
The philosophers in our department have a variety of specialties in philosophy and represent diverse philosophical perspectives.
Philosophical issues addressed in our programs include both traditional and contemporary topics from areas such as:
- Epistemology
- Ethics
- History of Philosophy
- Metaphysics
- Philosophy of Education
- Philosophy of Language
- Philosophy of Mathematics
- Philosophy of Mind
- Philosophy of Science
- Social and Political Philosophy
The techniques brought to bear on these issues are analytical, formal, and historical.
Undergraduate Program
Our department offers a BA in philosophy, as well as a four minors and six clusters. The undergraduate program stresses Western philosophy, ancient and modern, and gives particular emphasis to recent and contemporary Anglo-American philosophy.
The department’s course offerings provide an excellent foundation for graduate work in law and cognitive science, as well as in philosophy itself.
A major in philosophy is also a valuable asset when combined with a major in political science, economics, or natural sciences such as biology, chemistry, geology, physics, and psychology.
The graduate program enables students to earn a doctor of philosophy.
Our graduate program emphasizes training for scholarly research and teaching. The department cooperates with the departments of computer science, brain and cognitive sciences, and linguistics in a graduate program in cognitive science.