Principal Investigator

Rudi Fasan
Andrew S. Kende Chair in
Synthetic Organic Chemistry
Professor of Chemistry
Department of Chemistry
418 Hutchison Hall
RC Box 270216
University of Rochester
Rochester, NY 14627-0216
Phone: 585-273-3504
Professor of Oncology (courtesy appointment)
Wilmot Cancer Center
University of Rochester Medical Center
Director, T32 Chemistry-Biology Interface (CBI) Training Program
Director, Chemistry Research for Medicine and Energy REU Program
Rudi Fasan was born in Italy and studied Pharmaceutical Chemistry at the University of Padua, where he received his undergraduate degree (B.S.) with the highest honors in 1999. After serving mandatory military service in Italy and Romania (2000-2001), he joined the group of Prof. John Robinson at the University of Zurich (Switzerland) as a graduate student, working on the design and synthesis of beta-hairpin protein epitope mimetics. In 2005, he joined Prof. Frances Arnold's group at the California Institute of Technology as a Swiss National Science Foundation postdoctoral fellow, working on the directed evolution of P450 enzymes for alkane oxidation. Rudi began his independent career as a member of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Rochester in 2008 and was promoted to the rank of Full Professor in 2018. In 2019, he became the inaugural recipient of the Andrew S. Kende endowed Chair in Synthetic Organic Chemistry. He is the Director of the NIH-funded T32 program in Chemistry-Biology Interface (CBI) and of the NSF-funded Chemistry Research for Medicine and Energy Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program at the University of Rochester. His awards include a Swiss National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship (2005-2007), the 2007 Friedrich-Weygand Outstanding Graduate Research Award, Provost Multidisciplinary Research Award (2011), University Research Award (2016), the 2014 Tetrahedron Young Investigator Award in Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2020 Goergen Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, and the 2020 International Award for Creative Work from the Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry.