Justin J. Ramsey
PhD Candidate, ABD
Advisor: Matthew Lenoe
Major Fields: History of Russia and the Soviet Union; History of Socialism and Communism
Minor Fields: History of the Twentieth Century and the State
Research Interests
My research interests are centered on Soviet history and socialism. My current project is focused on the construction and launching of the Leningrad Metro covering the 1930's to 1960's. Other projects of mine focus on the history of Soviet socialism in relation to Stalinism and providing clarification on their distinction as analytical tools. I am largely interested in the global history of socialism and the idea that there is not a socialism but multiple socialism's from Marx and Engels to Lenin and Mao. This transnational approach to socialism enables to position the fluid definition of what socialism meant across the centuries including the existence of the Soviet Union.
Soviet Socialism and the Leningrad Metro: From Stalinism to De-Stalinization
PhD, History - University of Rochester, 2023 (Expected)
MA, History, University of Rochester, 2018
MA, History, National Research University – Higher School of Economics (Saint Petersburg), 2017
MA, History, George Mason University, 2012
BA, History, State University of New York at Fredonia, 2010
- Instructor, HIS 193 European Civil War: 1900-1945, University of Rochester 2020, Fall Instructor
- HIS 196 Challengers to Capitalism: 1800-2000, University of Rochester 2020, Summer