David Bleich
PhD, New York University
- Office Location
- 409 Morey Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-8568
Research Overview
David Bleich's research has been principally concerned with language and literature in society, including the history of the university and postsecondary pedagogy; the study of the use of language and the function of literary and other symbolic "written" texts in social contexts; and the history and philosophy of language research and pedagogy.
Research Interests
- Literary and language theory
- writing and language pedagogy
- women's studies
- science studies
- Jewish studies
- film and popular culture
Selected Publication Covers
Selected Publications
- Readings and Feelings, National Council of Teachers of English 1975
- Subjective Criticism, Johns Hopkins 1978
- Utopia: The Psychology of a Cultural Fantasy, UMI Research 1984
- The Double Perspective: Language, Literacy, and Social Relations, Oxford 1988
- Know and Tell: A Pedagogy of Disclosure, Genre, and Membership, Boynton/Cook 1998
- The Materiality of Language: Gender, Politics, and the University, Indiana 2013
- "Globalization, Translation, and the University Tradition," in New Literary History 39.3 (summer 2008), 497-518
- "The Materiality of Reading," in New Literary History 37.3 (2006)
- "What Literature is 'Ours'"? in Reading Sites: Social Difference and Reader Response, ed. Patrocinio P. Schweickart and Elizabeth A. Flynn, Modern Language Association 2004
- "The Collective Privacy of Academic Language," in The Private, the Public, and the Published: Reconciling Private Lives and Public Rhetoric, ed. Barbara Couture and Thomas Kent, Utah State 2004
- "Finding the Right Word: Self-Inclusion and Self-Inscription," in Autobiographical Writing across the Disciplines, ed. Diane P. Freedman and Olivia Frey, Duke 2003
- "The Materiality of Rhetoric, the Subject of Language Use," in The Realms of Rhetoric: The Prospects of Rhetoric Education, ed. Joseph Petraglia and Deepika Bahri, SUNY 2003
- "The Materiality of Language and the Pedagogy of Exchange," in Pedagogy 1.1 (2001)
- Writing With: New Directions in Collaborative Teaching, Learning, and Research, with Sally Barr Reagan and Tom Fox, SUNY 1994
- Personal Effects: The Social Character of Scholarly Writing, with Deborah Holdstein, Utah State 2002
- Assimilating Literary Language (spring 2013)
- Family Repression and Rage in Film and Society (spring 2013)
- All Is Fair in Love and War (fall 2012)
- The Changing Genres of Erotica (spring 2012)
- Problems of Western Civilization (spring 2012)
- Orality, Language, and Literacy (spring 2011)
- Hollywood and Jewish Values in America (spring 2008)
- Materiality of Language and Literature (fall 2012)
- Literary Theory: The Sacralization and Desacralization of Texts (fall 2010)
- Orality, Language, and Literacy (spring 2010)
- The Changing Genres of Erotica (spring 2008)