Behind the Test Tube: Q&A

Michael Piacquadio—Graduate Student, Frontier Group

A poster featuring the person's image and the answer to two profile questions.

Where is home/Where did you grow up?

Long Island, NY, ≈40 minute train ride from NYC

Proudest accomplishment while at the University of Rochester?

I’ve recently found great interest in birds, and I spotted a beautiful Pileated Woodpecker right next to Hutchison Hall!

What do you like to do when not in the department?

I’ve been playing the trombone for well over a decade, and I enjoy performing with the Eastman Trombone Choir as well as orchestras in upstate NY.

A Rochester must?

See the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra in concert! Students can get $5 tickets at the door right before each show.

Feast/meal of the times? Details, please!

I have an awesome tiramisu-inspired recipe that everybody loves.

The goal of this initiative is to highlight the diversity of backgrounds and perspectives in the Department of Chemistry and help our community develop stronger connections and synergies. You can think of these spotlights as the beginning of a conversation that we very much hope you will continue in the corridors of Hutch and beyond.

If you wish to contribute to this initiative, please complete our questionnaire.