2015 Graduate Program News

Geoff Bender Accepts Visiting Faculty Post

November 4, 2015

Please join the Department in congratulating Geoff Bender (PhD 2012) on his appointment to Visiting Assistant Professor at SUNY Cortland, where he teaches courses in (among other topics) film, literature for adolescents, and also writing pedagogy.

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Registration Reminder: Spring 2016

November 4, 2015

Registration opened November 2, 2015. Registration is on-line and is a process you need to do each semester, even if you have completed your credit requirement (30 for master’s; 90 for Ph.D.).

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Congratulations to Joseph Lamperez!

October 28, 2015

The English Department is delighted to announce that an essay by Joseph Lamperez, entitled "The Aztecs and Urban Form in Bataille, Rivera, and JG Posada," has been accepted for publication in Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature. Examining the representation of the Aztec in the work of Georges Bataille, Diego Rivera, and Jose Guadalupe Posada, the essay argues that this figure serves to critique various aspects of modernization.

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Joe Vogel Begins Tenure-Track Position at Merrimack

May 21, 2015

A hearty congratulations to Joe Vogel (PhD 2014), who has recently accepted a tenure-track job as Assistant Professor of Contemporary American Literature and Film at Merrimack College. In addition, Joe has three new articles appearing this year: in the F. Scott Fitzgerald Review, the Journal of Popular Culture, and the Journal of Popular Music Studies.

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Leah Haught Accepts Tenure-Track Position at UWG

March 27, 2015

The English Department extends its warm congratulations to Leah Haught (PhD '11), who has just accepted a tenure-track medievalist position at the University of West Georgia. Leah joins UWG's English Department from Georgia Tech, where she has been serving as a Marion L. Brittain Postdoctoral Fellow for the past three years; prior to that, she held a postdoctoral fellowship in the U of R's Writing, Speaking, and Argument Program.

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Congratulations to Nikolaus Wasmoen!

March 16, 2015

PhD candidate and Blake-Archive contributor Nikolaus Wasmoen has been appointed Project Manager for the recently-launched ModNets (short for "Modernist Networks"). The latest addition to the consortium of scholarly digital projects that includes the well-known NINES and 18thConnect, ModNets intends to offer peer review of digital modernist projects, to aggregate scholarly resources in the field, and to render easily searchable the full range of digital publications that traditional libraries tend to omit from their indices and collections.

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