Study Abroad
Why Study Abroad?
Open your eyes to the world
Invest in your future by developing cross-cultural skills that will enable you to communicate with colleagues anywhere in the world.
Enhance your career
Learn how to function in a culturally diverse environment early on. Develop broader skills and the ability to adapt to new environments.
Personal growth
See your culture and yourself from a different perspective. Learn to appreciate other languages and cultures, while better understanding your own cultural values.
Did you know?
You do not need to speak another language to study abroad. Many programs offer courses in English.
Financial Aid
Financial aid counselors meet with students by appointment to discuss their specific study abroad plans and financial aid eligibility.
There are many scholarships and loans designed specifically for study abroad. We strongly encourage you to consider applying. Rochester students have won these scholarships or used this aid in the past.
Getting Credit
Not all courses taken abroad will satisfy specific requirements of your psychology major, minor, or cluster. It is highly encouraged to check that you will be meeting requirements before you go abroad.
To inquire about departmental credit (using Study Abroad Transfer Credit towards your major, minor, or cluster), send psychology course syllabi to our Undergraduate Advisor, Erin Sefca, in an email introducing yourself and what study abroad program you are interested in.
For more information and how to apply, consult with a study abroad advisor.