Department News

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Awarded to Hayden Carder & Chemistry Alumni Receives Honorable Mention

April 27, 2018

Hayden CarderHayden Carder, who graduates this year with a B.S. in Chemistry, has been selected as an awardee for the NSF Graduate Fellowship Award.

Hayden worked in Prof. Ben Miller's lab and completed his senior thesis, “The Detection of Biomarkers in Cell Lysate using Arrayed Imaging Reflectometry and Molecular Recognition of RNA using 2,5-Diketopiperazines”, during his junior year.   During his time with the University of Rochester, he has been a workshop leader for organic chemistry, President of the Undergraduate Chemistry Council and also served as a Peer Advisor for the Chemistry Department.  This coming fall, he will begin pursuing his Ph.D. in Chemistry at MIT.  

Hayden was one of 2,000 new awardees selected from more than 12,000 applicants following a national competition that included all 50 U.S. states, as well as the District of Columbia and U.S. territories.   Honorable mention recognition went to 1,459 individuals. The National Science Foundation's (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) recruits high-potential, early-career scientists and engineers and supports their graduate research training in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields. Launched in 1952 shortly after Congress established NSF, GRFP represents the nation's oldest continuous investment in the U.S. STEM workforce. 

One of our alumni, Christopher Melnychuk (Chemistry u-grad 2016,  now at University of Chicago), also received an Honorable Mention


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