
Person's photo

Bernardi, Joanne

Professor of Japanese and Visual and Cultural Studies

Head, Japanese Program

Project Director, Re-Envisioning Japan: Japan as Destination in 20th C. Visual and Material Culture

Office Location
409 Lattimore Hall
(585) 275-4251
Web Address

Interests: Japanese cinema and culture, especially popular culture; film and media studies; visual and material culture; moving image archiving and preservation; travel and tourism studies; nuclear culture; digital humanities; ephemera studies; object-based learning

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Cho, Myounghee

Assistant Professor of Instruction in Korean

Language Coordinator, Korean

Office Location
430 Lattimore Hall
(585) 275-4251

Interests: Language pedagogy; language acquisition; Korean linguistics; socio-pragmatics; curriculum design; development of learning and teaching methodologies and materials

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Givens, John

Professor of Russian

Head, Russian Program

Office Location
423 Lattimore Hall
(585) 275-4251

Interests: Russian language and literature; Russian film; translation

Susan Gustafson

Gustafson, Susan E.

Karl F. and Bertha A. Fuchs Professor of German Studies

Professor of Modern Languages and Cultures

Office Location
425 Lattimore Hall
(585) 275-4251
Web Address

Interests: German literature of the eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth centuries; feminism and gender studies; psychoanalysis

Headshot of Jesse LeFebvre.

LeFebvre, Jesse

Assistant Professor of Japanese

Office Location
411 Lattimore Hall
(585) 275-4251

Interests: Premodern Japanese literature and culture; East Asian Buddhism; Shinto; Christianity in Japan; Japanese Illustrated Narrative Scrolls; Translation (theory and practice); Myth and Legend; Ritual and Religious Practice; Secularity and Modernity

John Michael

Michael, John

John Hall Deane Professor of Rhetoric and Poetry

Professor of English

Professor of Visual and Cultural Studies

Director, American Studies

Office Location
405 Morey Hall
(585) 275-9259

Interests: American literature; critical theory; cultural studies

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Papaioannou, Julie

Professor of Instruction in French

Language Pedagogy Coordinator, French

Study Abroad Advisor, French

Office Location
427 Lattimore Hall
(585) 275-4251

Interests: French language and culture; French and Francophone literature and film (twentieth and twenty-first centuries); French literary translation; French criticism, literary and postcolonial theory

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Post, Chad

Director, Open Letter Press

Office Location
1-219 Dewey Hall
(585) 319-0823
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Prendergast, Ryan

Associate Professor of Spanish

Chair, Modern Languages and Cultures

Office Location
408A Lattimore Hall
(585) 275-4113

Interests: Representations of identity and difference in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Spain and Spanish America

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Rosensweig, Anna

Associate Professor of French and Visual and Cultural Studies

Director, Graduate Program in Visual and Cultural Studies

Office Location
508 Morey Hall
(585) 275-9249

Interests: Early modern French literature and culture; Theater and performance studies; Political theory

Rozenski, Steven

Associate Professor

Office Location
416 Morey

Interests: Middle English devotional literature; translation studies; book history; medieval German and Dutch literature; trans-Reformation England

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Schaefer, Claudia

Rush Rhees Professor

Professor of Modern Languages and Cultures

Professor of Film and Media Studies

Program head fall 2024, minors, transfers, and study abroad credit for minors, Take Five

Office Location
418 Lattimore Hall
(585) 275-4251

Interests: Nineteenth-, twentieth- and twenty-first-century Hispanic literatures and cultures; Spanish cinema; critical theory; popular culture; the visual arts; Spanish modernity; the culture of science in Spain; surrealism in Spain; digital humanities

Joanna Scott

Scott, Joanna

Roswell Smith Burrows Professor of English

Professor of English

Director, Literary Arts Programs

Office Location
404C Morey Hall

Interests: Modern and contemporary fiction; the art of imaginative writing

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Stocchi-Perucchio, Donatella

Arnold Lisio ’56, ‘61M (MD) and Anne Moore Lisio, MD Endowed Distinguished Professor in Italian Language and Culture

Associate Professor of Modern Languages and Cultures

Head, Italian Program

Director, Literary Translation Studies (MALTS)

Office Location
405 Lattimore Hall
(585) 275-4251

Interests: Dante; Nineteenth-century poetry and prose; Fascism

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Weber, Liz Evans

Assistant Professor of Instruction in Chinese

Research Assistant Professor

Office Location
402 Lattimore Hall
(585) 275-4251

Interests: Translation and translation studies; Modern and late Qing Chinese literature; Late Qing nationalism and history ; Issues of migration, race, and labor; Asian American studies