For more news about the Digital Media Studies Program, visit the University's Newscenter.

Latest NewsOctober 2, 2023
Obama-sponsored scholarship sets Rochester juniors on path to public service
Mara Criollo-Rivera and Kristel Kezia Layugan plan careers helping underrepresented groups in media and health care. Rochester has had three recipients in the Voyager Scholarship’s first two years.

May 17, 2023
Digital Media Studies and the Memorial Art Gallery team up in digital equity project
With a Museum Initiative grant, a joint project of Verizon and NYC Media Lab, the Memorial Art Gallery and recent digital media studies graduates team up to expand the museum's digital reach.

May 18, 2021
Seniors in digital media studies present capstone projects
Undergraduate students showcase how digital media can help address real-world problems.

November 11, 2020
Capturing an audience with K-pop and classical music
Classically trained Rochester graduate Emma Chang ’20 has become a YouTube sensation by sharing her musical expertise and interest with fans of the worldwide pop music genre.