Operations Research Opportunities and Events
Funding is available for students to further explore the field of operations research, see below.
Muckstadt Research Fellowships
If you are interested in doing summer research in operations research, consider applying for a Muckstadt Research Fellowship. Students should submit a research proposal to one of the O.R. certificate advisors detailing the specific problem(s) and areas they are planning to work on. The proposal should also include information about time committment, budget, and the name of a faculty mentor that has agreed to supervise the project.
Muckstadt Travel Awards
Interested in monetary support to attend an operations research conference? Consider applying for a Muckstadt Travel Award. Conferences are great ways to network with those directly working in the field, learn about modern trends, and hear from experts about the future of operations research. Interested students should put together a short proposal detailing the conference they would like to attend, their motivation for participating in it, and a budget, and send it to one of the operations research certificate advisors.