Department News
Robert Boeckman Honored as 50-Year Member at ACS Awards and Recognition Dinner
The local Rochester section of the American Chemical Society honored 50, 60 and 70 year members at their awards and recognition dinner on Wednesday, October 11th. Prof. Bob Boeckman and his wife, Dr. Mary Delton, were honored as 50-year members of the ACS. Shown below are each honoree with Dr. Allison Campbell, current president of the ACS and research scientist from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. A big crowd of Rochester chemists came together to celebrate.
Congratulations Bob and Mary!

Shown above from left to right are Silas Owusu-Nikwantabisah (Kodak), Rochester ACS Section President, Amber Charlebois (SUNY Geneseo), David McCamant (Univ. of Rochester) and Andrea Bills (St. John Fisher).