Working Groups: Up to $500 per semester (renewable)
The Humanities Project Executive Committee solicits proposals for working groups, some of which may eventuate in full-scale Humanities Projects (although the latter condition is not a requirement). Working groups can be reading groups, recurring brainstorming sessions, or any other creative or critical enterprise in which faculty interact to work on a problem or project. Graduate students may be part of Working Groups, but there must be a faculty member involved.
Working groups may be on any theme under the Humanities Project purview, and experimental ideas are encouraged.
To apply for a working group, please send a brief statement (up to 250 words) indicating the likely participants, topic, and intent of the group to Peter Christensen. Up to $500 per semester can be used for food and reading materials. Working groups may be renewed, and they may start any time; proposals are accepted on a rolling basis.