Term Schedule
Check the course schedules/descriptions available via the Registrar's Office for the official schedules for the widest range of terms for which such information is available.
Spring 2025
Number | Title | Instructor | Time |
MUSC 101-1
David McCarthy
MW 9:00AM - 10:15AM
A course for the student with no previous musical experience. Topics covered include notation, intervals, chords, and other basic concepts of tonal harmony, with application to the study of a wide range of styles including popular idioms. Students should not be able to read music. Students who complete MUSC 110 may NOT enroll in MUSC 101, credit will NOT be given for both.
MUSC 104-1
Carson Landry
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Private carillon instruction, weekly 30-minute lessons or the equivalent. By audition only. Permission of instructor required.
MUSC 109-1
David McCarthy
TR 2:00PM - 2:50PM
Introduces students to basic musicianship skills. Begins with exercises in pitch matching and basic interval recognition and progresses toward other skills, such as singing simple melodies at sight, sight-reading various rhythmic patterns, and dictating simple melodies and chord progressions. Prospective music majors, especially those with prior singing experience, typically skip this course and begin with MUSC 113.
MUSC 109-2
David McCarthy
TR 3:25PM - 4:15PM
Introduces students to basic musicianship skills. Begins with exercises in pitch matching and basic interval recognition and progresses toward other skills, such as singing simple melodies at sight, sight-reading various rhythmic patterns, and dictating simple melodies and chord progressions. Prospective music majors, especially those with prior singing experience, typically skip this course and begin with MUSC 113.
MUSC 110-1
Jason Titus
MW 10:25AM - 11:40AM
Basic concepts of music theory, addressing students with some musical experience in an instrument or voice, but little or no music theory. Scales, keys, intervals, chords, basic part-writing, and other fundamental aspects of musical structure. Some ear training and aural skills. Prerequisite: The ability to read music, preferably in both treble and bass clefs. Students who have completed MUSC 101 may NOT register for MUSC 110, credit will NOT be given for both.
MUSC 112-1
Jason Titus
TR 11:05AM - 12:20PM
This course focuses on the same broad topics as MUSC 111, and draws from a similarly varied repertoire, but introduces more complex concepts, including chromatic harmony and scales, advanced formal analysis, key changes, elaborate rhythmic and metric patterns, and intricate textural layering. Prerequisite: MUSC 111. (Spring only)
MUSC 112-2
Jason Titus
TR 12:30PM - 1:45PM
This course focuses on the same broad topics as MUSC 111, and draws from a similarly varied repertoire, but introduces more complex concepts, including chromatic harmony and scales, advanced formal analysis, key changes, elaborate rhythmic and metric patterns, and intricate textural layering. Prerequisite: MUSC 111. (Spring only)
MUSC 112-3
Bruce Frank
MW 10:25AM - 11:40AM
This course focuses on the same broad topics as MUSC 111, and draws from a similarly varied repertoire, but introduces more complex concepts, including chromatic harmony and scales, advanced formal analysis, key changes, elaborate rhythmic and metric patterns, and intricate textural layering. Prerequisite: MUSC 111. (Spring only)
MUSC 112-4
John Covach
MW 11:05AM - 12:20PM
This course focuses on the same broad topics as MUSC 111, and draws from a similarly varied repertoire, but introduces more complex concepts, including chromatic harmony and scales, advanced formal analysis, key changes, elaborate rhythmic and metric patterns, and intricate textural layering. Prerequisite: MUSC 111. (Spring only)
MUSC 112-6
Bruce Frank
MW 2:00PM - 3:15PM
This course focuses on the same broad topics as MUR 111, and draws from a similarly varied repertoire, but introduces more complex concepts, including chromatic harmony and scales, advanced formal analysis, key changes, elaborate rhythmic and metric patterns, and intricate textural layering. Prerequisite: MUR 111. (Spring only) This course focuses on the same broad topics as MUR 111, and draws from a similarly varied repertoire, but introduces more complex concepts, including chromatic harmony and scales, advanced formal analysis, key changes, elaborate rhythmic and metric patterns, and intricate textural layering. Prerequisite: MUR 111. (Spring only)
MUSC 113-1
Christopher Meeker
MW 9:00AM - 9:50AM
This course develops basic musicianship skills with an emphasis of diatonic sight-singing, rhythmic sight-reading, and dictation of diatonic melodies and chord progressions. The exercises and in-class activities are similar to MUSC 109 but at a more advanced level. (1 credit)
MUSC 113-2
Christopher Meeker
MW 10:00AM - 10:50AM
This course develops basic musicianship skills with an emphasis of diatonic sight-singing, rhythmic sight-reading, and dictation of diatonic melodies and chord progressions. The exercises and in-class activities are similar to MUSC 109 but at a more advanced level. (1 credit)
MUSC 114-1
Christopher Meeker
TR 10:00AM - 10:50AM
Continuation of MUSC 113 with an increased emphasis on chrom- aticism, especially simple modulation and mode mixture. The course puts emphasis on ensemble singing and aural analysis. Prerequisites: MUSC 113 or permission of theory coordinator. (1 credit)
MUSC 114-2
Christopher Meeker
TR 11:00AM - 11:50AM
Continuation of MUSC 113 with an increased emphasis on chrom-aticism, especially simple modulation and mode mixture. The course puts emphasis on ensemble singing and aural analysis. Prerequisites: MUSC 113 or permission of theory coordinator. (1 credit)
MUSC 115-1
Christopher Meeker
MW 11:00AM - 11:50AM
Continuation of MUSC 114 with greater emphasis on chromaticism and aural analysis. (1 credit) Prerequisite: MUSC 114.
MUSC 116-1
Bruce Frank
MW 9:00AM - 9:50AM
Introduces students to the keyboard as a vehicle for broader musical development. Covers basic piano technique, sight-reading of simple chord progressions, realization of figured bass, and basic improvisation. No prior keyboard training required. Permission of instructor required and successful completion of MUSC 111 and 112. (2 credits)
MUSC 117-1
Bruce Frank
MW 11:50AM - 12:40PM
Continuation of MUSC 116. Students completing this course fulfill the piano proficiency for the music major. Prerequisite: MUSC 116 or permission of instructor. (2 credits)
MUSC 119-1
Junhao Wang
MW 6:35PM - 7:25PM
MUSC 119 is a continuation of MUSC 118 (taken in the Fall term). MUSC 118 is the pre-requisite for MUSC 119. MUSC 119 is not a course for beginners, nor is it at a beginning level.
MUSC 119-2
Scarlett Zheng
MW 6:35PM - 7:25PM
MUSC 119 is a continuation of MUSC 118 (taken in the Fall term). MUSC 118 is the pre-requisite for MUSC 119. MUSC 119 is not a course for beginners, nor is it at a beginning level.
MUSC 119-3
Scarlett Zheng
TR 6:35PM - 7:25PM
MUSC 119 is a continuation of MUSC 118 (taken in the Fall term). MUSC 118 is the pre-requisite for MUSC 119. MUSC 119 is not a course for beginners, nor is it at a beginning level.
MUSC 121-01
Darien Lamen
TR 2:00PM - 3:15PM
In this introductory course, students will engage with a variety of musical genres, instruments, and performance techniques from different areas of the world. Through reading assignments, listening examples, film clips, and participatory activities, students will study how people in difference places engage with music as a sonic and social practice. Students will also learn how to write about music as a form of social practice through short reading responses and structured essay assignments.
MUSC 122-1
Gino Pinzone
M 2:00PM - 3:00PM
This course is not open to the general student population. Students who audition for Secondary Voice lessons at the Eastman School of Music may be assigned to this course after auditioning. Students assigned to this course after their audition are expected to re-audition for secondary lessons the next semester. Please contact the River Campus Music Department for information about auditioning for secondary lessons. Auditions take place at the beginning of the Fall and Spring semesters.
MUSC 126-01
Honey Meconi
MW 12:30PM - 1:45PM
The course covers more than 400 years of opera history from the genre's origins in the Baroque era to the present day, with exploration of the operatic giants Mozart, Verdi, Wagner, Strauss, and Puccini; operas in French, English, and other languages; the different kinds of singers required; the changing social roles that opera has played over the centuries; the current status of director's opera; and other subjects. Students will attend at least one opera during the semester. The class has no prerequisites and students do not need to be able to read music. Divas welcome.
MUSC 127A-01
Cory Hunter
MW 12:30PM - 1:45PM
This course focuses on protest music in America during the 20th and 21st centuries. We will examine how music has been used throughout American history to articulate the social and political concerns of Americans. As we examine genres such as folk music, the blues, punk, rock ’n roll, hip hop, and funk, we will focus on how artists within each genre musically and verbally expressed the existential realities facing American culture. We will also look closely at specific social movements and political events - such as the labor movement, the civil rights movement, the Vietnam war, women's liberation, LGBTQ activism, and the Black Lives Matter Movement, among others - to understand how the music in each era impacted, and was impacted by, the American sociocultural milieu.
MUSC 131-01
John Covach
MW 2:00PM - 3:15PM
This course surveys rock music in the 1970s, paying special attention to ways in which 70s styles developed out of 60s styles. Artists considered will include Jimi Hendrix, Cream, Yes, Led Zeppelin, The Who, The Allman Brothers, The Eagles, Black Sabbath, The Cars, Tom Petty, The Sex Pistols and Elvis Costello, plus many more. No prerequisites.
MUSC 132-1
Bruce Pilato
T 5:00PM - 7:00PM
Will include a historical overview of music stars and the publicity campaigns used to promote their careers. From Frank Sinatra-1940s; through Elvis Presley;-1950s; through The Beatles & The Rolling Stones in the 1960s, up through self-indulgent 70s with acts like Elton John, Kiss, and Prince, up to today's high profile campaigns for Justin Bieber, Rhianna and Lady Gaga. Students will be versed in the art of writing an artist bio, press releases, and in the various types of PR events staged to gain publicity, Starmakers will also look at the various types of publicity such as career launching; crisis management(scandals; sudden death of celebrity)and tour press. We will also look at how social media has become a game changer for music publicity. ** NOTE: This is a 6 week course** Spring 2025 course dates will be posted by the instructor, but will generally be Mid March to Mid April.
MUSC 133-1
Nigel Maister
W 3:25PM - 6:05PM
Musical Theatre is, indubitably, America's greatest home-grown theatrical form and one of the major accomplishments of American culture. From Carousel to Hadestown, Show Boat to Next to Normal, American musical theatre has defined, celebrated, and confronted our lives through song, dance, and dramatic character and action. The skills, techniques and talent needed to effectively embody characters from the repertoire challenge actors and singers in startling ways. This is a workshop-format, performance-based course devoted to the development of skills--both dramatic and musical--for musical theatre. We will take songs (and, potentially, scenes) from a range of musicals and explore them from a performer's point of view: investigating action, character, musicality, vocal technique, and more. The class follows a workshop model, with students performing material that is then critiqued and reworked. Students may get to work on both contemporary and Golden Age repertoire in both solo/monologue format and, potentially, in scenes or duets. The class is intended for students with some background in musical theatre performance and is by audition only. Follow link to sign up for Audition times - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc9OrlD-olnUaBcngJSIeKg-1KU4aFK9YU_IVK-LRUjDyRliA/viewform
MUSC 134-1
Ji Young Kim
TR 12:30PM - 1:45PM
An introduction to the history of Western classical music from the Middle Ages to the present, with emphasis on recognition of the chief stylistic characteristics and understanding of major genres of each period. Prerequisite: MUSC 112 or permission of instructor.
MUSC 136-1
Honey Meconi
MW 10:25AM - 11:40AM
This class explores the many genres of Western classical music, with examples drawn from the symphonic repertoire, chamber music, solo keyboard works, opera, choral music, and art song. Music from the Baroque to the present will be included. The emphasis will be on music being performed in Rochester during the semester. No prerequisites.
MUSC 139-01
Cory Hunter
MW 2:00PM - 3:15PM
This course will examine the relationship between the religious and theological beliefs of African American musicians and their musical artistry. We will journey through various African American music genres of the 20th centuryblues, jazz, gospel, soul, funk, hip hop, etcand will study how religion has influenced performance style, lyrical content, vocality, melodic and harmonic contour, among a host of other factors.
MUSC 143-1
Mark Powell
MW 2:00PM - 3:15PM
This one semester course introduces a rich tapestry of orchestral literature in film, video, and game music. Through analysis of both scores and the films in which they operate, topic theory (with examples from the very earliest to the very latest), and further deep dives into interpretation and orchestration, we will assemble a working knowledge of the mechanics of musical narrative as it is meant to enhance a visual image. Some musical experience will be helpful, but is not necessary for enrollment the course.
MUSC 146-1
Kerfala Bangoura
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Kerfala Fana Bangoura will lead this exploration in Dance, Drumming and Historical Context in Guinea, West Africa. The instructor is a native of Guinea and has been a part of prestigious National companies Les Ballets Africains and Percussion de Guinee. The instruction will include rhythmic foundations for drummers and dancers and will build knowledge of the djembe, dundun, sangban, kenkeni, krins and bell and how they are used culturally for music and dance. Students will learn style, form, technique, and historical context of the dance right in the midst of the vibrant culture and landscape of Guinea. Course will be offered December 27, 2023 through January 15, 2024. Study Abroad Fee $2953.00
MUSC 150-1
Brenda Nitsch
R 6:45PM - 8:45PM
Participants in the Treble Chorus form a vocal ensemble of high-voiced singers from across the university community. They explore history and cultures by studying diverse repertoire, sharing their understandings in concert performances scheduled throughout the semester. They also have the opportunity to cultivate healthy vocal production and musicianship skills. To join, simply register for the class. The instructor will arrange voice part hearings during the first week of classes. Spring 2022 location will be the Ray Wright Room on the ESM campus.
MUSC 152-1
Colin Mann
MW 4:50PM - 6:05PM
A small mixed ensemble of 16 to 20 voices that performs a wide variety of choral repertoire from the Renaissance to the present. By audition only. Auditions are held each semester.
MUSC 153-1
Mark Powell
T 7:30PM - 10:00PM
URSO (Symphony Orchestra) is a university-civic orchestra whose members are selected from both UR student body and greater Rochester community. Membership through auditions, occurs prior to the first rehearsal of each season. Other auditions may be held as needed throughout the season.
MUSC 154-1
Mark Powell
M 4:50PM - 6:00PMW 4:50PM - 7:00PM
URCO (Chamber Orchestra) Membership is limited and is granted by the music director through competitive auditions, which occur prior to the first scheduled rehearsal of each season. Auditions may be held as needed during the academic year.
MUSC 155-1
Jennifer Carpenter
7:00PM - 7:00PM
The chamber music program facilitates formation and coaching of serious advanced chamber ensembles. One academic credit may be earned by registering and successfully completing all requirements listed under course work. Admission by permission of the coordinator. Participation will not count toward fulfillment of the ensemble requirement.
MUSC 156-1
Bill Tiberio
M 7:30PM - 10:00PM
Wind Symphony draws its membership primarily from the student body on River Campus and performs music of various styles, genres, and eras. Membership by audition. Coursework: One rehearsal per week; individual practice. At least four concerts per academic year. Attendance required at all rehearsals, dress rehearsals, and concerts, unless excused in advance by conductor.
MUSC 157-1
Bill Tiberio
TR 4:50PM - 6:05PM
The Jazz Ensemble is open by audition to all U of R community, and performing a wide variety of music. Occasional guests artists and clinicians. (Fall and Spring) (1 credit)
MUSC 157A-1
Matthew Erman
M 4:30PM - 6:30PM
Small group playing of selections from the jazz repertoire, with an emphasis on improvisation. Admission is by permission of instructor only. (1 credit)
MUSC 158-1
Julius Dicks
T 7:00PM - 8:15PM
One rehearsal per week. Two concerts per semester. In addition, there may be off-campus performances in local colleges, churches, and other venues in the greater-Rochester community. The Gospel Choir performs a varied repertoire of sacred music -- spirituals, hymns, traditional and contemporary Gospel, music of the praise-and-worship genre. (Fall and Spring) (1 credit)
MUSC 160-1
Colin Mann
M 6:15PM - 8:05PM
A mixed ensemble of voices that performs a wide variety of choral repertoire for large chorus, including regular performances with orchestra. An informal-voicing is required for all potential members; students must demonstrate the ability to sing in tune and read music. Prerequisite: Auditions are held each semester.
MUSC 162-1
Elise Piazza
TR 3:25PM - 4:40PM
Introduction to the discipline of music cognition. Topics include empirical methods, psycho-acoustic principles, influence of Gestalt psychology, music and language, metric and tonal hierarchies, music and the brain, aspects of musical development, and research on musical memory, expectation, and emotion. Prerequisite: One semester of collegiate music theory (MUR 101, MUR 110, MUR 111 or TH 101), AP exam score of 4 or 5, or permission of instructor.
MUSC 164-1
Allison Young
T 3:35PM - 5:25PM
Jazz Performance Workshop for Non-Majors: Combines the study of improvisation, theory, aural training and small group performance. Offered for non-majors from both Eastman and River Campus. This course may count as a chamber music credit, or for the WBP practical creative elective, only with permission of the students' department chair.
MUSC 167-1
Ji Young Kim
TR 11:05AM - 12:20PM
This course aims to demystify the professional world of classical piano performance through lectures and discussions, listening exercises, and practical sessions. Students will: - learn about the history of the piano and its technological development through hands-on experience, guest lectures, and field trips; - learn about piano repertoire and explore how composers like Bach, Mozart, Chopin, and Rachmaninoff approached the piano differently; - become connoisseurs of piano technique and performance styles, speaking with insight what distinguishes pianists like Glenn Gould This is not an applied piano class. Comfort with reading music notation is required; prior background in music history and theory is recommended.
MUSC 168A-1
Kerfala Bangoura
MW 7:30PM - 8:45PM
Led by Master Drummer Fana Bangoura, the West African Drumming Ensemble is dedicated to the dynamic percussive traditions of Guinea. The ensemble combines the iconic djembe hand drum with a trio of drums played with sticks, known as dunun, sangban, and kenkeni. The powerful, multi-part relationships established by this trio of dru 215-2ms provide a rhythmic foundation for the ensemble, enabling djembe players to develop technique in executing both accompaniment and solo parts. Drawing upon his experience as a soloist with the internationally acclaimed groups Les Percussions de Guine and Les Ballets Africains, Fana engages ensemble players with a wide repertory of music from various regions of Guinea, including the rhythms of the Susu, Malinke, and Baga language groups.
MUSC 170-1
Bill Tiberio
R 6:15PM - 7:15PM
Brass Choir is a 15-20 member ensemble dedicated to performing quality brass music at a high level while fostering a spirit of community among brass players on the RC. Open to experienced trumpet, horn, trombone, euphonium, and tuba players.
MUSC 180-1
John Covach
T 4:00PM - 7:00PM
The Rock Repertory Ensemble is devoted to performing accurate versions of songs from the rock music repertory, with selections ranging from the early 1950s to the present day. Open to guitarists, bassists, drummers, keyboard players, and singers, with consideration given to winds players depending on repertory for a given semester. Audition required.
MUSC 181-1
Alexander Nazaretski
R 6:30PM - 7:30PM
This is an introductory guitar class that will teach guitar fundamentals and get students playing popular, rock, blues, classical, and simple jazz tunes by the end of the semester. This course is open to all guitar enthusiasts as well as music majors/minors seeking a 'methods class' approach to learning the instrument. Electric and acoustic guitars welcome. **GUITARS ARE NOT SUPPLIED** TA led organized practice sessions TBA
MUSC 183-1
Bruno Guedea Fonseca
M 5:15PM - 6:15PM
Intro to Classical Guitar will introduce students to rudiments of classical guitar technique, including tuning, basic posture and position, chord formation, note reading, and introduction to repertoire. Basic ensemble techniques will be incorporated into class sessions. By the end of the semester, students will be able to: Individually perform beginning classical guitar repertoire - Accompany songs with arpeggiated technique - Sight-read assigned music selections, using standard music notation. **GUITARS ARE NOT SUPPLIED***
MUSC 183-2
Daniel Salazar
R 5:15PM - 6:15PM
Intro to Classical Guitar: Intro to Classical Guitar will introduce students to rudiments of classical guitar technique, including tuning, basic posture and position, chord formation, note reading, and introduction to repertoire. Basic ensemble techniques will be incorporated into class sessions.By the end of the semester, students will be able to:- Individually perform beginning classical guitar repertoire- Accompany songs with arpeggiated technique- Sight-read assigned music selections, using standard music notation**GUITARS ARE NOT SUPPLIED***
MUSC 184-1
Kerfala Bangoura
TR 6:45PM - 8:45PM
Sansifanyi is an ensemble that provides various performance opportunities both on and off-campus for intermediate and advanced students of African dance & drumming. Instructor Kerfala Bangoura trains ensemble members in a performance style that integrates dance, drumming, vocal song, and narrative elements. Dancers who enroll in Sansifanyi will learn choreographic techniques for West African dance and gain experience dancing as soloists. Dancers will also learn focus on rhythmic timing and on drumming while dancing. Drummers enrolled in Sansifanyi will learn extended percussion arrangements and techniques for accompanying choreography. They will also learn how to play the breaks required of lead drummers.
MUSC 191-1
Stephen Roessner
TR 2:00PM - 3:15PM
This course covers the fundamentals in becoming an audio engineer. Topics covered include: Acoustics, Psychoacoustics, Microphones, Signal Processing, Tape Recording, Digital Audio Theory, Signal Flow, Studio Etiquette, Digital Audio Workstations, Music Business, Recording Audio, and Mixing Audio. You do not need any previous experience in recording, however some familiarity with music and how it is created is needed. There are four group recording projects that make up the bulk of the course, each with their own guidelines and challenges. This course requires considerable time to be spent on projects outside of the lecture and lab times. The labs are required to take this course. First-year non-AME Major students are ineligible to take this course. Prerequisites: None INSTRUCTOR PERMISSION ONLY.
MUSC 191-2
Stephen Roessner
T 4:50PM - 6:05PM
This course covers the acoustical and psychoacoustic fundamentals of audio recording including the nature of sound, sound pressure level, frequency and pitch, hearing and sound perception, reflection, absorption and diffusion of sound, sound diffraction, room acoustics, reverberation, and studio design principles. The course also provides practical experience in audio recording including an introduction to recording studio equipment, microphones and microphone placement techniques, signal flow, amplification, analog and digital recording, analog to digital conversion, digital processing of sound, multi-track recording and an introduction to mixing and mastering. Each student is required to complete a substantive recording project at the end of the course.
MUSC 191-4
Stephen Roessner
T 7:40PM - 8:55PM
This course covers the acoustical and psychoacoustic fundamentals of audio recording including the nature of sound, sound pressure level, frequency and pitch, hearing and sound perception, reflection, absorption and diffusion of sound, sound diffraction, room acoustics, reverberation, and studio design principles. The course also provides practical experience in audio recording including an introduction to recording studio equipment, microphones and microphone placement techniques, signal flow, amplification, analog and digital recording, analog to digital conversion, digital processing of sound, multi-track recording and an introduction to mixing and mastering. Each student is required to complete a substantive recording project at the end of the course.
MUSC 193-1
Robert LaVaque
TR 3:25PM - 4:40PM
The course is intended to provide students a basic understanding of SOUND DESIGN and working with sound for picture. The emphasis is on demonstrations and hands-on experience to enable students to gain a practical knowledge of sound and music production using computers. Topics include synthesizers & samplers; recording and editing with Pro Tools and Logic Pro; sound effect creation; foley & automatic dialog replacement; basic soundtrack composition; and working to picture. Many techniques are explored, employing software and hardware-based sound creation tools throughout the course. Students will complete a major sound design project at the conclusion of the course. There are no prerequisites.
MUSC 194-1
Robert LaVaque
TR 6:15PM - 7:30PM
This course is intended to provide students with an understanding of the process and the skills for creating MUSIC for picture. The course emphasizes hands-on experience where students gain practical knowledge in scoring to picture using provided DAWs and Virtual Instruments. It features guest lectures by professional composers in the fields of TV, Film, Advertising, Gaming, and Animation, providing real world style assignments along with individual feedback for each student. Topics also include MIDI, creating drumbeats, music analysis and emulation, soft synthesizers, samplers, virtual instruments, recording and editing with Logic Pro, and working to picture. Students will complete numerous projects throughout the course. Prerequisites: AME 193, or a solid working knowledge of either Pro Tools or Logic Pro. Strong musical ability, basic keyboard proficiency.
MUSC 202-1
Jack Snelling
MW 6:15PM - 7:15PM
Continuation of MUSC 201.
MUSC 204-1
Carson Landry
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Private carillon instruction, weekly 60-minute lessons. By audition only. Permission of instructor required.
MUSC 212B-01
Matt BaileyShea
MW 12:30PM - 1:45PM
This course investigates the enchanting combination of words and music in multiple styles and genres: art songs, rock, rap, musical theater, opera, and more. We will fuse our advanced understanding of form, meter, and harmony with exciting new approaches to poetic analysis and song interpretation. Bring attentive ears and a willingness to discuss your favorite songs. Prerequisites: MUSC 111 and 112
MUSC 222-1
Honey Meconi
MW 2:00PM - 3:30PM
Survey of Western classical music from ca. 1600 to b1800, with emphasis on the stylistic, generic, and performance innovations of the period; opera receives special attention. Workshops investigate specific problems posed by notation, performance, ethics, and so on. Course is for sophomores and above.
MUSC 222-2
Honey Meconi
F 2:00PM - 2:50PM
Survey of Western classical music from ca. 1600 to b1800, with emphasis on the stylistic, generic, and performance innovations of the period; opera receives special attention. Workshops investigate specific problems posed by notation, performance, ethics, and so on.
MUSC 395-1
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Registration for Independent Study courses needs to be completed thru the instructions for online independent study registration.
MUSC 468-1
Kerfala Bangoura
MW 7:30PM - 8:45PM
Led by Master Drummer Fana Bangoura, the West African Drumming Ensemble is dedicated to the dynamic percussive traditions of Guinea. The ensemble combines the iconic djembe hand drum with a trio of drums played with sticks, known as dunun, sangban, and kenkeni. The powerful, multi-part relationships established by this trio of drums provide a rhythmic foundation for the ensemble, enabling djembe players to develop technique in executing both accompaniment and solo parts. Drawing upon his experience as a soloist with the internationally acclaimed groups Les Percussions de Guinée and Les Ballets Africains, Fana engages ensemble players with a wide repertory of music from various regions of Guinea, including the rhythms of the Susu, Malinke, and Baga language groups.
MUSC 165-1
Glenn West
M 6:30PM - 8:00PM
The Eastman Mbira Ensemble provides a hands-on introduction to the ancient and sophisticated musical tradition of the Shona mbira of Zimbabwe. Visiting Zimbabwean guest artists will also offer students the opportunity to delve more deeply into traditional musical practices and their cultural and spiritual context. Songs are taught aurally so no musical experience or training is required. **Participation will not count toward fulfillment of the ensemble requirement.**
Spring 2025
Number | Title | Instructor | Time |
Monday | |
MUSC 122-1
Gino Pinzone
This course is not open to the general student population. Students who audition for Secondary Voice lessons at the Eastman School of Music may be assigned to this course after auditioning. Students assigned to this course after their audition are expected to re-audition for secondary lessons the next semester. Please contact the River Campus Music Department for information about auditioning for secondary lessons. Auditions take place at the beginning of the Fall and Spring semesters. |
MUSC 157A-1
Matthew Erman
Small group playing of selections from the jazz repertoire, with an emphasis on improvisation. Admission is by permission of instructor only. (1 credit) |
MUSC 154-1
Mark Powell
URCO (Chamber Orchestra) Membership is limited and is granted by the music director through competitive auditions, which occur prior to the first scheduled rehearsal of each season. Auditions may be held as needed during the academic year. |
MUSC 183-1
Bruno Guedea Fonseca
Intro to Classical Guitar will introduce students to rudiments of classical guitar technique, including tuning, basic posture and position, chord formation, note reading, and introduction to repertoire. Basic ensemble techniques will be incorporated into class sessions. By the end of the semester, students will be able to: Individually perform beginning classical guitar repertoire - Accompany songs with arpeggiated technique - Sight-read assigned music selections, using standard music notation. **GUITARS ARE NOT SUPPLIED*** |
MUSC 160-1
Colin Mann
A mixed ensemble of voices that performs a wide variety of choral repertoire for large chorus, including regular performances with orchestra. An informal-voicing is required for all potential members; students must demonstrate the ability to sing in tune and read music. Prerequisite: Auditions are held each semester. |
MUSC 165-1
Glenn West
The Eastman Mbira Ensemble provides a hands-on introduction to the ancient and sophisticated musical tradition of the Shona mbira of Zimbabwe. Visiting Zimbabwean guest artists will also offer students the opportunity to delve more deeply into traditional musical practices and their cultural and spiritual context. Songs are taught aurally so no musical experience or training is required. **Participation will not count toward fulfillment of the ensemble requirement.** |
MUSC 156-1
Bill Tiberio
Wind Symphony draws its membership primarily from the student body on River Campus and performs music of various styles, genres, and eras. Membership by audition. Coursework: One rehearsal per week; individual practice. At least four concerts per academic year. Attendance required at all rehearsals, dress rehearsals, and concerts, unless excused in advance by conductor. |
Monday and Wednesday | |
MUSC 101-1
David McCarthy
A course for the student with no previous musical experience. Topics covered include notation, intervals, chords, and other basic concepts of tonal harmony, with application to the study of a wide range of styles including popular idioms. Students should not be able to read music. Students who complete MUSC 110 may NOT enroll in MUSC 101, credit will NOT be given for both. |
MUSC 113-1
Christopher Meeker
This course develops basic musicianship skills with an emphasis of diatonic sight-singing, rhythmic sight-reading, and dictation of diatonic melodies and chord progressions. The exercises and in-class activities are similar to MUSC 109 but at a more advanced level. (1 credit) |
MUSC 116-1
Bruce Frank
Introduces students to the keyboard as a vehicle for broader musical development. Covers basic piano technique, sight-reading of simple chord progressions, realization of figured bass, and basic improvisation. No prior keyboard training required. Permission of instructor required and successful completion of MUSC 111 and 112. (2 credits) |
MUSC 113-2
Christopher Meeker
This course develops basic musicianship skills with an emphasis of diatonic sight-singing, rhythmic sight-reading, and dictation of diatonic melodies and chord progressions. The exercises and in-class activities are similar to MUSC 109 but at a more advanced level. (1 credit) |
MUSC 110-1
Jason Titus
Basic concepts of music theory, addressing students with some musical experience in an instrument or voice, but little or no music theory. Scales, keys, intervals, chords, basic part-writing, and other fundamental aspects of musical structure. Some ear training and aural skills. Prerequisite: The ability to read music, preferably in both treble and bass clefs. Students who have completed MUSC 101 may NOT register for MUSC 110, credit will NOT be given for both. |
MUSC 112-3
Bruce Frank
This course focuses on the same broad topics as MUSC 111, and draws from a similarly varied repertoire, but introduces more complex concepts, including chromatic harmony and scales, advanced formal analysis, key changes, elaborate rhythmic and metric patterns, and intricate textural layering. Prerequisite: MUSC 111. (Spring only) |
MUSC 136-1
Honey Meconi
This class explores the many genres of Western classical music, with examples drawn from the symphonic repertoire, chamber music, solo keyboard works, opera, choral music, and art song. Music from the Baroque to the present will be included. The emphasis will be on music being performed in Rochester during the semester. No prerequisites. |
MUSC 115-1
Christopher Meeker
Continuation of MUSC 114 with greater emphasis on chromaticism and aural analysis. (1 credit) Prerequisite: MUSC 114. |
MUSC 112-4
John Covach
This course focuses on the same broad topics as MUSC 111, and draws from a similarly varied repertoire, but introduces more complex concepts, including chromatic harmony and scales, advanced formal analysis, key changes, elaborate rhythmic and metric patterns, and intricate textural layering. Prerequisite: MUSC 111. (Spring only) |
MUSC 117-1
Bruce Frank
Continuation of MUSC 116. Students completing this course fulfill the piano proficiency for the music major. Prerequisite: MUSC 116 or permission of instructor. (2 credits) |
MUSC 126-01
Honey Meconi
The course covers more than 400 years of opera history from the genre's origins in the Baroque era to the present day, with exploration of the operatic giants Mozart, Verdi, Wagner, Strauss, and Puccini; operas in French, English, and other languages; the different kinds of singers required; the changing social roles that opera has played over the centuries; the current status of director's opera; and other subjects. Students will attend at least one opera during the semester. The class has no prerequisites and students do not need to be able to read music. Divas welcome. |
MUSC 127A-01
Cory Hunter
This course focuses on protest music in America during the 20th and 21st centuries. We will examine how music has been used throughout American history to articulate the social and political concerns of Americans. As we examine genres such as folk music, the blues, punk, rock ’n roll, hip hop, and funk, we will focus on how artists within each genre musically and verbally expressed the existential realities facing American culture. We will also look closely at specific social movements and political events - such as the labor movement, the civil rights movement, the Vietnam war, women's liberation, LGBTQ activism, and the Black Lives Matter Movement, among others - to understand how the music in each era impacted, and was impacted by, the American sociocultural milieu. |
MUSC 212B-01
Matt BaileyShea
This course investigates the enchanting combination of words and music in multiple styles and genres: art songs, rock, rap, musical theater, opera, and more. We will fuse our advanced understanding of form, meter, and harmony with exciting new approaches to poetic analysis and song interpretation. Bring attentive ears and a willingness to discuss your favorite songs. Prerequisites: MUSC 111 and 112 |
MUSC 112-6
Bruce Frank
This course focuses on the same broad topics as MUR 111, and draws from a similarly varied repertoire, but introduces more complex concepts, including chromatic harmony and scales, advanced formal analysis, key changes, elaborate rhythmic and metric patterns, and intricate textural layering. Prerequisite: MUR 111. (Spring only) This course focuses on the same broad topics as MUR 111, and draws from a similarly varied repertoire, but introduces more complex concepts, including chromatic harmony and scales, advanced formal analysis, key changes, elaborate rhythmic and metric patterns, and intricate textural layering. Prerequisite: MUR 111. (Spring only) |
MUSC 131-01
John Covach
This course surveys rock music in the 1970s, paying special attention to ways in which 70s styles developed out of 60s styles. Artists considered will include Jimi Hendrix, Cream, Yes, Led Zeppelin, The Who, The Allman Brothers, The Eagles, Black Sabbath, The Cars, Tom Petty, The Sex Pistols and Elvis Costello, plus many more. No prerequisites. |
MUSC 139-01
Cory Hunter
This course will examine the relationship between the religious and theological beliefs of African American musicians and their musical artistry. We will journey through various African American music genres of the 20th centuryblues, jazz, gospel, soul, funk, hip hop, etcand will study how religion has influenced performance style, lyrical content, vocality, melodic and harmonic contour, among a host of other factors. |
MUSC 143-1
Mark Powell
This one semester course introduces a rich tapestry of orchestral literature in film, video, and game music. Through analysis of both scores and the films in which they operate, topic theory (with examples from the very earliest to the very latest), and further deep dives into interpretation and orchestration, we will assemble a working knowledge of the mechanics of musical narrative as it is meant to enhance a visual image. Some musical experience will be helpful, but is not necessary for enrollment the course. |
MUSC 222-1
Honey Meconi
Survey of Western classical music from ca. 1600 to b1800, with emphasis on the stylistic, generic, and performance innovations of the period; opera receives special attention. Workshops investigate specific problems posed by notation, performance, ethics, and so on. Course is for sophomores and above. |
MUSC 152-1
Colin Mann
A small mixed ensemble of 16 to 20 voices that performs a wide variety of choral repertoire from the Renaissance to the present. By audition only. Auditions are held each semester. |
MUSC 202-1
Jack Snelling
Continuation of MUSC 201. |
MUSC 119-1
Junhao Wang
MUSC 119 is a continuation of MUSC 118 (taken in the Fall term). MUSC 118 is the pre-requisite for MUSC 119. MUSC 119 is not a course for beginners, nor is it at a beginning level. |
MUSC 119-2
Scarlett Zheng
MUSC 119 is a continuation of MUSC 118 (taken in the Fall term). MUSC 118 is the pre-requisite for MUSC 119. MUSC 119 is not a course for beginners, nor is it at a beginning level. |
MUSC 168A-1
Kerfala Bangoura
Led by Master Drummer Fana Bangoura, the West African Drumming Ensemble is dedicated to the dynamic percussive traditions of Guinea. The ensemble combines the iconic djembe hand drum with a trio of drums played with sticks, known as dunun, sangban, and kenkeni. The powerful, multi-part relationships established by this trio of dru 215-2ms provide a rhythmic foundation for the ensemble, enabling djembe players to develop technique in executing both accompaniment and solo parts. Drawing upon his experience as a soloist with the internationally acclaimed groups Les Percussions de Guine and Les Ballets Africains, Fana engages ensemble players with a wide repertory of music from various regions of Guinea, including the rhythms of the Susu, Malinke, and Baga language groups. |
MUSC 468-1
Kerfala Bangoura
Led by Master Drummer Fana Bangoura, the West African Drumming Ensemble is dedicated to the dynamic percussive traditions of Guinea. The ensemble combines the iconic djembe hand drum with a trio of drums played with sticks, known as dunun, sangban, and kenkeni. The powerful, multi-part relationships established by this trio of drums provide a rhythmic foundation for the ensemble, enabling djembe players to develop technique in executing both accompaniment and solo parts. Drawing upon his experience as a soloist with the internationally acclaimed groups Les Percussions de Guinée and Les Ballets Africains, Fana engages ensemble players with a wide repertory of music from various regions of Guinea, including the rhythms of the Susu, Malinke, and Baga language groups. |
Tuesday | |
MUSC 164-1
Allison Young
Jazz Performance Workshop for Non-Majors: Combines the study of improvisation, theory, aural training and small group performance. Offered for non-majors from both Eastman and River Campus. This course may count as a chamber music credit, or for the WBP practical creative elective, only with permission of the students' department chair. |
MUSC 180-1
John Covach
The Rock Repertory Ensemble is devoted to performing accurate versions of songs from the rock music repertory, with selections ranging from the early 1950s to the present day. Open to guitarists, bassists, drummers, keyboard players, and singers, with consideration given to winds players depending on repertory for a given semester. Audition required. |
MUSC 191-2
Stephen Roessner
This course covers the acoustical and psychoacoustic fundamentals of audio recording including the nature of sound, sound pressure level, frequency and pitch, hearing and sound perception, reflection, absorption and diffusion of sound, sound diffraction, room acoustics, reverberation, and studio design principles. The course also provides practical experience in audio recording including an introduction to recording studio equipment, microphones and microphone placement techniques, signal flow, amplification, analog and digital recording, analog to digital conversion, digital processing of sound, multi-track recording and an introduction to mixing and mastering. Each student is required to complete a substantive recording project at the end of the course. |
MUSC 132-1
Bruce Pilato
Will include a historical overview of music stars and the publicity campaigns used to promote their careers. From Frank Sinatra-1940s; through Elvis Presley;-1950s; through The Beatles & The Rolling Stones in the 1960s, up through self-indulgent 70s with acts like Elton John, Kiss, and Prince, up to today's high profile campaigns for Justin Bieber, Rhianna and Lady Gaga. Students will be versed in the art of writing an artist bio, press releases, and in the various types of PR events staged to gain publicity, Starmakers will also look at the various types of publicity such as career launching; crisis management(scandals; sudden death of celebrity)and tour press. We will also look at how social media has become a game changer for music publicity. ** NOTE: This is a 6 week course** Spring 2025 course dates will be posted by the instructor, but will generally be Mid March to Mid April. |
MUSC 158-1
Julius Dicks
One rehearsal per week. Two concerts per semester. In addition, there may be off-campus performances in local colleges, churches, and other venues in the greater-Rochester community. The Gospel Choir performs a varied repertoire of sacred music -- spirituals, hymns, traditional and contemporary Gospel, music of the praise-and-worship genre. (Fall and Spring) (1 credit) |
MUSC 153-1
Mark Powell
URSO (Symphony Orchestra) is a university-civic orchestra whose members are selected from both UR student body and greater Rochester community. Membership through auditions, occurs prior to the first rehearsal of each season. Other auditions may be held as needed throughout the season. |
MUSC 191-4
Stephen Roessner
This course covers the acoustical and psychoacoustic fundamentals of audio recording including the nature of sound, sound pressure level, frequency and pitch, hearing and sound perception, reflection, absorption and diffusion of sound, sound diffraction, room acoustics, reverberation, and studio design principles. The course also provides practical experience in audio recording including an introduction to recording studio equipment, microphones and microphone placement techniques, signal flow, amplification, analog and digital recording, analog to digital conversion, digital processing of sound, multi-track recording and an introduction to mixing and mastering. Each student is required to complete a substantive recording project at the end of the course. |
Tuesday and Thursday | |
MUSC 114-1
Christopher Meeker
Continuation of MUSC 113 with an increased emphasis on chrom- aticism, especially simple modulation and mode mixture. The course puts emphasis on ensemble singing and aural analysis. Prerequisites: MUSC 113 or permission of theory coordinator. (1 credit) |
MUSC 114-2
Christopher Meeker
Continuation of MUSC 113 with an increased emphasis on chrom-aticism, especially simple modulation and mode mixture. The course puts emphasis on ensemble singing and aural analysis. Prerequisites: MUSC 113 or permission of theory coordinator. (1 credit) |
MUSC 112-1
Jason Titus
This course focuses on the same broad topics as MUSC 111, and draws from a similarly varied repertoire, but introduces more complex concepts, including chromatic harmony and scales, advanced formal analysis, key changes, elaborate rhythmic and metric patterns, and intricate textural layering. Prerequisite: MUSC 111. (Spring only) |
MUSC 167-1
Ji Young Kim
This course aims to demystify the professional world of classical piano performance through lectures and discussions, listening exercises, and practical sessions. Students will: - learn about the history of the piano and its technological development through hands-on experience, guest lectures, and field trips; - learn about piano repertoire and explore how composers like Bach, Mozart, Chopin, and Rachmaninoff approached the piano differently; - become connoisseurs of piano technique and performance styles, speaking with insight what distinguishes pianists like Glenn Gould This is not an applied piano class. Comfort with reading music notation is required; prior background in music history and theory is recommended. |
MUSC 112-2
Jason Titus
This course focuses on the same broad topics as MUSC 111, and draws from a similarly varied repertoire, but introduces more complex concepts, including chromatic harmony and scales, advanced formal analysis, key changes, elaborate rhythmic and metric patterns, and intricate textural layering. Prerequisite: MUSC 111. (Spring only) |
MUSC 134-1
Ji Young Kim
An introduction to the history of Western classical music from the Middle Ages to the present, with emphasis on recognition of the chief stylistic characteristics and understanding of major genres of each period. Prerequisite: MUSC 112 or permission of instructor. |
MUSC 109-1
David McCarthy
Introduces students to basic musicianship skills. Begins with exercises in pitch matching and basic interval recognition and progresses toward other skills, such as singing simple melodies at sight, sight-reading various rhythmic patterns, and dictating simple melodies and chord progressions. Prospective music majors, especially those with prior singing experience, typically skip this course and begin with MUSC 113. |
MUSC 121-01
Darien Lamen
In this introductory course, students will engage with a variety of musical genres, instruments, and performance techniques from different areas of the world. Through reading assignments, listening examples, film clips, and participatory activities, students will study how people in difference places engage with music as a sonic and social practice. Students will also learn how to write about music as a form of social practice through short reading responses and structured essay assignments. |
MUSC 191-1
Stephen Roessner
This course covers the fundamentals in becoming an audio engineer. Topics covered include: Acoustics, Psychoacoustics, Microphones, Signal Processing, Tape Recording, Digital Audio Theory, Signal Flow, Studio Etiquette, Digital Audio Workstations, Music Business, Recording Audio, and Mixing Audio. You do not need any previous experience in recording, however some familiarity with music and how it is created is needed. There are four group recording projects that make up the bulk of the course, each with their own guidelines and challenges. This course requires considerable time to be spent on projects outside of the lecture and lab times. The labs are required to take this course. First-year non-AME Major students are ineligible to take this course. Prerequisites: None INSTRUCTOR PERMISSION ONLY. |
MUSC 109-2
David McCarthy
Introduces students to basic musicianship skills. Begins with exercises in pitch matching and basic interval recognition and progresses toward other skills, such as singing simple melodies at sight, sight-reading various rhythmic patterns, and dictating simple melodies and chord progressions. Prospective music majors, especially those with prior singing experience, typically skip this course and begin with MUSC 113. |
MUSC 162-1
Elise Piazza
Introduction to the discipline of music cognition. Topics include empirical methods, psycho-acoustic principles, influence of Gestalt psychology, music and language, metric and tonal hierarchies, music and the brain, aspects of musical development, and research on musical memory, expectation, and emotion. Prerequisite: One semester of collegiate music theory (MUR 101, MUR 110, MUR 111 or TH 101), AP exam score of 4 or 5, or permission of instructor. |
MUSC 193-1
Robert LaVaque
The course is intended to provide students a basic understanding of SOUND DESIGN and working with sound for picture. The emphasis is on demonstrations and hands-on experience to enable students to gain a practical knowledge of sound and music production using computers. Topics include synthesizers & samplers; recording and editing with Pro Tools and Logic Pro; sound effect creation; foley & automatic dialog replacement; basic soundtrack composition; and working to picture. Many techniques are explored, employing software and hardware-based sound creation tools throughout the course. Students will complete a major sound design project at the conclusion of the course. There are no prerequisites. |
MUSC 157-1
Bill Tiberio
The Jazz Ensemble is open by audition to all U of R community, and performing a wide variety of music. Occasional guests artists and clinicians. (Fall and Spring) (1 credit) |
MUSC 194-1
Robert LaVaque
This course is intended to provide students with an understanding of the process and the skills for creating MUSIC for picture. The course emphasizes hands-on experience where students gain practical knowledge in scoring to picture using provided DAWs and Virtual Instruments. It features guest lectures by professional composers in the fields of TV, Film, Advertising, Gaming, and Animation, providing real world style assignments along with individual feedback for each student. Topics also include MIDI, creating drumbeats, music analysis and emulation, soft synthesizers, samplers, virtual instruments, recording and editing with Logic Pro, and working to picture. Students will complete numerous projects throughout the course. Prerequisites: AME 193, or a solid working knowledge of either Pro Tools or Logic Pro. Strong musical ability, basic keyboard proficiency. |
MUSC 119-3
Scarlett Zheng
MUSC 119 is a continuation of MUSC 118 (taken in the Fall term). MUSC 118 is the pre-requisite for MUSC 119. MUSC 119 is not a course for beginners, nor is it at a beginning level. |
MUSC 184-1
Kerfala Bangoura
Sansifanyi is an ensemble that provides various performance opportunities both on and off-campus for intermediate and advanced students of African dance & drumming. Instructor Kerfala Bangoura trains ensemble members in a performance style that integrates dance, drumming, vocal song, and narrative elements. Dancers who enroll in Sansifanyi will learn choreographic techniques for West African dance and gain experience dancing as soloists. Dancers will also learn focus on rhythmic timing and on drumming while dancing. Drummers enrolled in Sansifanyi will learn extended percussion arrangements and techniques for accompanying choreography. They will also learn how to play the breaks required of lead drummers. |
Wednesday | |
MUSC 133-1
Nigel Maister
Musical Theatre is, indubitably, America's greatest home-grown theatrical form and one of the major accomplishments of American culture. From Carousel to Hadestown, Show Boat to Next to Normal, American musical theatre has defined, celebrated, and confronted our lives through song, dance, and dramatic character and action. The skills, techniques and talent needed to effectively embody characters from the repertoire challenge actors and singers in startling ways. This is a workshop-format, performance-based course devoted to the development of skills--both dramatic and musical--for musical theatre. We will take songs (and, potentially, scenes) from a range of musicals and explore them from a performer's point of view: investigating action, character, musicality, vocal technique, and more. The class follows a workshop model, with students performing material that is then critiqued and reworked. Students may get to work on both contemporary and Golden Age repertoire in both solo/monologue format and, potentially, in scenes or duets. The class is intended for students with some background in musical theatre performance and is by audition only. Follow link to sign up for Audition times - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc9OrlD-olnUaBcngJSIeKg-1KU4aFK9YU_IVK-LRUjDyRliA/viewform |
Thursday | |
MUSC 183-2
Daniel Salazar
Intro to Classical Guitar: Intro to Classical Guitar will introduce students to rudiments of classical guitar technique, including tuning, basic posture and position, chord formation, note reading, and introduction to repertoire. Basic ensemble techniques will be incorporated into class sessions.By the end of the semester, students will be able to:- Individually perform beginning classical guitar repertoire- Accompany songs with arpeggiated technique- Sight-read assigned music selections, using standard music notation**GUITARS ARE NOT SUPPLIED*** |
MUSC 170-1
Bill Tiberio
Brass Choir is a 15-20 member ensemble dedicated to performing quality brass music at a high level while fostering a spirit of community among brass players on the RC. Open to experienced trumpet, horn, trombone, euphonium, and tuba players. |
MUSC 181-1
Alexander Nazaretski
This is an introductory guitar class that will teach guitar fundamentals and get students playing popular, rock, blues, classical, and simple jazz tunes by the end of the semester. This course is open to all guitar enthusiasts as well as music majors/minors seeking a 'methods class' approach to learning the instrument. Electric and acoustic guitars welcome. **GUITARS ARE NOT SUPPLIED** TA led organized practice sessions TBA |
MUSC 150-1
Brenda Nitsch
Participants in the Treble Chorus form a vocal ensemble of high-voiced singers from across the university community. They explore history and cultures by studying diverse repertoire, sharing their understandings in concert performances scheduled throughout the semester. They also have the opportunity to cultivate healthy vocal production and musicianship skills. To join, simply register for the class. The instructor will arrange voice part hearings during the first week of classes. Spring 2022 location will be the Ray Wright Room on the ESM campus. |
Friday | |
MUSC 222-2
Honey Meconi
Survey of Western classical music from ca. 1600 to b1800, with emphasis on the stylistic, generic, and performance innovations of the period; opera receives special attention. Workshops investigate specific problems posed by notation, performance, ethics, and so on. |