Advanced Courses
Several concentrations in the mathematics department require two additional advanced courses with substantial mathematical content.
The official description of such courses is:
Courses that employ mathematical language, reasoning or methodology qualify. Any 4-credit mathematics course numbered 2XX, 3XX, or 4XX qualifies, as do certain non-introductory courses in other departments. (Math 5XX courses qualify for the class of 2024, but not for subsequent classes.) The most common courses in other departments that qualify are courses of a quantitative nature from the social and physical sciences, engineering, computer science or statistics, but there are other possibilities. Selections must be approved by the student’s departmental advisor.
In order to aid students and advisors, we have developed the following list of qualifying courses. This list is not exhaustive. If you are a student and believe a course satisfies the above description but is not on this list, please consult with your advisor. Your advisor in consultation with the undergraduate committee can approve a course not on this list.
Courses qualifying as advanced courses with substantial mathematical content for the purpose of satisfying Department of Mathematics concentrations requirements:
ASTR 231: Gravitation and General Relativity
ASTR 241: Astrophysics I
ASTR 242: Astrophysics II
ASTR 243: Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics
ASTR 265: Physics of Planetary Interiors
BIOL: 263 Ecology
Biomedical Engineering
BME 218: Introduction to Neuroengineering
BME 221: Biomedical Computation and Statistics
BME 230: BME Signals, Systems and Imaging
BME 251: Biomedical Ultrasound
BME 260: Quantitative Physiology
BME 283: Biosolid Mechanics
Brain and Cognitive Science
BSCS 247: Computational Neuroscience
BSCS 257: Advanced Computational Neuroscience
Chemical Engineering
CHE 225: Thermodynamics
CHE 231: Chemical Reactor Design
CHE 243: Fluid Dynamics
CHE 244: Heat and Mass Transfer
CHEM 251: Quantum Chemistry I
CHEM 252: Physical Chemistry II
Computer Science
CSC 240: Data Mining
CSC 242: Artificial Intelligence
CSC 244: Machine Reasoning
CSC 246: Machine Learning
CSC 279: Computational Geometry
CSC 280: Computer Models
CSC 281: Cryptography
CSC 282: Design and Analysis of Efficient Algorithms
CSC 283: Topics in Cryptography
CSC 284: Advanced Algorithms
CSC 286: Computational Complexity
CSC 287: Sampling Algorithms
CSC 289: Algorithmic Game Theory
Data Science
DSCC 240: Data Mining
DSCC 242: Artificial Intelligence
DSCC 262: Computational Introduction to Statistics
DSCC 265: Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning
DSCC 275: Time Series Analysis & Forecasting in Data Science
DSCC 420: Intro to Random Processes
DSCC 442: Network Science Analytics
ECON 207H: Intermediate Microeconomics
ECON 209H: Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECON 230: Economic Statistics
ECON 231(W): Econometrics
ECON 233(W): Applied Econometrics
ECON 288: Introduction to Game Theory
Education (Warner School)
EDU 436: Theory and Practice in Teaching and Learning Mathematics
EDU 444: Implementing Innovation in Mathematics Education
EDU 482: Integrating Mathematics and Literacy (TC-MATH)
EDU 483 Integrating Mathematics and Technology
Note: These courses may also count toward the 4+1 Program in Teaching.
Electrical and Computer Engineering
ECE 210: Circuits and Microcontrollers for Engineers
ECE 226: Superconducting Electronics
ECE 230: Electromagnetic Waves
ECE 231: Robot Control
ECE 233: Musical Acoustics
ECE 234: Microelectromechanical Systems
ECE 240: Musical Sound: SCI and Synthesis
ECE 241: Signals
ECE 242: Communications Systems
ECE 244: Digital Communications
ECE 245: Wireless Communications
ECE 246: Digital Signal Processing
ECE 271: Intro to Random Processes
ECE 272: Audio Digital Signal Processing
ECE 442: Network Science Analytics
Environmental Science
EESC 235: Physical Oceanography
EESC 236: Physics of Climate
Material Science
MSC 230: Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
Any 2xx+ course
Mechanical Engineering
ME 204: Mechanical Design
ME 205: Advanced Mechanical Design
ME 211: Computational Methods
ME 213: Mechanical Systems
ME 223: Heat Transfer
ME 225: Fluid Dynamics
ME 226: Solid Dynamics
ME 250: Optimum Design
ME 251: Heat Power
ME 280: Material Science
ME 281: Mechanical Properties of Materials
OPT 223: Quantum Theory
OPT 241: Geometrical Optics
OPT 261: Interference and Diffraction
OPT 262: Electromagnetic Theory
PHIL 212: Probability, Inference, and Decision
PHIL 215: Mathematical Logic
PHIL 216: Logic
PHIL 217: Uncertain Inference
PHIL 218: Philosophy of Math
PHIL 219: Deviant Logic
Any 2xx+ except for labs
Political Science
PSCI 205: Data Analysis II
PSCI 281: Formal Models
PSCI 288: Game Theory
PSCI 407: Mathematical Modeling
PSYC 211: Statistical Methods
Simon School
FIN 205: Financial Management
FIN 206: Investments
FIN 213: Corporate Finance
MKT 212: Marketing Research and Analytics
STR 241: Pricing Strategy
BUS 221: Operations and Strategy
Any STAT 2xx+ course except STAT 211, 212, 213, 214*
*STAT 211, 212, 213 accepted for students with math major declared 7/31/19 or earlier. STAT 214 accepted for students with math major declared 12/9/20 or earlier. AP STAT credit not accepted.