Faculty Profile Image

Douglas H. Turner

Professor Emeritus of Chemistry

PhD, Columbia University, 1972

Office Location
B08 Hutchison Hall
(585) 275-3207

Curriculum Vitae

Research Overview

Much remains to be discovered about the fundamental interactions driving RNA folding. Advances in understanding these interactions will facilitate accurate prediction of structure from sequence. To continue enjoying this quest, Doug is now a free "postdoc" in Dave Mathews' lab in the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics at the University of Rochester Medical Center (https://rna.urmc.rochester.edu). There, Doug is learning about the latest structure prediction methods and algorithms in order to apply them to published experimental results from the Turner lab. The goal is to provide deeper insights into the experimental results and into ways to improve predictions.

Research Interests

  • Biophysical chemistry: nucleic acid structure and function, RNA folding, therapeutics, and prediction of structure from sequence