Full-scale funding up to $10,000

Proposals may be submitted by one or more full-time faculty members or postdoctoral fellows in the following departments and programs:

River Campus:

  • Anthropology
  • Art and Art History
  • Black Studies
  • English
  • Environmental Humanities
  • History
  • Humanities Center
  • International Theater Program
  • Linguistics
  • Modern Languages and Cultures
  • Music
  • Philosophy
  • Program in Dance and Movement
  • Religion and Classics
  • Susan B. Anthony Institute for Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies

Eastman School of Music:

  • Beal Institute
  • Composition
  • Humanities
  • Music Theory
  • Musicology

University of Rochester Medical Center:

  • Health Humanities and Bioethics

at any time of the academic year from the first day of Fall semester classes through two weeks before the last day of Spring semester classes. Applications are accepted and funded on a rolling basis typically with a 2-week peer review process. The maximum funding for a single project will, from 2023 onwards, ordinarily be $10,000.

Humanities Projects cannot contain requests for release from teaching, nor can they be for individual research or travel. Projects that are not based fundamentally in research, research-intensive projects with students, or creative production are unlikely to be approved. Please note that Humanities Project funds cannot be used to pay University of Rochester faculty or staff for their work or time associated with a Project.

The Humanities Project committee welcomes applications for projects on any aspect of humanistic research or artistic production. Projects and initiatives that will further faculty research and consequently significantly elevate the profile of the humanities at Rochester are given priority.

The committee welcomes proposals of broad appeal that are interdisciplinary in nature, and it also endorses smaller projects aimed at more specialized audiences. It is especially interested projects that can have a tangible impact on the UR community and beyond, and/or in those that might have a continuing presence or effect. 

As of Fall 2022, Faculty will also need to demonstrate that they have kept their departmental faculty webpage up to date, including publications, awards, courses taught, and other relevant activities.

Department administrators are responsible for managing project logistics including speaker travel, room reservations, food and beverage arrangements, etc. and processing all payments.

After your project, please submit a final report here.

Apply for a full scale Project >

All proposals must be submitted no later than two weeks prior to the last day of Spring semester classes. New proposals can be submitted beginning on the first day of Fall semester classes.