Postdoctoral Fellows:
Prof. Chang Woo Kim, Postdoctoral Fellow, Sep. 2019– Aug. 2021. Currently: Assistant Professor, Chonnam National U. (Korea) (link)
Dr. Bing Gu, Postdoctoral Fellow, September 1, 2016– October 30, 2018. Recipient of the 2018 ACS Physical Chemistry Young Investigator Award. Currently: Assistant Professor, Westlake U (link)
Dr. Arnab Kar, Postdoctoral Fellow, July 1, 2014– July 1, 2016. Currently: Engineer at Intel.
Dr. Liping Chen, Postdoctoral Fellow, July 1, 2013– March 1, 2016. Currently: Researcher at Zhejiang U.
Graduate Students:
Dr. Leopoldo Mejía, Ph.D. Student, Jan. 1, 2017– August 18, 2021. Thesis: “Mechanical Control of Charge Transport and Chemical Reactivity in Molecular Junctions”. Recipient of the 2021 ACS Graduate Award in Theoretical Chemistry. Currently: PDF at Berkeley (Rabani).
Dr. Wenxiang Hu, Ph.D. Student, Feb. 1, 2016 – May 6, 2021. Thesis: “Modeling and control of quantum decoherence in molecules”. Currently: Engineer at Amazon.
Dr. Antonio Garzón, Ph.D. Student, Jan. 1, 2016– Feb. 25, 2021. Thesis: “Ultrafast Control of Electrons Using Few-cycle Laser Pulses.” Currently: PDF at Northwestern (Tempelaar).
Dr. Zhi Li, Ph.D. Student, Jan. 1, 2014– Jan 5, 2019. Thesis: “Frontiers in the Atomistic Modeling of Molecular Junctions: Bringing Theory Closer to Experiment”. Currently: Engineer at Meta.
Dr. Alessandro Pirrotta, Ph.D. Student, U. Copenhagen, 2013–2017 (co-supervised with Prof. G.C. Solomon). Thesis: “Modulating Pathways for Electron and Energy Transfer Through Molecules”. Currently: Data science Engineer at PFA Pension, Copenhagen.
Undergraduate Students:
Rylee Neumann, 2022-2023. Currently: Scientist at Lincoln Labs.
Junjie Wang, 2022-2023. Currently: Graduate student at Northwestern.
Luis Alejandro Sierra Ossa, Summer 2022. Currently: Graduate student at Northwestern.
Anjana Seshadri, 2021—2022. Currently: Graduate student at Cornell.
Yueheng Min, Summer 2021. Currently: Graduate student at U. Rochester.
Luis Delgado, Summer 2021. Currently: Graduate student U. Chicago.
Garrett Beals, Jan. 1, 2020– May 2021. Thesis: “Finite-Difference Time-Domain Electrodynamics Simulations of Petahertz Electronics”. Recipient of an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship 2021. Currently: Ph.D. student at Columbia.
Daniel Carstairs, U. Rochester. Fall 2020. Currently: Graduate student at U. Chicago.
Francisco Fernández, M.Sc. Student, U. Madrid. Summer 2019. Currently: Ph.D. student at UAM.
Yuly Chamorro, Visiting M.Sc. Student, Jan 15, 2019– May 15, 2019. Currently: Ph.D. student at Groningen.
Diego Garay, U. Barcelona. Summer 2018. Currently: Postdoc at Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia.
Pawel Wojcik, U. Warsaw, Poland. Summer 2017. Currently: Ph.D. student with Anna Krylov at USC.
Reshmi Dani, IIT-Guwahati, India. Summer 2016. Currently: Engineer at Intel.
Dr. Ulises Torres, UNAM, Mexico. Summer 2015.