About Vartika

Element(s): Zirconium
Physico-chemical constant(s): Avogadro, reduced Planck
Extracurricular activities: Cooking, baking, painting, puzzles
Food/drink: Kiwis/cold coffee
Vartika Jaiswal
Graduate Student (G1)
M.S. in Chemistry, IISER Pune, 2024
B.S. in Chemistry, University of Calcutta, 2022
Email: vjaiswal@ur.rochester.edu
Hello, I am Vartika. I was born in Kolkata, India. I developed an interest in chemistry immediately after the first time I saw a demonstration in my high school chemistry lab. In 2022, I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from the University of Calcutta. I then moved to Pune to pursue my master’s degree. I worked under the guidance of Prof. Sujit K. Ghosh for my master’s project. I graduated with my master’s degree in 2024 from IISER Pune. After that, I decided to pursue my PhD at the University of Rochester. In my free time, I like to paint and bake. I also love reading mystery novels.