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Balmain, Melissa
- Office Location
- 419 Morey Hall
- Web Address
- Website

Bleich, David
- Office Location
- 409 Morey Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-8568
Interests: Literary and language theory; writing and language pedagogy; women's studies; science studies; Jewish studies; film and popular culture

Burges, Joel
Associate Professor of English
Associate Professor of Visual and Cultural Studies
- Office Location
- 413 Morey Hall
Interests: Media studies, cultural studies, and American studies; 20th and 21st century film and television; Critical and cultural theory; Digital humanities, especially digital annotation, data visualization, and videographic criticism; Labor and culture; Audiovisual histories of race, class, gender, and sexuality

Dunning, Stefanie K.
Susan B. Anthony Professor
Professor of Black Studies
Professor of English
Director, Sexuality, Women, and Gender Studies
- Office Location
- 538 Lattimore Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-5115
Interests: Black ecologies; Queer ecologies; Queer theory; Black feminist theory; African American literature; Literary and cultural studies; Film and visual cultures

Fletcher, Brady
Director of Forensics, Debate Union
- Office Location
- 1.208a Dewey
- Telephone
- (585) 275-3873

Gross, Kenneth
Alan F. Hilfiker Distinguished Professor in English
Professor of English
- Office Location
- 404B Morey Hall
- Web Address
- Website
Interests: Shakespeare; lyric poetry; Renaissance literature; romance

Grotz, Jennifer
Professor of English
- Office Location
- 406 Morey Hall
- Web Address
- Website
Interests: Poetry; creative writing; translation

Hahn, Thomas
- Office Location
- 402A Morey Hall
Interests: Medieval literature and culture; popular culture

Hansen, David
Senior Lecturer of English
- Telephone
- (585) 275-4092

Heyworth, Gregory
Associate Professor of English
Director, Lazarus Project
- Office Location
- 408 Morey Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-2548

Higley, Sarah L
- Office Location
- 411 Morey Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-9261
Interests: Medieval vernacular languages and literature of Northern Europe and their interchanges; Film and media studies; Teratology (the study of the monstrous); Ecocriticism

Kalayeh, Pirooz
Assistant Professor of English
- Office Location
- 407 Morey Hall
- Web Address
- Website
Interests: Hybrid Cinema; Iranian Cinema; Narrative Film Production; Documentary Production; Multicultural Programming; Animation

Kegl, Rosemary
Associate Professor
- Office Location
- 318 Morey Hall
Interests: English Renaissance drama; Sixteenth- and seventeenth-century writing; Productions of Shakespeare in Britain and the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centuries; Theories of the aesthetic and of the utopian

London, Bette
Joseph Henry Gilmore Professor of English
Professor of English
- Office Location
- 304 Morey Hall
Interests: Twentieth-century British literature; Victorian literature and culture; feminist theory; women's writing; authorship studies

Maister, Nigel
Senior Lecturer
Russell and Ruth Peck Artistic Director, the International Theatre Program
- Office Location
- 210 Todd Union
- Telephone
- (585) 273-5159
Interests: New music; multimedia performance

Mannheimer, Katherine
Associate Professor of English
Chair , Department of English
- Office Location
- 417 Morey Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-9257
Interests: Restoration; Eighteenth-century literature

McCune, Jeffrey Q., Jr.
Frederick Douglass Professor
Associate Professor of English
Associate Professor of Black Studies
Founding Chair, Department of Black Studies
- Office Location
- 311B Morey Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 273-5346
Interests: Gender Studies; Sexuality Studies; Performance and Popular Culture; Visual and Cultural Studies; Black Queer Theory

Memmott, James
Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
- Office Location
- 419 Morey Hall
Interests: Journalism

Michael, John
John Hall Deane Professor of Rhetoric and Poetry
Professor of English
Professor of Visual and Cultural Studies
Director, American Studies
- Office Location
- 405 Morey Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-9259
Interests: American literature; critical theory; cultural studies

Middleton, Jason
Associate Professor of English
Associate Professor of Visual and Cultural Studies
Director, Film and Media Studies Program
- Office Location
- 511 Morey Hall
Interests: Film and media studies; critical theory; cultural studies; horror

Miller, William
Assistant Professor
- Office Location
- 410 Morey Hall
- Web Address
- Website
Interests: 17th century literature; 18th century literature; literature and religion; literature and philosophy

Omelsky, Matthew
Associate Professor of English
Associate Professor of Black Studies
Associate Professor of Visual and Cultural Studies
Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Black Studies
- Office Location
- 417 Morey Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-2376
Interests: Global black cultural studies; African, African American, and Caribbean literatures; Film and media studies; Speculative aesthetics; Time and phenomenology; Critical theory

Penner, Sara Bickweat
Senior Lecturer of English

Rajan, Supritha
Associate Professor of English
- Office Location
- 415 Morey Hall
Interests: Nineteenth-century British literature; critical theory; creative writing (poetry)

Rosenow, James
Assistant Professor of English
- Office Location
- 420 Morey Hall

Rozenski, Steven
Associate Professor
- Office Location
- 416 Morey
Interests: Middle English devotional literature; translation studies; book history; medieval German and Dutch literature; trans-Reformation England

Schottenfeld, Stephen
Professor of English
- Office Location
- 414 Morey Hall
Interests: Modern and contemporary literature; fiction writing; playwriting; screenwriting

Scott, Joanna
Roswell Smith Burrows Professor of English
Professor of English
Director, Literary Arts Programs
- Office Location
- 404C Morey Hall
Interests: Modern and contemporary fiction; the art of imaginative writing

Smith, Curt
Senior Lecturer of English
- Office Location
- 404-A Morey Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 426-7375
- curtsmith@netacc.net
- Web Address
- Website
Interests: Presidential rhetoric; American presidents of the radio/television age; Public speaking; Sports broadcasting, with emphasis on baseball, football, basketball, and hockey

Tucker, Jeffrey Allen
Associate Professor of English
Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of English
- Office Location
- 418 Morey Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-2064
Interests: African-American literature; 20th-century American literature; science fiction