Backstage and Technical Theatre

We're always looking for passionate, interested students who get a thrill out of working backstage. Get involved and get academic credit, too! You'll get to work with expert scenic, lighting, sound, and projection designers; props and costume makers, and makeup artists. You'll also learn valuable skills, meet (and network with) amazing people—both professionals and students—and help create some of the most exciting theatre in Rochester.
Stage Management
Explore what its like to be the central, key person in the whole theatrical process and to stage manage a theatre production. Register and take a class in stage management, or interview for a stage management position (come to any audition session to sign up).
Sets, Scenery and Scene Painting
Creating the environment in which a piece of theatre takes place is fascinating, challenging, and introduces you to a host of skills from carpentry, to painting, to welding, and so much more. Create the amazing sets the International Theatre Program is justly known for, and learn new skills by the dozen! For more information contact Charlie Lawlor or Michael Wizorek.
Light up your life! Sound us out! Project!
Lighting, sound, and projections/video contribute a significant amount to contemporary stage production and design. Get involved and work with amazing, professional, award-winning designers. Learn to hang, focus, setup, problem-solve, configure, program and rig lights, projection, and sound equipment. You'll also experience and develop the significant leadership and technical skills of a master electrician or audiovisual engineer. And get credit or pay for the work you do creating mesmerizing lighting, sound, and video for Todd Theatre productions. For more information email Michael Wizorek.
Give props to Props!
Props (short for "properties") are all the (generally) moveable things that actors touch and use onstage. They're cool to research, crazy in their diversity, challenging to find, great to shop for, and interesting to paint, craft, alter, and rig. Learn how to do all that and more! Contact Mary Reiser for more information.
Costumes, Wardrobe, Hair and Makeup
"Clothes maketh the man" (or woman) as the old saying goes...and costuming certainly makes the character! Want to work with expert designers and help both create costumes for UR International Theatre Program shows but also get a chance to learn sewing and other skills (including wardrobe management)? Have a talent for makeup and hair? Email our Costume Shop Manager, Casey McNamara to find out more about becoming involved in the world of costumes.