Principal Investigator

Professor Kara Bren

Headshot of Kara Bren.

PhD, Chemistry, California Institute of Technology
Post doctoral fellow, University of Florence, Italy

I grew up in Minnesota where I loved the changes of season, so I was very happy to come here to Rochester! I am motivated to find new and creative ways to address challenging scientific problems, working alongside students, postdocs, and collaborators. There is nothing more exciting than coming up with an idea that may seem far-fetched and then see it come to life. Fortunately, my students and postdocs have the talent to make that happen. When I’m not working, I’m usually entertaining my dachshund Cooper, gardening, or enjoying audiobooks. I travel often and I especially enjoy trips to Asia, with Korea being a favorite destination.

Curriculum Vitae

If I were a cobalt complex, I’d be Cobalamine, critically important for survival, mysterious mechanisms.