Department News
David Vargas and Mevan Dissanayake receive ACS YCC Leadership Development Award
Congratulations to David Vargas (Fasan Group) and Mevan Dissanayake (Matson Group) on receiving ACS YCC Leadership Development Awards. With this award, the Younger Chemists Committee (YCC) of the American Chemical Society (ACS) recognizes emerging leaders in the profession, helping them prepare for leadership opportunities. Participation costs associated with attending the Young Chemist Leadership Development Workshop are covered by the award.
"We recognize your past contributions and your leadership qualities. The committee also believes that you have tremendous potential to be a successful leader within your profession and within ACS."
~ Dr. Kristin Nuzzio, Chair, ACS Younger Chemists Committee

David Vargas, a 4th year graduate student in Rudi Fasan's lab, is currently working on the development of new biocatalytic methodologies for the synthesis and functionalization of heterocyclic molecules. He hopes to advance his leadership skills through this award, learning effective and practical skills to lead the next generation of scientists.

Mevan Dissanayake, Post Doc, joined the Matson lab in June 2019. He has worked on a series of projects including the development of iron catalysts for nitrite reduction, and (more recently) POV clusters for redox flow battery applications. He recently left the group to pursue a job at Intel, where we wish him all the best.
The Leadership Development Workshop at the ACS Leadership Development Institute is designed to help young chemists develop into highly skilled leaders in the Society and in their chosen profession. Participants will explore the behaviors and characteristics exhibited by effective leaders at any level. Participants will also work alongside other ACS local, regional, and national leaders who are looking to strengthen their own leadership, management, and communication skills. This is an excellent opportunity to network and build the qualities that successful leaders possess.
We look forward to hearing more good things on Mevan and David!
Related Links...
- ACS YCC Leadership Development Award
- ACS Leadership Development system
- ACS Leadership Development Institute
- Matson Group
- Fasan Group