INTR 233 Internal Conflict and International Intervention
- Spring 2013Spring 2013 ("W" Required) — MWF 11:00 - 11:50Course Syllabus
This course considers major power military intervention in the internal conflicts of other states. It explores the uses and limitations of military force for powers attempting to change the behavior of other states and non-state actors. Students will consider the factors that lead to intervention as well as to the decision to not intervene, will learn what types of intervention are possible, and will debate what success looks like in different types of cases. Case studies may include Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Somalia, Rwanda, and Ivory Coast.
- Fall 2011Fall 2011 — M 14:00 - 16:40Course Syllabus
This course considers major power military intervention in the internal conflicts of other states. It explores the uses and limitations of military force for powers attempting to change the behavior of other states and non-state actors. Students will consider the factors that lead to intervention as well as to the decision to not intervene, will learn what types of intervention are possible, and will debate what success looks like in different types of cases. Case studies may include Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Somalia, Rwanda, and Ivory Coast.