Older Scots Literature and Culture
The University of Rochester, in cooperation with the University of St. Andrews, Scotland, will sponsor a two-day conference (9-10 May 2016) on Older Scots Literature and Culture. Seventeen scholars, from the UK, EU, Canada and the US, will present cutting-edge research in a series of plenary panels. The event is open to all, from specialists to those in the general public who simply love Scots poetry and culture. The program and instructions on how to become part of the proceedings are available at the conference website: www.olderscots.com.
For further information, get in touch with Tom Hahn (thomas.hahn@rochester.edu) or Rhiannon Purdie (rp6@st-andrews.ac.uk).
Sponsored by the Humanities Project, a program of the Humanities Center. For further details, click here.