Spring Term Schedule
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Spring 2025
Number | Title | Instructor | Time |
EESC 100-01
Chiara Borrelli
TR 3:25PM - 4:40PM
This class is in basic oceanography. Oceanography is the study of marine systems from a physical, chemical, geological, and biological point of view. In this class, we will explore the formation and structure of the oceanic basins, the geochemistry of seawater and sediments, the ocean circulation patterns, and the composition and distribution of biological populations as a function of different physical and chemical variables. At the end of the semester, we will discuss some special topics, such as global warming and ocean acidification, overfishing, and coastal pollution. Clusters:N1 INT 003N1 INT 015N1 EES 007N1 EES 004
EESC 103-07
Karen Berger
W 3:25PM - 4:40PM
A comprehensive overview of fundamental scientific concepts in environmental science and the interactions between humans and their environment. Modules address ecological and human systems; air and water; energy and climate; and food and waste. The goals are to provide students with critical thinking skills and a level of scientific literacy for further study of environmental issues and to create informed and engaged citizens and consumers.
EESC 103-08
Karen Berger
R 2:00PM - 3:15PM
A comprehensive overview of fundamental scientific concepts in environmental science and the interactions between humans and their environment. Modules address ecological and human systems; air and water; energy and climate; and food and waste. The goals are to provide students with critical thinking skills and a level of scientific literacy for further study of environmental issues and to create informed and engaged citizens and consumers.
EESC 103-1
Karen Berger
MWF 11:50AM - 12:40PM
A comprehensive overview of fundamental scientific concepts in environmental science and the interactions between humans and their environment. Modules address ecological and human systems; air and water; energy and climate; and food and waste. The goals are to provide students with critical thinking skills and a level of scientific literacy for further study of environmental issues and to create informed and engaged citizens and consumers. Students are required to register for a weekly recitation.
EESC 103-2
Karen Berger
R 2:00PM - 3:15PM
A comprehensive overview of fundamental scientific concepts in environmental science and the interactions between humans and their environment. Modules address ecological and human systems; air and water; energy and climate; and food and waste. The goals are to provide students with critical thinking skills and a level of scientific literacy for further study of environmental issues and to create informed and engaged citizens and consumers.
EESC 103-3
Karen Berger
W 3:25PM - 4:40PM
A comprehensive overview of fundamental scientific concepts in environmental science and the interactions between humans and their environment. Modules address ecological and human systems; air and water; energy and climate; and food and waste. The goals are to provide students with critical thinking skills and a level of scientific literacy for further study of environmental issues and to create informed and engaged citizens and consumers.
EESC 103-4
Karen Berger
F 10:25AM - 11:40AM
A comprehensive overview of fundamental scientific concepts in environmental science and the interactions between humans and their environment. Modules address ecological and human systems; air and water; energy and climate; and food and waste. The goals are to provide students with critical thinking skills and a level of scientific literacy for further study of environmental issues and to create informed and engaged citizens and consumers.
EESC 103-5
Karen Berger
R 12:30PM - 1:45PM
A comprehensive overview of fundamental scientific concepts in environmental science and the interactions between humans and their environment. Modules address ecological and human systems; air and water; energy and climate; and food and waste. The goals are to provide students with critical thinking skills and a level of scientific literacy for further study of environmental issues and to create informed and engaged citizens and consumers.
EESC 103-6
Karen Berger
R 3:25PM - 4:40PM
A comprehensive overview of fundamental scientific concepts in environmental science and the interactions between humans and their environment. Modules address ecological and human systems; air and water; energy and climate; and food and waste. The goals are to provide students with critical thinking skills and a level of scientific literacy for further study of environmental issues and to create informed and engaged citizens and consumers.
EESC 111-01
Tolulope Olugboji
MWF 10:25AM - 11:15AM
We live on a dynamic planet where the seemingly tranquil landscape is often disrupted by catastrophic events. This course explores how geological hazards, such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, are violent manifestations of plate tectonics. It begins with the mechanisms behind these disasters, then examines meteorological and cosmological hazards from solar energy release, including storms and floods. The final section focuses on mitigation programs and relevant case studies. NOTE: Juniors and Seniors in the natural sciences and engineering are required to enroll in EES 211. Students cannot take both EES 111 and EES 211.
EESC 129-01
Miki Nakajima
TR 12:30PM - 1:45PM
We are now in the new era in which we have equal opportunities to start our own agency to explore space. This course will provide the overview of past, current and future space missions, which will help us gain critical views to the current developments in this area. The materials we will cover include (not limited to) history of space missions, their scientific and engineering outcomes, budget and funding opportunities and plans for future missions, satellite image analysis with GIS to determine landing locations, orbital dynamics calculations for a spacecraft. The final project will be designing your own space mission that includes expected outcomes and estimated budget. NOTE: Juniors and Seniors in the natural sciences and engineering are required to enroll in EES 229. Students cannot take both EES 129 and EES 229.
EESC 201-1
Rory Cottrell
MWF 10:25AM - 11:15AM
Historical geology encompasses the (1) dynamic history of the physical earth: the development of land forms, rise and fall of ancient seas, movements of continents, etc., and (2) the evolution of historical geology such as paleontology, sedimentology, stratigraphy, geochronology, and plate tectonics, and a chronological survey of earth and life history, emphasizing the evolution of North America.
EESC 201-2
Rory Cottrell
R 2:00PM - 4:40PM
Historical geology encompasses the (1) dynamic history of the physical earth: the development of land forms, rise and fall of ancient seas, movements of continents, etc., and (2) the evolution of historical geology such as paleontology, sedimentology, stratigraphy, geochronology, and plate tectonics, and a chronological survey of earth and life history, emphasizing the evolution of North America.
EESC 201-3
Rory Cottrell
M 2:00PM - 4:40PM
Historical geology encompasses the (1) dynamic history of the physical earth: the development of land forms, rise and fall of ancient seas, movements of continents, etc., and (2) the evolution of historical geology such as paleontology, sedimentology, stratigraphy, geochronology, and plate tectonics, and a chronological survey of earth and life history, emphasizing the evolution of North America.
EESC 201-4
Rory Cottrell
T 2:00PM - 4:40PM
Historical geology encompasses the (1) dynamic history of the physical earth: the development of land forms, rise and fall of ancient seas, movements of continents, etc., and (2) the evolution of historical geology such as paleontology, sedimentology, stratigraphy, geochronology, and plate tectonics, and a chronological survey of earth and life history, emphasizing the evolution of North America.
EESC 201W-01
Rory Cottrell
MWF 10:25AM - 11:15AM
See EES 201 and EES Departmental Writing Plan. This section fulfills the upper level writing requirementThis course is no longer offered as a writing requirment section.
EESC 201W-2
Rory Cottrell
R 2:00PM - 4:40PM
See EESC 201 and EES Departmental Writing Plan. This section fulfills the upper level writing requirementThis course is no longer offered as a writing requirment section.
EESC 201W-3
Rory Cottrell
M 2:00PM - 4:40PM
See EESC 201 and EES Departmental Writing Plan. This section fulfills the upper level writing requirementThis course is no longer offered as a writing requirment section.
EESC 201W-4
Rory Cottrell
T 2:00PM - 4:40PM
See EESC 201 and EES Departmental Writing Plan. This section fulfills the upper level writing requirementThis course is no longer offered as a writing requirment section.
EESC 204-01
Dustin Trail
MW 10:25AM - 11:40AM
Pre-Reqs: EESC 101 or permission of instructor
EESC 204-02
Dustin Trail
W 3:25PM - 6:05PM
Pre-Reqs: EESC 101 or permission of instructor
EESC 204W-01
Dustin Trail
MW 10:25AM - 11:40AM
Pre-Reqs: EESC 101 or permission of instructor
EESC 204W-02
Dustin Trail
W 3:25PM - 6:05PM
Pre-Reqs: EESC 101 or permission of instructor
EESC 207-1
Julia Masny
TR 11:05AM - 12:20PM
This course is designed to introduce the basic principles of paleontology- the study of fossil organisms in the geological record. Topics to be covered include: taphonomy and the processes of fossilization, principles of evolution as evidenced by the fossil record, taxonomy and the recognition and naming of fossil species, biostratigraphy as a means of dating a rock and/or learning about ancient environments, geochemistry of fossils as a means to understand ancient habitats and behaviors. This course will include an overview of important fossil groups with hands-on experience and a field trip.
EESC 207W-1
Julia Masny
TR 11:05AM - 12:20PM
See EES 207 and EES department writing plan. This section fulfills the upper level writing requirement.
EESC 211-01
Tolulope Olugboji
MWF 10:25AM - 11:15AM
We live on a dynamic planet. The seemingly tranquil, unchanging landscape of the Earth's surface is often interrupted by abrupt, catastrophic events. Earthquakes, landslides, and tsunamis lay waste to buildings, towns and sometimes entire cities. Dormant volcanoes come to life in explosions of lava and large volumes of aerosols and greenhouse gases, with implications for global climate change. In this course, we learn how these geological hazards are a violent manifestation of plate tectonics, the movement of the relatively rigid plates forming Earth's outer shell. The first third of the class focuses on the causative mechanisms of earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, volcanic-eruption induced climate change. The second third outlines the consequent hazards and forecasting efforts, and feedbacks between these processes. The final third of the course examines mitigation programs, with numerous case studies
EESC 211W-01
Tolulope Olugboji
MWF 10:25AM - 11:15AM
We live on a dynamic planet. The seemingly tranquil, unchanging landscape of the Earth's surface is often interrupted by abrupt, catastrophic events. Earthquakes, landslides, and tsunamis lay waste to buildings, towns and sometimes entire cities. Dormant volcanoes come to life in explosions of lava and large volumes of aerosols and greenhouse gases, with implications for global climate change. In this course, we learn how these geological hazards are a violent manifestation of plate tectonics, the movement of the relatively rigid plates forming Earth's outer shell. The first third of the class focuses on the causative mechanisms of earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, volcanic-eruption induced climate change. The second third outlines the consequent hazards and forecasting efforts, and feedbacks between these processes. The final third of the course examines mitigation programs, with numerous case studies
EESC 223-01
Sarah Williams
TR 12:30PM - 1:45PM
Earth’s surface is constantly changing as water, wind and gravity sculpt landscapes. In this course, we will cover the physics of sediment transport and landscape change with respect to rivers, hillslopes, glaciers, sand dunes and more. Students are expected to have a working knowledge of calculus, including derivatives and integrals.
EESC 223-02
Sarah Williams
W 2:00PM - 3:15PM
Earth’s surface is constantly changing as water, wind and gravity sculpt landscapes. In this course, we will cover the physics of sediment transport and landscape change with respect to rivers, hillslopes, glaciers, sand dunes and more. Students are expected to have a working knowledge of calculus, including derivatives and integrals.
EESC 229-01
Miki Nakajima
TR 12:30PM - 1:45PM
We are now in the new era in which we have equal opportunities to start our own agency to explore space. This course will provide the overview of past, current and future space missions, which will help us gain critical views to the current developments in this area. The materials we will cover include (not limited to) history of space missions, their scientific and engineering outcomes, budget and funding opportunities and plans for future missions, satellite image analysis with GIS to determine landing locations, orbital dynamics calculations for a spacecraft. The final project will be designing your own space mission that includes expected outcomes and estimated budget. NOTE: Juniors and Seniors in the natural sciences and engineering are required to enroll in EES 229. Students cannot take both EES 129 and EES 229
EESC 234-01
Lee Murray
TR 2:00PM - 3:15PM
Global atmospheric models are critical research and policy tools used to understand and predict the weather, climate change, and air pollution. This course provides an applied introduction to the physics, chemistry, and numerical methods underlying simulations of the spatial and temporal evolution of mass, energy, and momentum in planetary atmospheres. Topics include: finite-differencing the equations of atmospheric dynamics, radiative transfer models, numerical methods for solving systems of chemical ordinary differential equations, parameterization of small-scale processes, surface exchanges, inverse modeling, and model evaluation techniques. Assignments focus on the implementation and application of simple models by students. Students will also gain experience using state-of-the-science models of atmospheric chemistry and/or climate in a final project of their choosing.
EESC 234-02
Lee Murray
F 11:50AM - 1:05PM
Global atmospheric models are critical research and policy tools used to understand and predict the weather, climate change, and air pollution. This course provides an applied introduction to the physics, chemistry, and numerical methods underlying simulations of the spatial and temporal evolution of mass, energy, and momentum in planetary atmospheres. Topics include: finite-differencing the equations of atmospheric dynamics, radiative transfer models, numerical methods for solving systems of chemical ordinary differential equations, parameterization of small-scale processes, surface exchanges, inverse modeling, and model evaluation techniques. Assignments focus on the implementation and application of simple models by students. Students will also gain experience using state-of-the-science models of atmospheric chemistry and/or climate in a final project of their choosing.
EESC 235-01
Thomas Weber
TR 11:05AM - 12:20PM
The physical circulation of the ocean controls the uptake and redistribution of heat and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, so is a critical regulator of global climate. This course will provide a comprehensive and quantitative treatment of the physics that underlie ocean circulation. The dynamical equations that govern circulation will be introduced early in the course, then applied and simplified to understand the force balances that explain the major circulation regimes of the ocean: surface wind-driven circulation, gyres and western boundary currents, and the deep thermohaline circulation. The course will then explore how these circulation regimes also shape the biology of the ocean, and interact with atmospheric circulation and the global climate system. The course will involve solving and manipulating differential equations, and a background understanding of these methods is required. However, no previous oceanography experience will be assumed.
EESC 251-1
Jonathon Little
MW 4:50PM - 6:05PM
This course combines lectures and hands-on weekly labs, to introduce students to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tools and concepts. Using both commercial (ArcGIS) and open source software (QGIS, OpenLayers), we will cover: GIS data structures, map projections, collecting and creating GIS data, map making, exploring spatial patterns and data visualization. Topics will be framed using examples across disciplines (e.g. physical sciences, humanities and social sciences). At the end of the semester, students will complete a final project, in which they can apply their learning to their own major area of study. Despite the technical nature of this course, no prerequisites are required and material is appropriate for all students. Student learning will be assessed throughout the semester via class participation, a mid-term exam and the final project.
EESC 255-01
Kevin Righter
TR 9:40AM - 10:55AM
EESC 255/455 will focus on geologic and geophysical studies of planets (interiors and surfaces), and the conditions that led to the origin of life. We will start with initial conditions, defined here as the formation of the Earth and the Moon-forming event, and trace the development of the planet from cooling of the magma ocean onwards. We next consider how our planetary neighbors (Venus and Mars) evolved, as well as key satellites in the solar system that may harbor life, or provide insight into early conditions on Earth. We will finish by considering exoplanets and extrasolar planetary systems and their potential for harboring life.
EESC 255W-01
Kevin Righter
TR 9:40AM - 10:55AM
No description
EESC 266-01
Vas Petrenko
TR 9:40AM - 10:55AM
This course is intended for advanced undergraduates and will provide an introduction to the exciting field of ice core research. We will cover the basics of ice core science in the first few sessions, and then continue with more in-depth sessions on some of the most important and interesting questions in the ice core field. A large component of the course will be reading, presentation and discussion of the research literature. Students will be expected to write either an individual or a group review paper on an ice-core related question of their choice.
EESC 266W-01
Vas Petrenko
TR 9:40AM - 10:55AM
No description
EESC 307-01
Vas Petrenko
TR 3:25PM - 4:40PM
This seminar will focus on the IPCC 2013 Working Group I report (Physical Science Basis). The IPCC stands for Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and is the main international organization for assessing the current state of scientific knowledge for global climate change. The IPCC reports are a result of contributions from thousands of scientists from all over the world, and are a comprehensive summary of the current state of climate change research. The course will be conducted in a reading-and-discussion format. Students will be expected to lead some of the discussions as well as actively participate in all of the discussions
EESC 312W-01
John Kessler
MW 12:30PM - 1:45PM
This course will follow the scientific process conducting oceanographic research in the laboratory and at sea. This course begins during the spring semester and extends into summer with a research expedition at sea lasting approximately 2 weeks. During the spring, this course will meet for 4 credit hours. Students work together and with the instructor to develop scientific hypotheses related to modern oceanographic biogeochemical research as well as experimental plans to test their hypotheses. The students then formulate formal written and oral research proposals of their planned research, and they review their classmates' proposals. Finally, the students practice and begin their experiments. During the summer, students will enact their scientific plan at sea collecting samples and making measurements with the instructor, other scientists, and graduate students on an oceanographic research expedition. All students should contact the instructor to express interest prior to enrolling. Note: students are allowed to take this course without participating in the summer oceanographic research expedition but should communicate that intention to the instructor at the time of registration.
EESC 390-1
Karen Berger
7:00PM - 7:00PM
EESC 119/219 supervised college teaching
EESC 390-2
Chiara Borrelli
7:00PM - 7:00PM
EESC 390 section for EESC 310
EESC 390-3
Chiara Borrelli
7:00PM - 7:00PM
EESC 390 section for EESC 310
EESC 390-4
Rory Cottrell
7:00PM - 7:00PM
EESC Supervised College Teaching
EESC 390-5
Karen Berger
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Supervised Teaching for EESC 103
EESC 390-6
Jonathon Little
7:00PM - 7:00PM
EESC 390 for EESC 251
EESC 390A-1
Karen Berger
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Supervised Teaching for EESC 103
EESC 390A-2
Rory Cottrell
7:00PM - 7:00PM
EESC 201 supervised college teaching (2cr.)
EESC 391-01
Karen Berger
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Students must have permission. Interested students should meet with their advisor regarding course content.
EESC 393W-1
Lee Murray
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Senior Thesis
EESC 393W-10
Chiara Borrelli
7:00PM - 7:00PM
See EES 393 and EES Departmental Writing Plan. This section fulfills the upper level writing requirement. Students should seek out the faculty member he/she wishes to do a senior thesis with. Students should pick up independent course forms from Lattimore 312. Course is suited to each students abilities. Questions should be directed to your major advisor.
EESC 393W-11
Miki Nakajima
7:00PM - 7:00PM
See EES 393 and EES Departmental Writing Plan. This section fulfills the upper level writing requirement. Students should seek out the faculty member he/she wishes to do a senior thesis with. Students should pick up independent course forms from Lattimore 312. Course is suited to each students abilities. Questions should be directed to your major advisor.
EESC 393W-12
Tolulope Olugboji
7:00PM - 7:00PM
See EES 393 and EES Departmental Writing Plan. This section fulfills the upper level writing requirement. Students should seek out the faculty member he/she wishes to do a senior thesis with. Students should pick up independent course forms from Lattimore 312. Course is suited to each students abilities. Questions should be directed to your major advisor.
EESC 393W-2
John Tarduno
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Senior Thesis
EESC 393W-3
Vas Petrenko
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Senior Thesis
EESC 393W-4
Dustin Trail
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Senior Thesis
EESC 393W-5
John Kessler
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Senior Thesis
EESC 393W-6
Thomas Weber
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Senior Thesis
EESC 393W-7
Karen Berger
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Senior Thesis
EESC 393W-8
Rachel Glade
7:00PM - 7:00PM
See EES 393 and EES Departmental Writing Plan. This section fulfills the upper level writing requirement. Students should seek out the faculty member he/she wishes to do a senior thesis with. Students should pick up independent course forms from Lattimore 312. Course is suited to each students abilities. Questions should be directed to your major advisor.
EESC 393W-9
Erin Black
7:00PM - 7:00PM
See EES 393 and EES Departmental Writing Plan. This section fulfills the upper level writing requirement. Students should seek out the faculty member he/she wishes to do a senior thesis with. Students should pick up independent course forms from Lattimore 312. Course is suited to each students abilities. Questions should be directed to your major advisor.
EESC 395-01
7:00PM - 7:00PM
No description
Spring 2025
Number | Title | Instructor | Time |
Monday | |
EESC 201-3
Rory Cottrell
Historical geology encompasses the (1) dynamic history of the physical earth: the development of land forms, rise and fall of ancient seas, movements of continents, etc., and (2) the evolution of historical geology such as paleontology, sedimentology, stratigraphy, geochronology, and plate tectonics, and a chronological survey of earth and life history, emphasizing the evolution of North America. |
EESC 201W-3
Rory Cottrell
See EESC 201 and EES Departmental Writing Plan. This section fulfills the upper level writing requirementThis course is no longer offered as a writing requirment section. |
Monday and Wednesday | |
EESC 204-01
Dustin Trail
Pre-Reqs: EESC 101 or permission of instructor
EESC 204W-01
Dustin Trail
Pre-Reqs: EESC 101 or permission of instructor
EESC 312W-01
John Kessler
This course will follow the scientific process conducting oceanographic research in the laboratory and at sea. This course begins during the spring semester and extends into summer with a research expedition at sea lasting approximately 2 weeks. During the spring, this course will meet for 4 credit hours. Students work together and with the instructor to develop scientific hypotheses related to modern oceanographic biogeochemical research as well as experimental plans to test their hypotheses. The students then formulate formal written and oral research proposals of their planned research, and they review their classmates' proposals. Finally, the students practice and begin their experiments. During the summer, students will enact their scientific plan at sea collecting samples and making measurements with the instructor, other scientists, and graduate students on an oceanographic research expedition. All students should contact the instructor to express interest prior to enrolling. Note: students are allowed to take this course without participating in the summer oceanographic research expedition but should communicate that intention to the instructor at the time of registration. |
EESC 251-1
Jonathon Little
This course combines lectures and hands-on weekly labs, to introduce students to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tools and concepts. Using both commercial (ArcGIS) and open source software (QGIS, OpenLayers), we will cover: GIS data structures, map projections, collecting and creating GIS data, map making, exploring spatial patterns and data visualization. Topics will be framed using examples across disciplines (e.g. physical sciences, humanities and social sciences). At the end of the semester, students will complete a final project, in which they can apply their learning to their own major area of study. Despite the technical nature of this course, no prerequisites are required and material is appropriate for all students. Student learning will be assessed throughout the semester via class participation, a mid-term exam and the final project. |
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday | |
EESC 111-01
Tolulope Olugboji
We live on a dynamic planet where the seemingly tranquil landscape is often disrupted by catastrophic events. This course explores how geological hazards, such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, are violent manifestations of plate tectonics. It begins with the mechanisms behind these disasters, then examines meteorological and cosmological hazards from solar energy release, including storms and floods. The final section focuses on mitigation programs and relevant case studies. NOTE: Juniors and Seniors in the natural sciences and engineering are required to enroll in EES 211. Students cannot take both EES 111 and EES 211. |
EESC 201-1
Rory Cottrell
Historical geology encompasses the (1) dynamic history of the physical earth: the development of land forms, rise and fall of ancient seas, movements of continents, etc., and (2) the evolution of historical geology such as paleontology, sedimentology, stratigraphy, geochronology, and plate tectonics, and a chronological survey of earth and life history, emphasizing the evolution of North America. |
EESC 201W-01
Rory Cottrell
See EES 201 and EES Departmental Writing Plan. This section fulfills the upper level writing requirementThis course is no longer offered as a writing requirment section. |
EESC 211-01
Tolulope Olugboji
We live on a dynamic planet. The seemingly tranquil, unchanging landscape of the Earth's surface is often interrupted by abrupt, catastrophic events. Earthquakes, landslides, and tsunamis lay waste to buildings, towns and sometimes entire cities. Dormant volcanoes come to life in explosions of lava and large volumes of aerosols and greenhouse gases, with implications for global climate change. In this course, we learn how these geological hazards are a violent manifestation of plate tectonics, the movement of the relatively rigid plates forming Earth's outer shell. The first third of the class focuses on the causative mechanisms of earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, volcanic-eruption induced climate change. The second third outlines the consequent hazards and forecasting efforts, and feedbacks between these processes. The final third of the course examines mitigation programs, with numerous case studies |
EESC 211W-01
Tolulope Olugboji
We live on a dynamic planet. The seemingly tranquil, unchanging landscape of the Earth's surface is often interrupted by abrupt, catastrophic events. Earthquakes, landslides, and tsunamis lay waste to buildings, towns and sometimes entire cities. Dormant volcanoes come to life in explosions of lava and large volumes of aerosols and greenhouse gases, with implications for global climate change. In this course, we learn how these geological hazards are a violent manifestation of plate tectonics, the movement of the relatively rigid plates forming Earth's outer shell. The first third of the class focuses on the causative mechanisms of earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, volcanic-eruption induced climate change. The second third outlines the consequent hazards and forecasting efforts, and feedbacks between these processes. The final third of the course examines mitigation programs, with numerous case studies |
EESC 103-1
Karen Berger
A comprehensive overview of fundamental scientific concepts in environmental science and the interactions between humans and their environment. Modules address ecological and human systems; air and water; energy and climate; and food and waste. The goals are to provide students with critical thinking skills and a level of scientific literacy for further study of environmental issues and to create informed and engaged citizens and consumers. Students are required to register for a weekly recitation. |
Tuesday | |
EESC 201-4
Rory Cottrell
Historical geology encompasses the (1) dynamic history of the physical earth: the development of land forms, rise and fall of ancient seas, movements of continents, etc., and (2) the evolution of historical geology such as paleontology, sedimentology, stratigraphy, geochronology, and plate tectonics, and a chronological survey of earth and life history, emphasizing the evolution of North America. |
EESC 201W-4
Rory Cottrell
See EESC 201 and EES Departmental Writing Plan. This section fulfills the upper level writing requirementThis course is no longer offered as a writing requirment section. |
Tuesday and Thursday | |
EESC 255-01
Kevin Righter
EESC 255/455 will focus on geologic and geophysical studies of planets (interiors and surfaces), and the conditions that led to the origin of life. We will start with initial conditions, defined here as the formation of the Earth and the Moon-forming event, and trace the development of the planet from cooling of the magma ocean onwards. We next consider how our planetary neighbors (Venus and Mars) evolved, as well as key satellites in the solar system that may harbor life, or provide insight into early conditions on Earth. We will finish by considering exoplanets and extrasolar planetary systems and their potential for harboring life. |
EESC 255W-01
Kevin Righter
No description |
EESC 266-01
Vas Petrenko
This course is intended for advanced undergraduates and will provide an introduction to the exciting field of ice core research. We will cover the basics of ice core science in the first few sessions, and then continue with more in-depth sessions on some of the most important and interesting questions in the ice core field. A large component of the course will be reading, presentation and discussion of the research literature. Students will be expected to write either an individual or a group review paper on an ice-core related question of their choice. |
EESC 266W-01
Vas Petrenko
No description |
EESC 207-1
Julia Masny
This course is designed to introduce the basic principles of paleontology- the study of fossil organisms in the geological record. Topics to be covered include: taphonomy and the processes of fossilization, principles of evolution as evidenced by the fossil record, taxonomy and the recognition and naming of fossil species, biostratigraphy as a means of dating a rock and/or learning about ancient environments, geochemistry of fossils as a means to understand ancient habitats and behaviors. This course will include an overview of important fossil groups with hands-on experience and a field trip. |
EESC 207W-1
Julia Masny
See EES 207 and EES department writing plan. This section fulfills the upper level writing requirement. |
EESC 235-01
Thomas Weber
The physical circulation of the ocean controls the uptake and redistribution of heat and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, so is a critical regulator of global climate. This course will provide a comprehensive and quantitative treatment of the physics that underlie ocean circulation. The dynamical equations that govern circulation will be introduced early in the course, then applied and simplified to understand the force balances that explain the major circulation regimes of the ocean: surface wind-driven circulation, gyres and western boundary currents, and the deep thermohaline circulation. The course will then explore how these circulation regimes also shape the biology of the ocean, and interact with atmospheric circulation and the global climate system. The course will involve solving and manipulating differential equations, and a background understanding of these methods is required. However, no previous oceanography experience will be assumed. |
EESC 129-01
Miki Nakajima
We are now in the new era in which we have equal opportunities to start our own agency to explore space. This course will provide the overview of past, current and future space missions, which will help us gain critical views to the current developments in this area. The materials we will cover include (not limited to) history of space missions, their scientific and engineering outcomes, budget and funding opportunities and plans for future missions, satellite image analysis with GIS to determine landing locations, orbital dynamics calculations for a spacecraft. The final project will be designing your own space mission that includes expected outcomes and estimated budget. NOTE: Juniors and Seniors in the natural sciences and engineering are required to enroll in EES 229. Students cannot take both EES 129 and EES 229. |
EESC 223-01
Sarah Williams
Earth’s surface is constantly changing as water, wind and gravity sculpt landscapes. In this course, we will cover the physics of sediment transport and landscape change with respect to rivers, hillslopes, glaciers, sand dunes and more. Students are expected to have a working knowledge of calculus, including derivatives and integrals. |
EESC 229-01
Miki Nakajima
We are now in the new era in which we have equal opportunities to start our own agency to explore space. This course will provide the overview of past, current and future space missions, which will help us gain critical views to the current developments in this area. The materials we will cover include (not limited to) history of space missions, their scientific and engineering outcomes, budget and funding opportunities and plans for future missions, satellite image analysis with GIS to determine landing locations, orbital dynamics calculations for a spacecraft. The final project will be designing your own space mission that includes expected outcomes and estimated budget. NOTE: Juniors and Seniors in the natural sciences and engineering are required to enroll in EES 229. Students cannot take both EES 129 and EES 229 |
EESC 234-01
Lee Murray
Global atmospheric models are critical research and policy tools used to understand and predict the weather, climate change, and air pollution. This course provides an applied introduction to the physics, chemistry, and numerical methods underlying simulations of the spatial and temporal evolution of mass, energy, and momentum in planetary atmospheres. Topics include: finite-differencing the equations of atmospheric dynamics, radiative transfer models, numerical methods for solving systems of chemical ordinary differential equations, parameterization of small-scale processes, surface exchanges, inverse modeling, and model evaluation techniques. Assignments focus on the implementation and application of simple models by students. Students will also gain experience using state-of-the-science models of atmospheric chemistry and/or climate in a final project of their choosing. |
EESC 100-01
Chiara Borrelli
This class is in basic oceanography. Oceanography is the study of marine systems from a physical, chemical, geological, and biological point of view. In this class, we will explore the formation and structure of the oceanic basins, the geochemistry of seawater and sediments, the ocean circulation patterns, and the composition and distribution of biological populations as a function of different physical and chemical variables. At the end of the semester, we will discuss some special topics, such as global warming and ocean acidification, overfishing, and coastal pollution. Clusters:N1 INT 003N1 INT 015N1 EES 007N1 EES 004 |
EESC 307-01
Vas Petrenko
This seminar will focus on the IPCC 2013 Working Group I report (Physical Science Basis). The IPCC stands for Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and is the main international organization for assessing the current state of scientific knowledge for global climate change. The IPCC reports are a result of contributions from thousands of scientists from all over the world, and are a comprehensive summary of the current state of climate change research. The course will be conducted in a reading-and-discussion format. Students will be expected to lead some of the discussions as well as actively participate in all of the discussions |
Wednesday | |
EESC 223-02
Sarah Williams
Earth’s surface is constantly changing as water, wind and gravity sculpt landscapes. In this course, we will cover the physics of sediment transport and landscape change with respect to rivers, hillslopes, glaciers, sand dunes and more. Students are expected to have a working knowledge of calculus, including derivatives and integrals. |
EESC 103-07
Karen Berger
A comprehensive overview of fundamental scientific concepts in environmental science and the interactions between humans and their environment. Modules address ecological and human systems; air and water; energy and climate; and food and waste. The goals are to provide students with critical thinking skills and a level of scientific literacy for further study of environmental issues and to create informed and engaged citizens and consumers. |
EESC 103-3
Karen Berger
A comprehensive overview of fundamental scientific concepts in environmental science and the interactions between humans and their environment. Modules address ecological and human systems; air and water; energy and climate; and food and waste. The goals are to provide students with critical thinking skills and a level of scientific literacy for further study of environmental issues and to create informed and engaged citizens and consumers. |
EESC 204-02
Dustin Trail
Pre-Reqs: EESC 101 or permission of instructor
EESC 204W-02
Dustin Trail
Pre-Reqs: EESC 101 or permission of instructor
Thursday | |
EESC 103-5
Karen Berger
A comprehensive overview of fundamental scientific concepts in environmental science and the interactions between humans and their environment. Modules address ecological and human systems; air and water; energy and climate; and food and waste. The goals are to provide students with critical thinking skills and a level of scientific literacy for further study of environmental issues and to create informed and engaged citizens and consumers. |
EESC 103-08
Karen Berger
A comprehensive overview of fundamental scientific concepts in environmental science and the interactions between humans and their environment. Modules address ecological and human systems; air and water; energy and climate; and food and waste. The goals are to provide students with critical thinking skills and a level of scientific literacy for further study of environmental issues and to create informed and engaged citizens and consumers. |
EESC 103-2
Karen Berger
A comprehensive overview of fundamental scientific concepts in environmental science and the interactions between humans and their environment. Modules address ecological and human systems; air and water; energy and climate; and food and waste. The goals are to provide students with critical thinking skills and a level of scientific literacy for further study of environmental issues and to create informed and engaged citizens and consumers. |
EESC 201-2
Rory Cottrell
Historical geology encompasses the (1) dynamic history of the physical earth: the development of land forms, rise and fall of ancient seas, movements of continents, etc., and (2) the evolution of historical geology such as paleontology, sedimentology, stratigraphy, geochronology, and plate tectonics, and a chronological survey of earth and life history, emphasizing the evolution of North America. |
EESC 201W-2
Rory Cottrell
See EESC 201 and EES Departmental Writing Plan. This section fulfills the upper level writing requirementThis course is no longer offered as a writing requirment section. |
EESC 103-6
Karen Berger
A comprehensive overview of fundamental scientific concepts in environmental science and the interactions between humans and their environment. Modules address ecological and human systems; air and water; energy and climate; and food and waste. The goals are to provide students with critical thinking skills and a level of scientific literacy for further study of environmental issues and to create informed and engaged citizens and consumers. |
Friday | |
EESC 103-4
Karen Berger
A comprehensive overview of fundamental scientific concepts in environmental science and the interactions between humans and their environment. Modules address ecological and human systems; air and water; energy and climate; and food and waste. The goals are to provide students with critical thinking skills and a level of scientific literacy for further study of environmental issues and to create informed and engaged citizens and consumers. |
EESC 234-02
Lee Murray
Global atmospheric models are critical research and policy tools used to understand and predict the weather, climate change, and air pollution. This course provides an applied introduction to the physics, chemistry, and numerical methods underlying simulations of the spatial and temporal evolution of mass, energy, and momentum in planetary atmospheres. Topics include: finite-differencing the equations of atmospheric dynamics, radiative transfer models, numerical methods for solving systems of chemical ordinary differential equations, parameterization of small-scale processes, surface exchanges, inverse modeling, and model evaluation techniques. Assignments focus on the implementation and application of simple models by students. Students will also gain experience using state-of-the-science models of atmospheric chemistry and/or climate in a final project of their choosing. |