Majors.
CHEM 393-33
Olachi Mezu-Ndubuisi
7:00PM - 7:00PM
(CHM393) Senior research is directed by a faculty member and arranged prior to registration. BS Chemistry Majors: two semesters of senior research are required. (8 credits) In addition, a written senior thesis and participation in a department poster session in the spring semester is required of BS Chemistry Majors.
CHEM 393-35
Agnes Thorarinsdottir
7:00PM - 7:00PM
(CHM393) Senior research is directed by a faculty member and arranged prior to registration. BS Chemistry Majors: two semesters of senior research are required. (8 credits) In addition, a written senior thesis and participation in a department poster session in the spring semester is required of BS Chemistry Majors.
CHEM 393-5
Pengfei Huo
7:00PM - 7:00PM
(CHM393) Two semesters (8 credits) of senior research are mandatory for BS Chemistry Majors and optional for BA Chemistry Majors. In addition, a written senior thesis and participation in a department poster session in the spring semester is required of BS Chemistry Majors. Senior research is directed by a faculty member and arranged prior to registration. Instructor permission required. (www.sas.rochester.edu/chm/undergraduate/senior-thesis.html)
CHEM 393-6
William Jones
7:00PM - 7:00PM
(CHM393) Two semesters (8 credits) of senior research are mandatory for BS Chemistry Majors and optional for BA Chemistry Majors. In addition, a written senior thesis and participation in a department poster session in the spring semester is required of BS Chemistry Majors. Senior research is directed by a faculty member and arranged prior to registration. Instructor permission required. (www.sas.rochester.edu/chm/undergraduate/senior-thesis.html)
CHEM 393-7
Rose Kennedy Aggarwal
7:00PM - 7:00PM
(CHM393) Two semesters (8 credits) of senior research are mandatory for BS Chemistry Majors and optional for BA Chemistry Majors. In addition, a written senior thesis and participation in a department poster session in the spring semester is required of BS Chemistry Majors. Senior research is directed by a faculty member and arranged prior to registration. Instructor permission required. (www.sas.rochester.edu/chm/undergraduate/senior-thesis.html)
CHEM 393-8
Kathryn Knowles
7:00PM - 7:00PM
(CHM393) Two semesters (8 credits) of senior research are mandatory for BS Chemistry Majors and optional for BA Chemistry Majors. In addition, a written senior thesis and participation in a department poster session in the spring semester is required of BS Chemistry Majors. Senior research is directed by a faculty member and arranged prior to registration. Instructor permission required. (www.sas.rochester.edu/chm/undergraduate/senior-thesis.html)
CHEM 393-9
Todd Krauss
7:00PM - 7:00PM
(CHM393) Two semesters (8 credits) of senior research are mandatory for BS Chemistry Majors and optional for BA Chemistry Majors. In addition, a written senior thesis and participation in a department poster session in the spring semester is required of BS Chemistry Majors. Senior research is directed by a faculty member and arranged prior to registration. Instructor permission required. (www.sas.rochester.edu/chm/undergraduate/senior-thesis.html)
CHEM 395W-01
Bradley Nilsson
7:00PM - 7:00PM
A research course designed by individual arrangement with a faculty member. Plan on spending at least the equivalent of two afternoons (eight hours) a week in the lab. The basis for determining your grade for the research course is worked out between the student and the professor as part of registration for independent research. Special application required.
Spring 2025
Number | Title | Instructor | Time |
Monday | |||
Monday and Wednesday | |||
CHEM 275-01
Alison Frontier
In this course, we will explore both the science of poisonous substances and their impact on human history and culture. What is a poison? Where can poisons be found in nature? Who discovered them, and how? Focusing on small molecule poisons, we will study the chemical and biochemical mechanisms underlying their toxicity and discuss how antidotes work. Through case studies, we will examine the wide variety of uses people have found for these compounds, from committing crimes to practicing medicine. Source materials will include historical, literary, and scientific texts, recent essays, and popular culture. Prerequisite: completion of two semesters of organic chemistry. |
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday | |||
CHEM 232W-1
Michael Ruggiero
A thorough study of the principles and practice of spectroscopic methods of modern physical chemistry. Three lectures and one lab per week. Two exams and five laboratory reports. Course Topics: Overview, Classical view of spectroscopy, Quantum view of spectroscopy, oscillator, Rigid rotor and anharmonic oscillator, Generation and detection of EM radiation, Measurement methodology, noise, error, OCS lab and Stark effect, Electronic spectroscopy, Basic Electronics, Fine points of rovibrational spectra, FTIR experiment, 2 level theory, line broadening, Laser induced fluorescence experiment, Group theory, polyatomics, special topics, Polyatomic spectroscopy/intro to Pyrene, Pyrene lab instrumentation and analysis, Theory of ESR spectroscopy, ESR lab and instrumentation. Lab fee of $146 will be billed by the Bursar's Office. Prerequisites: CHEM 251 or equivalent. |
CHEM 172-01
Bradley Nilsson
CHM 172 is the 2nd semester of a one year exploration of the basic observations, concepts and practice of organic chemistry, with a focus on the fundamental relationships among molecular structure and chemical reactivity. The exploration will require that students grapple in depth issues: defining questions, evaluating evidence, weighing arguments, reflecting on epistemological issues, constructing new experiments, etc. The study of organic chemistry will be carefully integrated with a review of the key concepts from general chemistry. The CHM171/172 sequence is designed for first year students with good preparation in chemistry (2 yrs of gen chem & AP score of 4 or 5). This sequence fast tracks students to more advanced chemistry courses and the fulfillment of degree requirements in other disciplines. Coregistration required in the accompanying lab - CHM208 or CHM210(W). CHM210W is recommended for CHM majors. Lab fee will be billed. (Spring). |
CHEM 204-01
Benjamin Hafensteiner
(4 credits) A continuation of a two-semester sequence in the study of organic chemistry. Topics covered include the reactivity of various functional groups, approaches to organic synthesis, reactivity of conjugated systems and molecules of biological significance. Co-registration REQUIRED in the accompanying laboratory course, CHEM 208. (CHEM210W a 2 credit lab is recommended for CHEM majors {not offered in summer}). Lab fee will be billed by the Bursar's Office. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in CHM 203 or equivalent. (Spring) |
Tuesday and Thursday | |||
CHEM 132-02
Kathryn Knowles; Ellen Matson Hicks
(5 credits) A continuation of Chemical Concepts, Systems and Practices I, emphasizing molecular and macroscopic approaches to chemical systems with a focus on sustainability and environmental issues. Topics covered include: Chemical kinetics, electrochemistry, thermodynamics, properties of atoms, atomic structure, and chemical bonding. You must register for a lab lecture and laboratory (linked) when registering for the main course. Workshops are offered at multiple times during the week and assigned during the first week of classes. Lab fee of $146 will be billed by the Bursar's Office. This course uses the T/TR 8:00 am - 9:30 am common exam time. |
CHEM 252-01
Wolf Schroeder
(4 credits) This course aims to provide theoretical context and practice applications for science and engineering students interested in deepening their understanding of complex phenomena underlying laboratory physical chemistry, as well as technological methods or environmental processes. Non-linear dynamics (and thermodynamics) are shown as foundations of complex behavior of chemical, biological and environmental processes. The evolution of multi-component systems to ever increasing complexity, modeled in terms of multiple interactions, is guided by local dynamical equilibrium and environmental constraints. Thus, multiple collisions governed by classical deterministic forces are shown to result in a host of thermodynamic phenomena, such as the kinetic gas laws, the three main Laws of Thermodynamics, establishment of equilibrium in chemical reactions and between different material phases, solvation and mixing, as well as transport of energy by mass flow. Since most of the laboratory or natural processes involving transformation of materials and energy rely on some basic quantum mechanical properties of microscopic organization, some quantum statistical principles are also reviewed in the course. This course uses the Tues/Thurs 8:00 - 9:30 am Common Exam time. |
CHEM 132-01
Ellen Matson Hicks; Kathryn Knowles
(5 credits) A continuation of Chemical Concepts, Systems and Practices I, emphasizing molecular and macroscopic approaches to chemical systems with a focus on sustainability and environmental issues. Topics covered include: Chemical kinetics, electrochemistry, thermodynamics, properties of atoms, atomic structure, and chemical bonding. You must register for a lab lecture and laboratory (linked) when registering for the main course. Workshops are offered at multiple times during the week and assigned during the first week of classes. Lab fee of $146 will be billed by the Bursar's Office. This course uses the T/TR 8:00 am - 9:30 am common exam time. |
CHEM 234-1
William Jones
(4 credits, Spring) Advanced laboratory techniques of synthesis, characterization, and analysis applied to problems in inorganic and organic chemistry. A laboratory course with two or three 75-minute lectures for each lab. Labs are scheduled either Mon/Wed or Tue/Thurs for approximately two-and-one-half hours each. Graded work includes five lab reports, a midterm, and two problem sets. 234W has an additional writing assignment. CHEM 234W meets one of the two required upper level writing courses for the chemistry major. Lab fee of $146 will be billed by the Bursar's Office. Prerequisites: CHEM 211 recommended. |
CHEM 234W-1
William Jones
(4 credits, Spring) Advanced laboratory techniques of synthesis, characterization, and analysis applied to problems in inorganic and organic chemistry. A laboratory course with two or three 75-minute lectures for each lab. Labs are scheduled either Mon/Wed or Tue/Thurs for approximately two-and-one-half hours each. Graded work includes five lab reports, a midterm, and two problem sets. 234W has an additional writing assignment and meets one of the two required upper level writing courses for the chemistry major. Lab fee of $134 will be billed by the Bursar's Office. Prerequisites: CHEM 211 recommended. |
CHEM 262-01
Benjamin Partridge
Description: (4 credits, Spring) An introduction to the chemical processes of life. Topics to be covered include proteins and nucleic acids, recombinant DNA technology, biological catalysis, and energy transduction. Structure and function of biological macromolecules will be emphasized. Crosslisted with CHM 462. Students will not receive credit for BIO 250 AND CHM 262/462. Prerequisites: one semester of Organic Chemistry (CHEM 203 or CHEM 171). Prior or Concurrent enrollment in CHEM 204 (or CHEM 172) is strongly recommended. |
Wednesday | |||
CHEM 275-04
Alison Frontier
(4 credits) In this course, we will explore both the science of poisonous substances and their impact on human history and culture. What is a poison? Where can poisons be found in nature? Who discovered them, and how? Focusing on small molecule poisons, we will study the chemical and biochemical mechanisms underlying their toxicity and discuss how antidotes work. Through case studies, we will examine the wide variety of uses people have found for these compounds, from committing crimes to practicing medicine. Source materials will include historical, literary, and scientific texts, recent essays, and popular culture. Prerequisite: completion of two semesters of organic chemistry. |
Wednesday and Friday | |||
Thursday | |||
CHEM 252-05
Wolf Schroeder
No description |
CHEM 275-03
Alison Frontier
In this course, we will explore both the science of poisonous substances and their impact on human history and culture. What is a poison? Where can poisons be found in nature? Who discovered them, and how? Focusing on small molecule poisons, we will study the chemical and biochemical mechanisms underlying their toxicity and discuss how antidotes work. Through case studies, we will examine the wide variety of uses people have found for these compounds, from committing crimes to practicing medicine. Source materials will include historical, literary, and scientific texts, recent essays, and popular culture. Prerequisite: completion of two semesters of organic chemistry. |
Friday | |||
CHEM 252-02
Wolf Schroeder
No description |
CHEM 275-02
Alison Frontier
In this course, we will explore both the science of poisonous substances and their impact on human history and culture. What is a poison? Where can poisons be found in nature? Who discovered them, and how? Focusing on small molecule poisons, we will study the chemical and biochemical mechanisms underlying their toxicity and discuss how antidotes work. Through case studies, we will examine the wide variety of uses people have found for these compounds, from committing crimes to practicing medicine. Source materials will include historical, literary, and scientific texts, recent essays, and popular culture. Prerequisite: completion of two semesters of organic chemistry. |
CHEM 252-04
Wolf Schroeder
No description |