Faculty Research
Faculty direct a number of collaborative research projects, conduct individual research, and produce creative works. See individual faculty pages for all faculty research projects and recent books/publications. For information about student research, please see our undergraduate and graduate research pages.
Selected Faculty Publications

William Miller
The Enthusiast: Anatomy of the Fanatic in Seventeenth-Century British Culture,July 15, 2023

Steven Rozenski
Wisdom’s Journey: Continental Mysticism and Popular Devotion in England, 1350-1650,July 1, 2022

Joel Burges
Out of Sync & Out of Work: History and the Obsolescence of Labor in Contemporary Culture,June 27, 2018

John Michael
Secular Lyric: The Modernization of the Poem in Poe, Whitman, and Dickinson,April 17, 2018

Supritha Rajan
A Tale of Two Capitalisms: Sacred Economics in Nineteenth-Century Britain,March 20, 2015

Katherine Mannheimer
Print, Visuality, and Gender in Eighteenth-Century Satire: "The Scope in Ev'ry Page",May 26, 2011

Sarah L Higley
Hildegard of Bingen's Unknown Language: An Edition, Translation, and Discussion,December 1, 2007

Jeffrey Allen Tucker
A Sense of Wonder: Samuel R. Delany, Race, Identity, and Difference,July 26, 2004

Jeffrey Allen Tucker
Race Consciousness: African-American Studies for the New Century,January 1, 1997