Thank you for considering giving a gift to the Department of Chemistry. Gifts to the chemistry department support the pursuit of excellence and help create academic and research opportunities for students and faculty.
You can donate to the department online via this secure online form. If you wish to give by mailing a check please use our printable form. The Department of Chemistry has several funds available, allowing you to either give generally to the department through the Chemistry Enrichment Fund, or have your donation designated for a specific purpose by selecting one of the funds listed below.
You can also donate via mail or wire funds by following the directions outlined on the advancement site.
Chemistry Department Funds
Chemistry Alumni Research Fund
A general fund that enhances the educational and research activities of the department. The fund enables a number of endeavors, among them the purchase of undergraduate laboratory equipment, assisting graduate students with travel expenses to scientific conferences, and supporting Chemistry’s outside speakers program.
Esther M. Conwell Graduate Fellowship
This new fund was created in memory of Esther’s many accomplishments to the Department of Chemistry and to science more broadly. It will provide support for merit based fellowships for graduate students pursing a Ph.D in Chemistry who show exceptional promise as researchers. A matching gift component to this fund also exists, whereby any contributions will be matched up to $20,000 in a calendar year for any gift that is designated to the Conwell Fund. Having fellowships for students provides them the important ability to pursue high-risk/high-reward research not necessarily directly connected to a specific federal grant.
Richard Eisenberg Chemistry Endowment
A new fund named to honor the distinguished career contributions of Richard S. Eisenberg, the Tracy H. Harris Professor Emeritus of Chemistry. Our goal with the fund is to endow a Chaired Professorship that can be used to attract a senior hire in the areas of inorganic chemistry, photo induced charge transfer and/or photochemistry. In addition to allowing the faculty size to more rapidly grow to our new allotment, the Chaired Professorship position will allow us to build on current strengths in the Department in catalysis and photochemistry in order to nucleate larger, campus-wide research efforts in these areas.
Chemistry Department Award for Excellence in Graduate Education
An anonymous donor has created a new endowed fund to support the awarding of a graduate prize for senior Ph.D. students in Chemistry. The recipient(s) of the prize will be recognized for innovation, industriousness, and creativity in research, teaching and service. The intent is to reward not only students who are successful researchers, but also those who give back to the larger Chemistry community at Rochester through their teaching and service. The prize awardees are expected to be model examples of success for younger graduate students.
Marshall D. Gates, Jr. Chair in Chemistry Fund
Established in 2002 to honor Marshall D. Gates, this fund helps finance research for the chair holder.
The Chair of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Honoring Andrew S. Kende
Established in 2006 to honor the distinguished career contributions of C. F. Houghton Professor Emeritus Andrew S. Kende.
Jack A. Kampmeier Fund for Peer-Led Workshop Education in Chemistry
Established in 2005 to honor Professor Kampmeier’s 45th year of teaching, this fund supports initiatives that strengthen the Peer-Led Workshop program.
Magomedov-Shcherbinina Memorial Fund
Establishes an annual research prize in memory of the Magomedov Family, who were tragically killed in 2006.
Distinguished Lectureship Funds
These lectureship funds are designed to bring scholars distinguished in their field to the department for a series of lectures and to meet with faculty and students.
Victor J. Chambers Memorial Lectureship
Honors an early chairman of the Department of Chemistry.
Hutchison Memorial Lectureship
Honors Charles F. Hutchison, Class of 1897, who donated funds for Hutchison Hall.
W. Albert Noyes, Jr. Memorial Lectureship
Honors Professor Noyes, former chairman of the department, dean of the Graduate School and dean of the College of Arts and Science.